Sentences with phrase «general collections»

Recognizing the importance of client education, she regularly hosts CLE and educational seminars for clients and potential clients covering a wide range of topics, including general collection litigation, collection in probate, bankruptcy for lenders and foreclosure.
After a lunch of delicious sandwiches to - go, we took the metro back to the 7th Arrondissement for an afternoon at the Musée d'Orsay, home to the best general collection anywhere of the art of Manet, Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne and Gauguin.
Its general collection contains over 7,000 books for inmates» educational and recreational purposes; the law collection is accessible through legal databases, with computers available for research and other legal work.
The general collection, unique and multilingual in character, comprises over two million library units including the holdings of the special collections.
From that general collection of exercises above, here is a day - by - day breakdown of my week (the FB workouts change depending on what program I'm following):
We accept galleys and newly published reference books that are meant for the general collections of small - to - medium public libraries and school libraries.
Resources for School Librarians - Index Menu for This Page: General Collections of Lesson Plans The Dewey Decimal System Reference Books and Web Sites Worksheets Research Methods and Reports Miscellaneous and Holiday Lessons General Collections of Lesson Plans Learn North Carolina - Searchable lesson plan database which includes information skills units.
University Presses publish a wealth of materials that are suited for the general collections of many public libraries.
As several libraries are deciding to pull the trigger and carry self - published materials, we may be facing a shift in our general collections policies.
The actions listed thereafter in an email communication include the general collection actions allowable on Federal Student loans.
(Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, December 2010) «From feeding puppies and kittens or pregnant animals to handling the nutritional needs of performance dogs, this new edition has been completely rewritten for the latest nutritional recommendations and is a «must» for not only vet libraries, but general collections and pet owner reference.»
They have now moved it inside with a collaborative effort at the Contemporary Jewish Museum, «Beyond Belief: One Hundred Years of the Spiritual in Art,» in which they have loaned their nearby neighbor more than sixty works from their venerable, now inaccessible, general collection.
Spousal support, general collections, loan transactions and real estate matters can all be used as the front for one of these frauds.
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