Sentences with phrase «gene variations most»

For this study, the team, which also included Bernard Crespi, an evolutionary biology professor at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, and East Carolina University evolution professor Kyle Summers, focused on 76 gene variations most strongly related to schizophrenia.

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«Some people are protected from the effects of sleep deprivation by this particular gene variation but, for most of us, sleep loss does something to the brain that simply prevents us from switching gears when circumstances change.»
The sudden switch confounded most of the sleep - deprived participants, but those who had a particular variation of the DRD2 gene handled the switch as well as they did when well - rested.
Genetic variations most strongly associated with high scores were found near the GATA2 gene — involved in the development of inner ear hair cells and the inferior colliculus.
That is, certain variations in the children's CHRM2 gene appear to interact with parental negligence to produce the most undesirable teenage behavior.
The most obvious genetic difference between long - lived and short - lived strains of mice is variation in the insulin / IGF gene.
Patterns of genetic variation along the genome also revealed a total of 121 genes selected by Scythian breeders, most of which are involved in the development of forelimbs.
Genes with mammoth - specific changes were most strongly linked to fat metabolism (including brown fat regulation), insulin signaling, skin and hair development (including genes associated with lighter hair color), temperature sensation and circadian clock biology — all of which would have been important for adapting to the extreme cold and dramatic seasonal variations in day length in the ArGenes with mammoth - specific changes were most strongly linked to fat metabolism (including brown fat regulation), insulin signaling, skin and hair development (including genes associated with lighter hair color), temperature sensation and circadian clock biology — all of which would have been important for adapting to the extreme cold and dramatic seasonal variations in day length in the Argenes associated with lighter hair color), temperature sensation and circadian clock biology — all of which would have been important for adapting to the extreme cold and dramatic seasonal variations in day length in the Arctic.
«Inherited gene variation linked to an increased risk of the most common childhood cancer.»
Researchers have discovered that protection from the most severe form of malaria is linked with natural variation in human red blood cell genes.
Mutations affecting adult haemoglobin production are among the most common of all genetic variations, with about 5 per cent of the world's population carrying a defective gene.
Additional examination of the two genes in anoxeria - prone families gave the researchers a handle on which DNA sequence variations conferred the most risk.
Although variations in the NPAS1 and NPAS3 genes have been linked to brain disorders including autism, they aren't obvious drug targets because their function is most important in early life.
While a handful of food - gene interactions have been studied before — lactose intolerance, for instance, is known to be caused by a variation in the lactase genemost are only now being charted.
The malarial genes under the most intense selection pressure — those with the most variation, generated over a millennium - long cat - and - mouse game with the immune system's antibody response — are the ones that encode the identifying proteins on the surface of the parasite.
However, the combined effects of many different genes cause most variation among individuals.
Four genes, all with synaptic function, have the most case - only variation: neuronal cadherin (CDH2), catenin alpha2 (CTNNA2), ataxin - 1 (ATXN1), and plasma glutamate carboxypeptidase (PGCP).
Because many traits and conditions are the result of combinations of genes and environment, we see a wide range of variation for most traits in the population.
Most of the DNA variations in AMD patients are found outside of the genes, and it is extremely hard to know whether these variants are actual mutations and what genes they affect.
In contrast to Mendelian disorders (e.g., Huntington's disease, sickle cell anemia) in which variation in a single gene causes disease, common complex disorders, such as heart disease, diabetes, and most cancers, develop as a result of both genetic and environmental factors.
High gene copy number variation (CNV) among membrane - bound transporters, a class of proteins previously implicated in drug resistance, was found for the most highly differentially expressed genes.
This paper provides the most comprehensive analysis so far of variation in specific EBV genes relevant to these diseases and proposed EBV vaccines.
Human genetic studies have identified novel DNA variations in the genome associated with AMD, but most of them are not located within gene protein - coding regions, making their study a challenge.
The scientists say they have isolated two genes, variations in which lead to the hyper - friendliness and tail - wagging sociability that most dogs exhibit.
The traditional color, produced when one or both genes have the dominant allele, is commonly referred to as black or black and rust (also called black and tan), while the most common variation, due to both genes having the recessive allele, produces what is called a red or red and rust Doberman in America and a «brown» Doberman in the rest of the world, which is primarily deep reddish - brown with rust markings.
Most breeds are fixed for either curly or not - curly, but in breeds where there is variation, dogs may now be tested to see if they carry zero, one or two copies of the curly or non-curly versions of the KRT71 gene.
Dogs do make the most of that lower number of genes - dogs are believed to have more physical and behavioral variations that any mammal on Earth.
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