Sentences with phrase «general i think if»

In general I think if it can be qualified as «post-apocalyptic» it qualifies as sci - fi.

Not exact matches

Last Friday, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley presumptuously said that if «diplomacy» failed, «I have no problem kicking it to General Mattis because I think he has plenty of options.»
One misconception people have about nutrition in general is that the more the better, and that's why people are taking supplements and they think, «Well if I can have this much vitamin C, why not get this much vitamin C,» and that's not how it works.
I think in general, for entrepreneurs, if they're talented, they should focus all their time on their company.
If you think you are a victim of identity theft or tax fraud, you should report it to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration.
If you are thinking about raising funding through the new 506 (c) general - solicitation rule, make sure you first consult with a securities attorney.
Several progressive groups think they have a clearer shot at winning the general election in December than they would have if Sen. Luther Strange, the establishment candidate who lost resoundingly to Moore on Tuesday, had won.
If all the apparent leaks are to be believed, everyone has a sense of the companies still bidding, but even that list, thought to be a general consensus, could be wrong.
I don't often write about global geopolitics because I think, in general, investors spend too much time worrying about things they can't control or aren't going to happen or wouldn't matter much if they did.
If you just look at the action today you might think the general market was down for the month.
I thought we'd do a view on your thoughts on 2018 in general; where markets are heading, what the trends are, if you see any geopolitical events happening; effects on financial markets and the economy.
If I were to pick nits, I think the General ranks could be broken down a bit more.
do you think if the «christian world» threatened to «explode» and riot and start randomly killing people if this concert is not held then the generals, the fbi and the president would publicity condemn anyone who is against this concert?
Regarding what the results tell us as Christians he replied: «I think it's part of a general trend in a number of surveys about ignorance of the Christian faith and perhaps ignorance about the implications of, if you believe in the Christian God, what that means.»
If you think about it, the divinity of Christ makes no sense, nor does making Judas (a barely hidden reference to Jews in general) a traitor, since: 1.
If you think these ideas are outdated or irrelevant, I suggest you take a look at the damage that has been wrought on society by rampant divorce, abortion, our of wedlock pregnancy, falling birth rates, and a general view that life is NOT sacred, family is NOT important, and that children are more a burden to be avoided than anything.
Unfortunately, the minority voice in the communitiy tends to be incredibly vocal and, at times, hostile in the sole attempt to delude the general public into thinking that, if one is a scientist or intelligent, one does not believe in a God or subscribe to intellingent design theories.
Since, apparently, the ISIS members who do such things as kidnap and behead noncombatants act with the conviction that it is what God wants them to do, it's relevant to ask of believers in general if absolute commitment to doing God's will as they think they know it is a feature of true belief in God.
If the Church intended to set the spiritual and ideological agenda for the nation, these members thought, then she could not do without a general line.
If a problem arises which is not dealt with clearly in the Qur» an or in the Sunnah, the answer is sought in the schools of thought, the theories worked out by «leaders of thought» who have been careful students of the Qur» an and the Sunnah, have thought profoundly about their inner meanings and understand their general principles, and who have special knowledge of virtue and the general welfare.
So you go on using violence, even if at first you had thought that violence would be only a temporary expedient, even if you have achieved thorough change in your own or the general political situation.
For a Whiteheadian and indeed for any process - thinker, any claim for the uniqueness of Jesus and any notion of his «finality» would require careful re-statement if they are to be accepted; they would need to be brought into congruity with the general line of thought appropriate to such a view of the world as the evolutionary and societal interpretation would provide.
Belief and thought in general is always history - bound, while the real truth as such (if such there is) will be something that transcends history The unavoidable conclusion here is that we can not capture the truth as such.
Actually I think someone should inspect the inspector general to see if this is in fact the case, and if so appropriate action should be taken.
Philosophy's recognition of itself as religion is neither achieved nor admitted by all philosophers, but among these who have recognized the identity of philosophy and religion are Socrates, Plotinus, Erigena, Spinoza, Hegel — in short, and in general, most of the speculative, «Platonic» tradition, in opposition to the mainstream of the analytic, «Aristotalian» tradition (if the reader will forgive such a gross oversimplification of a very complex history of thought).
In general, if more people were open to walking in someone else shoes for even just a moment think about the possibilities of how awesome this world could be.
I have no problem with the metaphore's that Santorum uses even if I don't agree with them all the time I think the bigger concern here is how little understanding there is by the media and the progressive socialist party in general.
