Sentences with phrase «gene activity without»

The term has evolved to include any process that alters gene activity without changing the DNA sequence, and leads to modifications that can be transmitted to daughter cells.
Members of the TET family of enzymes help rewrite the epigenome, the regulatory layer of chemical modifications that sits atop the genome and helps determine gene activity without changing the letters of DNA.
A new study suggests that epigenetic effects — chemical modifications of the human genome that alter gene activity without changing the DNA sequence — may sometimes influence sexual orientation.
Such tags alter gene activity without changing the information in genes.

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What all these have in common is that, without any central control, individual units (genes, cells neurons or workers) respond to simple, local information, in ways that allow the whole system (cells, brains, organisms or colonies) to function: the appropriate number of units performs each activity at the appropriate time.
These changes, known as epigenetic modifications, control the activity of our genes without changing the actual DNA sequence.
Chemical modifications to DNA that change the activity of genes without changing the genes» information differ between homosexual and heterosexual men, researchers from UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine have discovered.
Judith Zelikoff of NYU Langone Medical Center studied pre - and post-natal exposure to mice of commercially available e-cigarette vapors and aerosols with and without nicotine, finding changes to frontal cortex gene expression associated with mental health and activity issues, some of which are associated with schizophrenia, she said.
The investigators confirmed the activity of genes at the newly identified loci by probing discarded corneal tissue from deceased individuals with and without Fuchs.
In June, he and his colleague Thaddeus Stappenbeck argued in Nature that all mouse studies should use littermate controls: When studying the activity of a particular gene, breed mice with and without that gene by starting with heterozygous parents.
MLL2 can add the H3K4me3 mark without any nearby gene activity while another process, that doesn't use MLL2, places the same mark around active genes.
Carrying two copies of a single - letter change in the DNA of chromosome 16 led to a 35 per cent increase in activity of the gene GSPT1 ¬ in men with testicular cancer, compared with those without.
They discovered that increasing the random activity, or noise, associated with HIV gene expression — without increasing the average level of gene expression — can reactivate latent HIV.
It explains how changes in gene activity can occur without changing our actual DNA.
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