Sentences with phrase «gene sequencing machines»

The BGI project to find these genes has hit some snags recently (e.g. a US lawsuit between the two biggest suppliers of gene sequencing machines).
Illumina, the world's leading seller of gene sequencing machines, unveiled its HiSeq X (pronounced «High Seek 10») on Tuesday.
Scientists are now using high - tech gene sequencing machines in a desperate attempt to save the Tasmanian devil from an infectious cancer called devil facial tumor disease that is threatening to wipe out the species.
After the fly is defrosted in a sterile environment, the various parts are separated, crushed and then put into a gene sequencing machine.
Almost everything about Jansson's current surroundings is big and bold: the 600 acres of sycamore - studded PNNL campus rolling across eastern Washington, the endless blue sky she can see through her picture window, the fridge - size gene sequencing machine where her team deposits soil samples.

Not exact matches

At Darwin's lab, eight sequencing machines ran around the clock, decoding the DNA samples that had been collected from Ginger and the others, while Schellenberg and George Martin and their colleagues combed through the results for suspect genes.
Given a large enough sample of DNA, the sequencing machines could not only read the lettering of a gene but could also distinguish a healthy gene from one with a harmful mutation — a disease gene.
Pugh and Venters further validated their surprising findings by determining that these non-coding initiation machines recognized the same DNA sequences as the ones at coding genes, indicating that they have a specific origin and that their production is regulated, just like it is at coding genes.
By using faster sequencing machines and targeting only one highly variable part of the rRNA gene, he and his team can sequence 200,000 pieces of DNA from a single liter.
Then they used a gene - sequencing machine to decode each one.
In a cramped room at Johns Hopkins Medical Center, a machine the size of a refrigerator hums 24/7 to read gene sequences from samples.
The Swiss team's cool idea was to make a CRISPR / Cas machine that targets the huntingtin gene — but with an extra CRISPR sequence that also makes the Cas nuclease target its own DNA.
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