In general, if we consider the two main sources of Christian theology as the Bible and Greek philosophy, we can say that process thought is more characteristic of the Bible than substance thought of the Greeks.
The fact may be explained by saying that everything goes back to, or rests upon, the Gospel of Mark; but I think we can not assume that this Gospel would have been accepted if upon any major point its general outline had been found to be faulty or inaccurate by those who were in touch with the primitive tradition handed down in the churches in Palestine.
In general he thinks religion should play a part in these events and I happen to disagree if that starts to seep into government policy etc..
If we are able to mention in general terms (with due caution regarding the seal) that many women have been greatly helped by the sacrament of penance, that can in itself remove a barrier for some women who perhaps thought they would be rejected if they were to come to confessioIf we are able to mention in general terms (with due caution regarding the seal) that many women have been greatly helped by the sacrament of penance, that can in itself remove a barrier for some women who perhaps thought they would be rejected if they were to come to confessioif they were to come to confession.
If, however, he has to think of man in general in that way because it safeguards his own life and is the way in which he can have some hope for himself (which after all is his Christian obligation), then he can not regard the Church as the exclusive band of those who alone are predestined.
So I have to wonder if this lack of distinction between public issues and politics in general even matters if the church is unable to think theologically, if its members are just starting to develop a Christian worldview.
He takes lightly the observation of Teilhard that the evolutionary pattern of thinking is a general condition that must influence all theories, all hypotheses, all systems if they are to be thinkable and true.18
I think that if Christians in general knew how to relate to others, we would all be that listening ear for each other and the burden would not fall upon just a few.
But if you were to ask me a more general question, Senator, as to whether I think that the Supreme Court can get it wrong on occasion, I would say «yes.»
I think the answer is in general that God made the world so that if you live in certain ways then generally speaking your life goes better.
[So in general, doctrinal statements lead people to think that if they just believe the right things, and sign on the dotted line, then they can live any way they want.
(If the term «Messiah» could have been taken in the general sense of «one appointed of God» to the task of proclaiming «the nearness of the Realm of God and also its true character,» as B H. Branscomb suggests in his The Gospel of Mark [London and New York: Harper & Brothers, 1937), pp. 151 f., it is clear to me that Jesus may well have thought of himself as such.
But if the Space - Time continuum is now generally accepted as the only framework within which our thought can continue to progress, it becomes the more necessary that we should agree upon the nature and general direction of the flow on which we are borne.
If, as Whitehead claims and as process thought in general would assert, the element of «decision» is found everywhere in the creative process, this should not be taken to mean that a quantum of energy, say, knowingly «decides» for this or that among the relevant possibilities that are «offered» to it.
Be Here for Me spokesman Ed Rennie, told Premier: «That we could ever really even consider anything like criminalising prayer - even if it's in a very confined context, which I think this would be - it's just contrary to the democratic and free traditions of this country and to Western democracy in general
If we think of this subjective aim simply as a conceptual feeling, or even as analogous to an ordinary subjective aim embracing its whole career, we apt to think of it as some very general ideal, necessarily vague in order to be all - inclusive.
As for the dangers, I think religion in general, and Christianity in particular, is ill served when leaders of the Religious Right proclaim what Christians as «people of faith» are going to do if a President or major party disagrees with them, as if they have been empowered to speak for all Christians or all people of faith.
He rose on that last day to call for unanimous consent in hopes that that too might help the document be accepted, and he said, «In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall have become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.
The Gospel according to John and the epistles are very close in style and content, and if both are not by the same author, they are both from the same general tradition of «Johannine» thought.
We see that if we only emphasize relativity we can end up in a relativism that undercuts itself and the value of critical thinking in general.
Science and Education in general is the «R&D department» of our country, if you want to think of the US as a company.
If, on the other hand, this structure is identifiable, why is it not available for the general outlook of process thought?
If I am not a Hauerwasian, I am even less a process - relational thinker; hence I am ill - equipped to judge the merits of these proposals on the basis of their coherence with certain basic tenets of process - relational thought — which seems to be the main basis upon which Muray wishes them to be judged since his paper is otherwise fairly thin on more general philosophical or Christian theological arguments for the views he puts forward.
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