Sentences with phrase «general agreement»

It now seems we are in general agreement on the basics which is a good start.
The insights below reflect general agreement among these practitioners about important considerations for teacher leaders who provide leadership to teams of teachers and administrators.
Don't be surprised to learn that overall, there are more areas of general agreement than contention.
-- From what I gather in your last post, it seems like we're in general agreement about most of the issues that have been brought up.
Not bad for a man who, by general agreement, did not exist.
The insights below reflect general agreement among these practitioners on the strategy of using demonstration lessons or modeling, illustrated with examples from their own practice.
If there are relatively few assets and debts and clients are in general agreement regarding their children, a simplified process may be in order.
Despite general agreement on the need for federal intervention to improve the quality and supply of child care, speakers disagreed over the severity of the problem and how to resolve it.
There is now general agreement among scientists that human beings are designed to connect.
The broad general agreement about trends in surface temperature indices is sufficient for our purposes.
There's also general agreement that the $ 5.6 - billion decisions shouldn't add to yearly operational costs.
His first approach shows general agreement with the various agency records without any data adjustment.
We found general agreement among those interviewed that some type of action is required.
-- The paragraph after that — general agreement here.
For some families, a separation agreement may include a very general agreement to «reasonable and generous access,» with the specific schedule to be agreed upon by the parents.
Today, with general agreement on the basics of warming, the debate has largely moved on to the question of how extensively to respond to rising temperatures.
While mothers and fathers offer somewhat different views of the division of labor in their household, there is general agreement about who in their family is more job - or career - focused.
If there are relatively few assets and debts and clients are in general agreement regarding their children, a simplified process may be in order.
Despite general agreement among study participants that less processing in the hearing aid was better for listening to music, individual preferences varied from person to person.
Each has been signed at its launch by various prominent academics and others who are in general agreement with its principles.
In some of the poorest countries, the problem is so acute that there is now general agreement that concessions must be made.
GATT * stands for General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
This may be due to a number of factors, such as general agreement between the Conservatives and the Liberals on the nature and duration of the mission, reluctance on the part of the public to «politicize» the issue out of respect for the soldiers, or the public perception that the mission is «far away» and «distant» from their everyday lives.
The cases for more complex chemical and aerosol effects were becoming clear, but the scientific community was unable at the time to reach general agreement on the existence, scale and magnitude of these indirect effects.
So we have the secret dream suddenly and surprisingly fulfilled, and the overwhelming joy that then seizes the man (There is general agreement today that Jeremias is right to claim [ibid., pp. 200 f.] that «in his joy» are the key words and that they apply to both the peasant and the merchant.)
Such general agreement about Islamic principles definitely known to have been enacted is not the subject of thought and discretion and should be held equally by all Muslims.
The site's general agreement states that it was An incredible popcorn flick loaded with clunky discoursed, however marvelous visuals safeguard it from being a sum disaster.
By ever more general agreement, Hopper is this country's painter laureate, or, as De Salvo calls him, «our Picasso.»
Behind this decision to plead NVNI was the then General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) jurisprudence.
It will have to come through general agreement by the two parties to create a united or merged provincial party.
The upshot is that both for statistical practice and academic theory it is almost impossible to obtain general agreement on what «economic rent» is, in the classical Ricardian sense of the term.
It is possible, however, to be much more explicit about the basic unity of Islam, for throughout the Muslim world there is general agreement concerning the sources of Islam, the fundamentals of the faith, and the particular requirements which are the obligations of all believers.
Having typed that in the preview it bore repetition in the pub pre-match and drew general agreement.
As I blogged in June, Peter Mandelson was instrumental in recruiting Balls amid general agreement that Brown needed to strengthen his operation after he was weakened by his support for British membership of the ERM.
It might be possible to impose some kind of fee on imported tar sands oil (though that would have to be done in such a way as to not trigger problems with GATT [General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]-RRB-.
We also got general agreement that we should do another Focus on the Funk Zone in October.
General agreement however was that the abundance of glitches, bugs and the almost non-working mulitplayer components need major work.
a. general agreement b. judgment arrived at by most of those concerned 2.
Consensus implies general agreement, though not necessarily unanimity.»
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