Sentences with phrase «general kind»

Still, we are badly exposed to the same general kind of risk.
I see no reason why these two general kinds of function are any less proper «teaching» than direct instruction of an individual or a small group.
«A warmer Arctic in general kind of favors these polar vortex disruptions.
Novels with the same general kind of story and setting, but with different characters (eg much romance writing; courtroom dramas);
I'm researching whether my hunch that ISBN searches actually engage / convert users better than these other, more general kinds of book searches.
There are many good papers from «outsiders» in the literature and in general this kind of constructive input should be welcomed (as with work done by Zeke Hausfather, Troy Masters etc.).
I already knew the general kind of metaphysics that could be convincing to me.
There seem to me to be three general kinds of temptation faced by ministers working in our inner cities today, apart from graft and the lure of the suburbs.
For a number of years it has been popular to interpret this passage as if it were appealing to a general kind of humanitarian kindness to people in need.
There are two general kinds of theories.
Once you use these you won't go back to the general kinds.
That made me wonder, if there was a need for a general kind of Beauty and Lifestyle Q&A type of post on this blog.
That made me wonder, if there was a need for a general kind...
Let's start with some general kinds of dates and see if we can't expand on them.
Any time we write about some of the more progressive programs across the animal welfare movement, we tend to see two general kinds of responses.
Before going to look at shelter dogs, you need to determine the general kind of dog you're best suited to — how much grooming you're willing to do, how much shedding you can handle, how much exercise you can provide, and so on.
JOAN MITCHELL: I think there's a general kind of valuelessness... I don't know what it is.
I wish to acquire the job of a kindergarten teacher in such a school where I will be able to teach children the importance of ethics and extracurricular activities besides studies of the general kind.
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