Sentences with phrase «gene codes»

Different genes code for different proteins, but different proteins can also come from the same gene.
This significantly increases the number of proteins a single gene codes for, and is thought to explain much of the complexity in higher - order organisms.
Ive suspected that I have addiction genes coded somewhere in my brain.
Its only when a sizable number of problem gene code appears in a single individual puppy or kitten that the disease appears.
A systematic review of association studies investigating genes coding for serotonin receptors and the serotonin transport: II.
I've taken the example of three genes coding for Phase 1 detoxification.
By comparing proteomic and RNA - sequencing data from people on different exercise programs, the researchers found evidence that exercise encourages the cell to make more RNA copies of genes coding for mitochondrial proteins and proteins responsible for muscle growth.
In this webinar, out expert guests will discuss the current understanding of how and why gene coding sequences influence protein expression, and ways in which this understanding can help shape strategies to design genes for applications ranging from synthetic biology to protein crystallography.
Shatz got a hint when she looked up ailments associated with mutations in genes coding for the human version of MHCI.
Larison and her research team have also collected zebra tissue samples and have used cutting - edge technology to sequence zebra DNA to try to identify which genes code for striping.
By selectively adding or deleting stretches of DNA in the (artificially) fertilized cell, scientists could knock out genes for a disease like diabetes or insert genes coding for extra height or intelligence.
The LAT gene codes not for a protein but for a short stretch of RNA, Fraser and his colleagues report online this week in Nature.
Amino acid deficiency in Slc6a14 − / − tumours was evident from the increased expression of ASNS and CHOP (Figure 3B) and the deficiency of HIF1α was evident from the decreased expression of its target genes coding for the glucose transporter [GLUT1 (Slc2a1)-RSB-, lactate transporter MCT4 (monocarboxylate transpoter 4)(Slc16a3) and VEGF (Figures 3C and 3D).
Another activated gene codes for the phospholipase D enzyme, which removes ethanol from membranes.
In addition to specific disease research, CHF funds the gargantuan canine genome project to map the entire gene code of man's best friend.
But knowing this, researchers note, does not necessarily explain what those genes do, given that many genes code for multiple forms of a protein, each of which could have a different role in a variety of biological processes.
Many genes are likely to influence delay discounting; and some of Dr. Ahokhin's preliminary data suggest that these «impulsivity genes» may include genes coding for enzymes that synthesize the neurotransmitter serotonin and receptors where serotonin binds in the brain.
The MitoKor team mistook the nuclear DNA for mitochondrial genes coding for the cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, says Davis, because the two sequences differ by only 2 %.
By making a comparison of proteomic and RNA - sequencing data from individuals on the different exercise regimens, proof was found that exercise stimulates the cell to generate more gene coding RNA copies for proteins of the mitochondria and proteins in charge of the growth of muscle.
The COMT gene codes for an enzyme that breaks down dopamine in the prefrontal cortex.
Mitochondria contain genes coding for proteins important in energy production.
«For example, viral genes code for their own proteins that process their DNA,» said Gundlach.
The MDR1 gene codes for a protein that helps to extract drugs from cells.
Since the ERRγ gene codes for a protein that can travel into the cell nucleus and directly control the expression of other genes, the team also probed which genes were mediated by ERRγ in brown fat cells.
Then, 15 years ago, Shatz stumbled across genes coding for MHCI in fetal cat brains.
In one of his team's first experiments, a light - sensing gene coded to «turn on» the right side of the motor cortex was put into mice.
The normal gene codes for a receptor for ethylene, a gaseous plant hormone that ripens fruit.
The Werner gene codes for a helicase, an enzyme that unwinds DNA strands and is believed to play a role in DNA repair, replication, and transcription.
They have obtained mutants with a higher production level and are working on improving these strains by using gene coding for specific hydrocarbons out of blue green bacteria and algae.
Transcription - factor genes code for proteins that regulate the activity of other genes and so affect an animal's ability to respond to its environment.
Xi's work also shows that even the genes that Rafflesia plants inherited from their own ancestors have appropriated the characteristics of the vines» genes; up to 30 percent of the corpse flowers» native genes code for proteins (the process that helps to determine physical traits) in a way that's more like the vines» than like its fellow Malpighiales».
The unique Hox gene coding that we observed in this study is likely to have evolved in a transitional organism, in which fins began to develop a more limblike structure.
Most resistance genes, in wheat and other plants, code for protein receptors located inside cells; the Stb6 gene codes for a receptor protein on the cell's surface.
We found 20 genes that distinguished motor neurons that innervate digit muscles from the others, and there's a strange gene code involved in the cells» development.
Transforming genes coding for selectable functions, such as adenine phosphoribosyltransferase or thymidine kinase, have now been isolated by utilizing transformation in concert with molecular cloning.
It is perhaps thus likely that that these damaged genes coding for psychiatric diseases are overrepresented in women with fertility problems, and, if transferred to their offspring, this may at least partly explain the increased risk of psychiatric diseases.»
James Reid and his colleagues at the University of Tasmania in Hobart will report in the August issue of The Plant Cell that the tallness gene codes for an enzyme involved in the manufacture of the growth hormone gibberellin.
They first suspected this when they noted that the bug has repeated sequences that look like those in known integrons, and the sequences flank not only antibiotic resistance genes, but also genes coding for several other proteins, including some that are toxic.
One of the implicated genes codes for a protein that may be involved in translating into neural signals the tremors of hair cells in the inner ear.
The ITGA10 gene codes for an integrin subunit that assembles into a cartilage - specific collagen receptor, found in the growth plates of long bones.
The gas vesicle genes code for proteins that act like either bricks or cranes in building the final vesicle structure — some of the proteins are the building blocks of the vesicles while some help in actually assembling the structures.
«For example, the bacteria that cause cholera and diphtheria have been infected by viruses that provide genes coding for toxins, which converted these bacteria into significant human pathogens.»
The disabled gene codes for the protein PD - 1, which normally puts the brakes on a cell's immune response: cancers take advantage of that function to proliferate.
The T cell gene codes for a protein that HIV uses to get into and infect a cell.
The other gene codes for an opioid receptor, which, among other things, is involved in appetite, the team reports in the May issue of Molecular Psychiatry.
Previous work had shown that the DNA region in question, a promoter located on chromosome 17, switches on a nearby gene coding for a protein that shuttles serotonin back into nerve cells so they can reuse it as a neurotransmitter.
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