Sentences with phrase «general language»

In general language, the word balanced is used to mean good thing, a reasonable, sensible way of tackling any subject.
Rather than listing military - specific terms, more general language is used while still conveying your most important accomplishments.
If a debt collector does not know whether the debt submitted for collection is time barred, it would be easy to include general language about that possibility.
To the extent a release contains general language, the court must determine what was within the contemplation of the parties.
In addition to general language courses there are specialized on - the - job modules specifically created for librarians, business travelers, law enforcement and healthcare workers.
We use color and form and translating that into general language is tough but must be pushed through.
Surely general language could have served just as well.
These are all great general language learning apps - especially for beginners!
In Canada, the trespass doctrine never acquired legs due to the more general language of s. 8 of the Charter of Rights: «Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.»
This study is an attempt to clarify the incremental and multidimensional nature of foreign language vocabulary development and its relation to the participants» reading and writing performances and general language ability of English as a foreign language (EFL).
«For example, the state owned enterprises» reform will be touched on, but it will probably be in very general language and similar to one used before,» said Haibin Zhu, chief China economist with JPMorgan in Hong Kong.
Union members may sue their employers in discrimination cases even if their labor contracts contain general language requiring such disputes to be submitted to arbitration, a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court ruled last week.
In her view, much of today's language - learning software is rooted in old Second Language Acquisition and English as a Second Language research that treats listening, speaking, reading, and writing as separate areas and posits that students can learn general language out of context, then apply it specifically later.
In fact, it [phonemic awareness] is a better predictor than more global measures such as IQ or general language proficiency.
The handout lists practical tips for supporting positive language learning behaviors and general language enhancing activities.
If you wish to make a provision in your will the following general language is suggested:
Please avoid using unnecessarily general language, like «guarantee», as I did not in my question
The Los Angeles Superior Court Language Access Services Division provides multilingual interpretation and general language services in court proceedings to ensure meaningful participation in the judicial court process for individuals with limited English proficiency.
For more general language help, especially if English is not your native tongue, consider registering for a communications or language course at your local community college.
This article examines one of the relevant concepts in the current debate on home birth — autonomy in place of birth — and its uses in general language, ethics, and childbirth health care literature.
Much of the basis for the court decisions on the Executive Order was the wide scope and general language of the Order.
Again, it is not simply that mothers who talk more have children who talk more, but that mothers who engage in highly elaborative reminiscing have children who learn these specific narrative skills, and these narrative skills are only minimally related to children's more general language abilities (Reese & Brown, 2000; Reese et al., 1993).
The Court of Appeal held that while the Release did not purport to release all possible claims, without limitation, that may exist between the parties, the Release did contain general language, and the Court must try to determine the matters that were specially within the contemplation of the parties.
He'll not only catch up later, but he may also excel in his general language skills.
At a minimum, the faculty handbook should provide some general language about the relative importance of research, teaching, and service at your institution.
«The ideal solution would be to measure their skills in their first language to gauge whether the issue is from lack of exposure to English or a general language impairment, but that isn't feasible given the diversity of home languages spoken by children in the UK.
The new species was named as Palaemon yuna, alluding to the environment where the new species was first found: in the black waters of the Negro River, one of the main tributaries of the Amazon River; in «Tupi,» a general language of the Brazilian indigenous people, «y» means water or river, and «úna» means black.
«Not only is working memory important in learning new words, it is also important in our general language competence, in areas such as grammar skills.
«The general language community hasn't yet accepted the bird as a model,» Scharff says.
This post unpacks some of the general language to decipher what the U.S. has in mind on intellectual property issues.
But, it is also certainly possible that general language in the licensing contract is sufficiently clear to cause any reasonable person to conclude that it allows TV broadcasts, but not internet streaming on demand.
General language in a release will be limited to the thing or things that were specifically in the contemplation of the parties when the release was given.
«[E] ventually more so, since Ethereum's more flexible and general language can facilitate a much wider variety of commercial and other formal relationships.»
MBAs skilled with coordination, interpersonal relations, multi tasking, and explaining technical aspects in general language are preferred.
I agree with other commenters, though, that if you're going to include a separate summary of skills along with your itemized work experience, it makes sense to use more general language in that tiny section.
Justice Kirby did not think that these common law presumptions had been overridden by the general language of the LAA that allowed for acquisition «for any purpose whatsoever»:
If the order uses general language that does not specify a time, date, and place, then you may need to ask the court to clarify your order.
Before the C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd. case, landlords used broad and general language to describe Additional Rent.
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