Sentences with phrase «gene flow for»

However, inferring dispersal capability from life history characteristics should be undertaken with caution, given that life history only partially explains the observed patterns of gene flow for other marine species [60], [61].
This interpretation is supported by very high estimates of gene flow for this locus using an isolation - with - migration model [25].
How important is gene flow for maintaining a species» identity and diversity, and what are the implications of these processes for evolution, conservation of endangered species, invasiveness, or unintentional gene flow from domesticated crops to wild relatives?

Not exact matches

We further understand that speciation will frequently not provide any clear morphological transition that would be evidenced in a fossil, i.e. in many instances, distinct species are only identifiable via phylogenetic analysis for the absence of gene flow.
Golden Rice is unlikely to impact organic agriculture through cross-pollination — also known as outcrossing or gene flowfor reasons that apply to all cultivated rice.
«It may be that gene flow was mostly unidirectional, from Neandertals into modern humans,» says Svante Pääbo, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Flooding provided the corridors needed for migration and gene flow.
Caribou populations are predicted to become more isolated and fragmented as climate change shrinks habitat and as caribou have fewer opportunities for genes to flow between individuals and herds, explained Hundertmark.
Previous studies have looked mainly at genes causing atherosclerosis and genes affecting the function of platelets and clotting processes as risk factors for ischemic stroke (clot obstructing blood flow to the brain).
The Grants had shown that gene flow has occurred in the finches of Daphne Major during the past 40 years, but the new study found extensive evidence for gene flow throughout the roughly 1 million years that the birds have occupied the archipelago, which has helped the researchers update their understanding of how the lineages diverged over time.
Some of the genes involved help regulate the flow of ions in and out of the cells, particularly nerve cells; others code for so - called heat shock proteins that are typically induced during stress.
There could be other explanations for these shared traits, but, he adds, early in human evolution, «It's possible there was gene flow between all three species.»
We call this process «speciation with gene flow,» and evolutionary biologists have long wondered if the genetic basis for this process is highly repeatable and if the genes involved are spread out across the whole genome or in a few discrete regions.»
He has worked in the biotech industry as a research scientist for over 11 years with a focus on emerging technologies including gene targeting in mice, molecular analysis of transgenes using GFP variants at the single cell level, and developing flow cytometry reagent kits to speed up assay development time for researchers.
While the authors found evidence for gene flow between sampled groups, the ancestral population of Aboriginal Australians started to become structured around 31» 000 years ago thus creating the genetic diversity observed today.
Deeply divergent archaic mitochondrial genome provides lower time boundary for African gene flow into Neandertals.
«This suggests that an increase in Sub-Saharan African gene flow into Egypt occurred within the last 1,500 years,» explains Stephan Schiffels, group leader at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena.
Co-author Christina Hvilsom, a researcher at Copenhagen Zoo, said, «We have learned from the comparable studies of modern humans and Neanderthals that gene flow occasionally has an impact on parts of the genomes that provide some advantages for the admixed individuals.
Our next step is to start exploring our dataset in the search of such patterns of selection, for new signatures of gene flow among chimpanzee subspecies.»
«There won't be as much gene flow between them and also, if a lot of areas they depend on for food are being wiped out, we will see primates foraging on crops and increasing human - primate conflict in some of these areas,» she says.
The samples were then analyzed with a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), used to amplify specific nuclear «microsatellites» for statistically measuring gene flow between the different populations and subpopulations located in the western South Atlantic (Breeding Stock A) and the eastern South Atlantic and Indian Ocean populations (Breeding Stocks B and C, and the Arabian Sea humpback whale population, respectively).
As part of the American Journal of Botany's Centennial Review series, Ellstrand reviews the history of gene flow, focusing on plants, and provides evidence for its importance as an evolutionary force.
And plants are very well suited for studies on gene flow because individuals are stationary yet pollen and seeds are mobile.
They used CRISPR / Cas -9 to delete various sections of the Notch1 gene, and found that deleting the section that codes for the intracellular domain had no effect on permeability, while deleting the section that codes for the tiny transmembrane domain (TMD) caused vessel leakage to increase under flow conditions.
