Sentences with phrase «general desire»

The study finds that the desire to maintain scientific credibility is outweighed by the «exhilaration from self - perceived academic martyrdom and a more general desire for notoriety.»
In these roles, AltLegal professionals may not be «practicing law» as «practice» has been traditionally defined, but they retain a commitment to the legal profession's underlying ethical principles, as well as a more general desire to use the law to improve people's lives.
Cage reveals the same general desire to be taken seriously as an actor again here that was already on display in the recent «Joe» and «The Dying of the Light,» right from an early scene in which his Colin Pryce makes an emotional testimony before Congress about the impact of the BP spill on local fishermen and tourist business.
He or she has been sent by the deputy of the Governor General, who is not allowed to enter the Commons, to announce that the Governor General desires the immediate attendance of Honourable Members in the Chamber of the Honourable the Senate.
The word intention, however, infers a general desire to succeed but provides enough space to adapt along the way.
Once it is widely realised that cash flows are going to be a lot less than previously expected there is a marked increase in the general desire to hold cash.
Of particular relevance, under the current monetary regime it is not only possible for a large, general increase in the desire to save to be accompanied by rising interest rates, it is highly probable that when a large rise in interest rates happens it will be accompanied by a general desire to save more.
«Having a non-superstitious worldview allows you to make more ethical choices based on a general desire to do the most possible good» Tim Minchin, comedian and composer
Not just our mediocrity, but the football world in its general desire to see Leicester win.
Unsurprisingly, though, the most distinct element of the event was the general desire for political change in Pakistan — a visible and encouraging theme shared by future leaders.
The planned security upgrade is not tied to any particular incident but to a general desire for more safety, Murabito said.
This is partly down to a general desire for transparency, but it is also due to the rise of radical anti-GM activists, who have begun using tactics similar to those that helped destroy the prospects for GM technologies in Europe 20 years ago: chiefly, sowing doubt in the minds of the general public.
High levels of bilingualism are not driven by a general desire to learn languages but a specific need to learn English.
Or merely a general desire to eat healthier.
After teaching a social media class to a group of seniors one day, she realized there was a general desire to not only learn how to navigate Facebook and Twitter but also the online dating space.
Curiously, she's initially less a suffragette than a fed up, steam laundry employee ostensibly motivated by a general desire to improve women's lot, especially in terms of wages, sexual harassment and safe working conditions.
After the election, which surprised a lot of people, I heard from faculty and students about some general desire to do something, but no one was quite clear about what to do.
Whether due to a growing interest in eco-friendly options or a general desire to save money on gas, hybrids have become the norm.
With our general desire for smaller, less expensive vehicles than buyers south of the border, Mercedes also foresees great things for the CLA which rolls off the same assembly line in Kecskemet, Hungary as the B - Class.
Holidays and birthdays can create a case of the gimmes, but a general desire for stuff can happen at any time of the year.
Desire to Avoid Debt Researchers found that seniors «tend to have a general desire to stay financially conservative and avoid debt in old age.»
If you have stress, anxiety, or a general desire for companionship, this day is a great reminder of the reason that your dog found its way into your life in the first place.
The retrospective on the Cuban painter Wifredo Lam (Sagua La Grande, 1902 — Paris, 1982) responds to a general desire to give an account of modernism in all its complexity, and aims to reinstate Lam's work in an international art history of which he is an essential player.
Leaving seems based on fear of living, hatred of the other and a general desire to continue dreaming of the empire.
This approach also ignores the basic collective nature of Aboriginal communities, with their emphasis on internal consultation and their general desire to create a consensus.
In denying rectification, the chambers judge followed Graymar Equipment (2008) Inc. v Canada3 and concluded that «it is not enough that there be a general desire to minimize tax consequences of a transaction.»
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