Sentences with phrase «general answer of»

JB gave a good general answer of what an annuity is.

Not exact matches

I put the question of parodies to Pink Visual, a producer of adult content that threw a party during the Consumer Electronics Show last week, and got an answer from general counsel Jessica Pena - Sackett.
How to Take Advantage of Online Review and Answer Sites: Removing False Information Responding to constructive criticism is one thing, you can take it into account to improve customer satisfaction and your business in general, but what if there's false, defamatory information about your company floating around in the ether?
McDonald attempts to answer a pair of key questions about McKinsey, and indeed about the business of consulting in general: whether the work it does for clients is worth the huge fees it charges, but also whether the work, on the whole, is of net benefit to the consultants.
Use all your social channels to talk about your industry in general, to be a thought leader, to give tips on how to evaluate your kind of products and to answer the questions that purchasing agents should be asking to help them identify the best company to go with.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota - Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari participates in question - and - answer session moderated by the Associated General Contractors of Minnesota - 2100 GMT.
In such campaigns, firmly answering the general's question before going all - in is less necessary than when contemplating the commitment of hundreds of thousands of troops with heavy casualties and applying the Powell Doctrine.
While there is no one - size - fits - all answer to how debt consolidation will affect a person's credit, there are some general rules of thumb you can use to get an idea of how your credit score will be affected.
On my list of acceptable answers would be any marketing or general business book, as well as any book that shows your writer is a well - rounded individual.
My general answer: Much of the region's news helps support my view that now may be a good time to consider raising allocations to eurozone equities, and to stocks in Germany in particular.
We've created this article to answer some of the popular questions related to dropshipping, product suppliers, and running an online business in general.
Google did not answer any of the specific questions put to it, and provided only a general statement denying it had joined Prism or any other surveillance program.
Also in March, a bipartisan group of 37 state attorneys general sent a letter to Zuckerberg «demanding answers» about the company's business practices and privacy protections.
It is also important that you word this question carefully so that it gives you the right specific answer instead of a general one.
A spokeswoman declined to answer a series of direct questions from CNBC about his case, instead providing a statement from Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice Department's Tax Division: «Bradley Birkenfeld was afforded due process of law and sentenced by a federal district court after full consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances, including his admission that he advised wealthy UBS clients on how to conceal their assets from the U.S. government,» she said.
Among those who support FTAs in general, and have high knowledge of the TPP (i.e. answered all four questions correctly), 75 % offered support for the agreement.
They were very knowledge and professional and answered all of our questions to our general satisfaction.
In addition to Congress, The National Association of Attorneys General is seeking answers from Zuckerberg.
The answer to the question how to obtain such authority links depends, because there are different types of authority links; Absolute Authority Links (or general authority links) and Relative Authority Links (or topical authority links).
Joshua Waldbeser, of counsel with Drinker Biddle & Reath, notes that, as anticipated, the FAQ includes «no significant surprises or reversals,» with most of the answers fleshing out «the general principles set forth in the exemptions.»
We are also in the process of finalizing an e-book of a larger array of questions and answers on equity crowdfunding and investing in general.
Very interesting fairy tale like the rest of Christianity in particular and religion in general providing answers for the unanswerable question of life after death.
One common answer to the complex question of how to interpret the Constitution is that courts should read each provision, however broad or general in the light of the principles that those who drafted or ratified it, or the general public at the time, understood it to embody.
Evolution and the Fall is a collection of essays from a multi-disciplinary and ecumenical group of authors, which sets out to address «a set of problems that arise from the encounter of traditional biblical views of human origins with contemporary scientific theories» (p. xv)-- not, one might add, in general, to answer them.
If a problem arises which is not dealt with clearly in the Qur» an or in the Sunnah, the answer is sought in the schools of thought, the theories worked out by «leaders of thought» who have been careful students of the Qur» an and the Sunnah, have thought profoundly about their inner meanings and understand their general principles, and who have special knowledge of virtue and the general welfare.
Rollo May has put us particularly in his debt by his insistence that an «ontology of human existence» is required even with the strict limits of psychological theory.16 But now we go beyond the general doctrine of man to the Christian answer to the religious question.
