Sentences with phrase «gene names»

It identifies the stem rust resistance gene named Sr35, and appears alongside a study from an Australian group that identifies another effective resistance gene called Sr33.
Recognition of protein and gene names from text using an ensemble of classifiers and effective abbreviation resolution
Annotations in CharProtDB include gene name, symbol and various controlled vocabulary terms, including Gene Ontology terms, Enzyme Commission number and TransportDB accession.
In 1986 my research group at the Rockefeller University and another led by Jeffrey Hall of Brandeis University and Michael Rosbash of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Brandeis found that the three mutant flies had three different alterations in a single gene named period, or per, which each of our teams had independently isolated two years earlier.
Biotechnologist James Dale and colleagues at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, cloned a resistance gene named RGA2 from a type of wild banana that's impervious to TR4 and inserted it into the Cavendish, creating six lines with varying numbers of RGA2 copies.
The researchers found that the expression of a clock gene named frequency (frq) is controlled by a long non-coding RNA named qrf (frq backwards) − an RNA molecule that is complementary, or antisense, to frq.
To design your own enhancer screens, try the Universal Guide RNA designer to search for guide RNAs by gene name or by gene coordinate.
This was found to be linked to increased activity of a previously unstudied gene named betatrophin in liver and fat tissue.
This release of Ensembl Plants includes updated gene names for O. sativa, and 26 new and updated functional genomic databases (example for Arabidopsis).
Users can search canSAR using text queries, protein / gene name searches, any keyword searches, chemical structure searches and sequence similarity searches.
Karonudib stands for: Karolinska nudt1 (MTH1 gene name) inhibitor.
The order of sequence in which these bases are arranged determines the way the genes name each species.
This red fluorescent protein would be expressed only if another gene was also expressed, a gene named BRN3B (POU4F2).
In 2001, geneticists looking for the root of the problem tracked it down to a mutation in a gene they named FOXP2.
Raleigh's team found that a gene named FOXM1 was at the heart of aggressive meningioma growth, and a signpost of subsequently poor clinical outcomes, including death.
The findings provide the first evidence that a gene named VCP plays a role in the break - up and clearance of protein and RNA molecules that accumulate in temporary structures called RNA granules.
Links to gene names and curated GO terms are included within the Summary Paragraphs.
A list detailing the gene names that were changed is reported in Table S2.
A much less common cause of inherited melanoma is mutations in a gene named CDK4.
The Golden Goose award was developed in response to attacks on basic research by politicians who fail to appreciate the value of basic research, and it is not difficult to imagine that a research project begun back in the 1980's which sought to determine the role of a gene named «hedgehog» during embryonic development in fruit flies would have been greeted with derision by the usual suspects.
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