So by analogy of that we would expect the female Neandertal to be the most likely price to be looking for signs of gene flow, and it does not seem to be there so far.
* For a description of additional methods used by Green et al. to detect gene flow between Neandertals and modern humans, see the News story by A. Gibbons.
Paleoanthropologists Jean - Jacques Hublin and Luke Premo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, tested this hypothesis by simulating how mating preferences alter gene flow between individuals in different groups.
They report their results in «Potential paths for male - mediated gene flow to and from an isolated grizzly bear population» in the journal Ecosphere.
We therefore tested for the presence or absence of gene flow across populations using admixture tests based on the D - statistic (30).
Assisted adaptation — often defined as management to assist gene flow or selection for specific genetic traits — may be a more useful tool than assisted migration whereby a species is deliberately moved to a different habitat; carefully consider implications of either action Identify potential climate refugia to focus restoration efforts Plant a mix of seeds genetically selected and adapted to likely future and current conditions (McLachlan et al. 2007; McKenney et al. 2009; Aitken and Whitlock 2013; Alfaro et al. 2014)
A transcriptome research of its organs revealed its gene signature is highly evolved and adapted for extreme longevity (slow metabolism, improved insulin gene signaling and glucose homeostasis, thus reduced blood glucose, improved cancer genes, improved endothelial function by eNOS (endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase) meaning improved vascular coronary blood flow, improved microvasculature arterial and heart endothelium function) but more importantly, to answer your question, some whales display low blood glucose hypoglycemia, this affects the quantity and period of proteins / DNA / cell exposure to glucose glycation, glycosylation and glycoxydation reactions.
We further refined this estimate using ∂ a ∂ i analyses to allow for gene flow (SI Appendix, Table S27) and found that the population time split occurred 169 kya.
When considering the split between the ancient population and the ancestors of modern domesticated horses, where we identified significant amounts of gene flow (below), this method underestimates the population split time, and therefore provides a lower boundary for the population split time estimate (SI Appendix, section 2.8.2).
Whole - genome sequencing of the blue whale and other rorquals finds signatures for introgressive gene flow
Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation.
First, previous estimates of gene flow between rabbit subspecies using an Isolation - with - Migration model [36], [37] and a similar sampling scheme to the one used here suggest moderate to high levels of gene exchange (2Nm ≈ 1.2 for the autosomes averaged in both directions)[26].
Figure S1 shows QRT - PCR data for expression of the TGF - beta superfamily member GDF3, a gene which is strongly downregulated across the various subpopulations, for four ES cell lines subjected to separation by flow cytometry.
Gene flow between commercial and native varieties is a natural process that has been occurring for many decades.»
Single cell Q - RTPCR for the genes indicated was carried out on cells separated by flow cytometry on the basis of cell surface marker expression.
For example, Akey said, one new question we might ask about interbreeding between modern humans and Neanderthals is whether there were any sexual biases in that gene flow.
CT values for cyclophilin were somewhat more variable in cells isolated by flow cytometry and frozen prior to analysis, compared to freshly isolated and unmanipulated cells, but the gradients in patterns of gene expression were similar for cells isolated by the two techniques (Figure 3a — d).
Caribou populations are predicted to become more isolated and fragmented as climate change shrinks their habitat and they have fewer opportunities for genes to flow between individuals and herds, explained Hundertmark.
Access the power of love flowing through your body and energy field to activate the potential in your genes for healing, and attracting a life of your heart's fulfillment.
Chances are the pet store informed you that what is usually call «longhaired» and sometimes «teddy bear» hamsters are a special type of Syrian hamster that possesses a gene for long, flowing fur.
In some cases, extensive gene flow or assisted migration from populations in warmer parts of the range may enhance the genetic potential for rapid evolutionary response of poleward populations (e.g., Kuparinen et al., 2010).
1) In meetings between Georgia Tech and IBM for us to possibly purchase a Blue Gene (hugely big fast computer), discussions around the kinds of codes that need this kind of computing power are climate models, bioinformatics (dna type simulations), and complex fluid flow simulations.
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