He must either become more and more unreasonably dogmatic, affirming that on all these questions he has answers given him by his tradition that are not subject to further adjudication, or else he must finally acknowledge that his theological work does rest upon presuppositions that are subject to evaluation in the context of general reflection.
It is the essence of general civil religion that it is religion in general, If we ask what virtue and corruption meant to the founding fathers the answer is clear.
Of course, I've just answered this question on a personal level and you asked about the views of Reform clergy in generaOf course, I've just answered this question on a personal level and you asked about the views of Reform clergy in generaof Reform clergy in general.
Certainly a partial answer to this question comes from common sense: that the notion of «theology» has come to have academic and specialized meanings from which a general practitioner, with some justice, excludes himself.
Whether one gives an answer complimentary to Heidegger or not, one still accepts the appropriateness of an inquiry into the character of his political beliefs and their relation to his general ontology — all the more so, as I have argued, if one is a Heideggerian.
This is a complex and not easily definable issue and anyone with «easy» answers in my view is not admitting the fallen and terrible condition of mankind in general and that as much as we would attempt to make categorical statements as to «all war is wrong» or «war is the right soultion» we are making statements that just cant stand up to either biblical exegesis or the reality of the world we live in.
The independent springing up of other writers who have sought to answer this need in a similar way is as much a testimony to the significance of the general trend of Buber's thought as is the rapidly increasing number of thinkers who have been directly or indirectly influenced by him.
Without answering that question Eberstadt outlines the social science data that consequentially suggests a current and general confusion and unhappiness in life, and especially in the lives of men and women, and how they relate to one another.
Jesus» answer refers to this particular issue, and can not be taken as a general guide to all the problems of political responsibility.
To answer these questions, it may be helpful to go back to the first chapter in which the general question of death's meaning was raised and to ask the same question of Jesus» death.
In these terms, the proposition that Jesus lives on subjectively is the supreme instance of some more general proposition as to individual survival after death: to reach a decision as to this supreme instance one would first have to investigate the general concept of resurrection, which lies beyond our present task.25 It must here suffice to answer that these proposals neither affirm nor deny the doctrine that both Jesus and the «souls of the righteous» live on subjectively.
Ford's own answer to the question of God's location in general and the relativity problem in particular rests upon his Boethian interpretation of Whitehead, discussed above.
But at this point it is sufficient only to point out that in the chapter of I Corinthians 15 itself, Paul actually discusses the nature of the general resurrection and attempts to answer the question, «With what kind of body do they come?»
Thus transposed into the framework of an operation with two variables (the progressive, interdependent adjustment of the two processes of collectivization and personalization) the question of the Rights of Man admits of no simple or general answer.
We can say as a general answer to the above criticisms that what they are actually objecting to is the God of classical theism, the God who is other - worldly, timeless, the God who makes paper plates.
When the question is one about the education of the ministry it will not do to ignore either the general — the theological — nor the particular — the educational — approach; the theologian as educator or the educator as theologian can not carry on his theological and his educational critiques separately and independently, nor can he reduce them to one inquiry with one method in the hope of gaining one single answer.
Alistair Appleby, a GP who carried out the report published in the British Journal of General Practice, was prompted to after noticing how many of his patients needed spiritual questions answered.
like hindu with due respect to hindu community that they go and ask to their idols or monkeys and so on, buddists go and ask a statue of buddah, sikh asks guru nanak, catholic asks marry and dead human, christian in general asks a human and the list could go on and on... how do you know that which one is being answered by The True God... all can't be correct or true... as Truth can't to more than one but ONE only....
For the same reason, the «answers» to such issues do not come in the form of general statements so much as in terms of personal address (for example, Job 38:1 - 40:2, Jeremiah 15:15 - 21, II Corinthians 12:1 - 10).
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Peter Pace, answered: «I would describe it as a violation.»
«Unquestionably the problem which here lies before Psycho - physics can not be sharply answered; but we may establish a general point of view for its treatment, consistently with what we laid down in a former chapter on the relations of more general with more particular phenomena of consciousness.»
The answer is that postmodern thinking in general can not flourish in the mostmodern institution that is the university of today.
But if you want to get down to the brass tacks of it, as a Christian one does already have the answer to this, in general at least.
This fact stands as a constant answer to the various proposals, appearing at intervals from the time of Plato's writing of The Republic to the present, to place the general care and rearing of children in institutions.
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