Sentences with phrase «general economic framework»

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Even if it could be shown that economic or general social conditions in a given society have prompted a desire for deliverance, the ideas of redemption that may be included in a religious message are not invalidated by an inquiry into their social «background,» provided we do not conceive of the relation in deterministic terms but consider conditions as a framework which may include a variety of contents.
Also the serious economic framework McDonnell has announced can restore Labour's economic credibility — the key policy failure that lost it the 2015 General Election.
But no, I don't expect that this economic turmoil will impair the general framework within which we analyze stocks or the market as a whole.
My problem with your comments in general, and Michael Tobis has done much the same in the past, is the attempt to shoehorn conservative economic concepts into a framework to support redistributionist and statist goals.
Currently enforced in 16 African countries, OHADA law covers several aspects of business law, including general commercial law, corporate and economic interest groups (GIE) law, and various legal frameworks regulating such areas as accounting, security interest, bankruptcy, arbitration, and contracts of carriage by road.
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