Sentences with phrase «gene in cancer cells»

The analysis revealed that several functions were associated with more or fewer genes in cancer cells than in healthy cells, but not because of changes in the expression of these genes.
Her laboratory seeks to describe and understand the molecular mechanisms governing the activity of the GLI2 gene in cancer cells.
But the cells also changed shape and other properties in the absence of the protein in ways that reduced the likelihood that they would travel away from the tumor — a sign that myoferlin not only changes genes in cancer cells, but also alters the cells» mechanical properties.
This question has been challenging to address experimentally because attempts to restore function to lost or mutated genes in cancer cells often trigger excess gene activity, causing other problems in normal cells.
DePinho added that further analyses are needed to verify additional synthetic essential genes in cancer cells that harbor specific genomic alterations as well as to identify potential regulatory interactions and cell - essential mechanisms.
Biologist Michael Wigler of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, who led the study, started out studying genes in cancer cells but soon realized he was seeing unexpected patterns in the healthy cells he examined for reference.
In the current study, the CUMC researchers compared the activity of thousands of genes in cancer cells with and without FGFR3 - TACC3.
«We saw hundreds of changes in genes in cancer cells that had not been identified before, and for each of these, HHMI research associate Alberto Bardelli had to perform comparisons with the normal tissues of the same patient, to see if the mutation was specific to the cancer,» he said.
My laboratory seeks to describe and understand the molecular mechanisms governing the activity of the GLI2 gene in cancer cells.
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