Sentences with phrase «gene flow among»

If gene flow among populations was rare or nonexistent, microsatellite allelic frequencies would be expected to diverge due to genetic drift (Bohonak 1999).
Conclusions / significance: Taken together, the microsatellite and both insecticide resistance target - site markers provide evidence that in the face of intense gene flow among populations, disjunction in resistance frequencies arise due to intense local selection pressures despite an absence of insecticidal control interventions targeting Culex.
They illustrate the important role of gene flow among populations and its potential consequences.
Not only was intra-specific gene flow among populations seen to be minimal at that time, but, somewhat incongruously, inter-specific hybridization, or the movement of genes among species, was seen to be a much larger force in evolution than intra-specific allele movement.
Our next step is to start exploring our dataset in the search of such patterns of selection, for new signatures of gene flow among chimpanzee subspecies.»
Yet there is evidence of high gene flow among vents.
Because of this, the team expected to find evidence of localized gene flow among individuals collected at specific geographic locations.
In the early stages of plant regeneration, plants benefit from the interaction with animals: bees pollinate flowers and maintain gene flow among plant populations, while birds disperse seeds that can establish as seedlings at new locations.

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Hammer is among the minority of geneticists who have espoused the idea of gene flow between archaic and modern populations.
As it turns out, despite the initial skepticism about the importance of gene flow, modern empirical and theoretical research using up - to - date molecular and DNA techniques have shown us not only how surprisingly far the flow of genes between distant plant populations can be, but also that the flow of alleles among populations is just as important, if not more so in some cases, as natural selection.
«This review paper tells the story of gene flow's rise to respect among plant evolutionary biologists,» he concludes, «a fact that hasn't yet penetrated biology in general that is still mired in selection / adaptation - only thinking.»
RND takes into account possible mutation rate differences among genomic regions by incorporating divergence to a third more distantly related species, and is expected to be inversely proportional to the amount of gene flow.
The Responsible Electronics Recycling Act, introduced by US Rep Gene Green (D - TX) and Mike Thompson (D - CA), would not only stem the flow of electronics to e-waste dumps, but could also boost green - collar jobs at home among recycling plants.
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