Sentences with phrase «general ban»

For example, the troublesome Mr Hirst, who established that the UK general ban on prisoners» voting was in breach of the Convention, won his first case (on delays of his parole hearing) at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) before HRA 1998 came into force.
The Hungarian judge, Andras Sajó, found Italy's general ban quite out of order.
If a general ban on food advertising were applied, how much beneficial food advertising would be caught?
Or are banners in general banned?
Encouraged by initial studies, the Dutch government in 2006 successfully lobbied the European Commission to allow 5 % of each country's fleet to use pulse trawling, exempting them from the European Union's 1988 general ban on electrical fishing.
At one point in the process, scientists were concerned that there could be a general ban on all nonhuman primate research.
In an earlier response I wrote that I favored a general ban on them.
In an early response I wrote that I favored a general ban on them.
Update: A USK representative replied to clarify that German authorities are not considering a general ban on loot boxes, but are actually examining regulations of online advertising and purchasing as a whole.
For the time being only, the general ban on recoverability of costs insurance premiums is not being applied to personal injury proceedings for diffuse mesothelioma and proceedings in respect of publication, privacy and insolvency.
There are reasons of practice and principle to oppose a general ban on the veil.
What is needed, therefore, in such situations, is not a general ban on the use of Protocol no. 16 but straightforward coordinated cooperation between the two European Courts.
It would be very difficult, in some cases illegal, for an employer to permit the display of symbols of some religions but not others, so a general ban is understandable.
The comments range from dismay at the YouTubers being given strikes for older videos, to pessimistic predictions that YouTube's bump stock ban will lead to a general ban against firearm videos on the site.
But, in consideration of China's unpredictable nature, it is difficult to dismiss the premise in which the government pursues a general ban on bitcoin itself, as it did in 2013.
This means that without a general ban against racial discrimination, as suggested through the insertion of s116A, then discriminatory laws — such as the ones above — may still be passed through other parts of the Constitution, like s122.
And you would be surprised — while there appears to be a general ban in national newspapers on indigenous success stories, I can assure you that they exist.
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