Sentences with phrase «general proposition»

Theory - a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena.
According to the study, psychology offers three general propositions for understanding and intervening to increase vaccine rates.
Indeed all these ideas do become without meaning if the human person, the «I,» who is first of all concerned, is looked at from without, if the «I» is described as one can describe in general propositions the nature of a human being; if, as usually results, the individual man is regarded as a specimen of the genus homo.
A theory, in the scientific sense, is «a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena» [Random House American College Dictionary].
Some of the critique of the electronic church pivots on this more general proposition about the alleged ill effects of television, although the critics are not always explicit in this regard.
Instead, the list of family values, apart from these two issues, was a set of very general propositions, ranging from «respecting one's parents» (2nd) to «having a happy marriage» (6th) to «having nice things» (26th).
Eli thinks this is indeed a fairly general proposition rooted in statistical mechanics.
Keep in mind, the Court also said: «Judicial notice is not available here and can not form the basis for formulating general propositions relating to the factual issue of risk».
The court found that as general proposition, trustees in bankruptcy should not be allowed to pursue litigation with immunity against personal liability for costs in the circumstances where there is no statutory duty to prosecute a litigation and the trustee knows or ought to know that there will likely be insufficient assets in the estate to satisfy an award of costs in the event the litigation fails.
A coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena:
Sin no more than God can be discussed in general propositions; otherwise I should be able to distinguish myself from my sin, whereas in reality I am myself the sinner.
It would however be misleading to suggest that the ethical teaching of the New Testament is sufficiently represented by some such very general proposition (as if it were enough to say «Love, and do as you like»).
Now, as a general proposition, I would say that it's hard to disagree with this idea.
He said that as a general proposition it's almost impossible to pay attention and devote your energies to more than three or maybe four critical concerns at a time.
At least as a general proposition, we are prepared to suggest, for instance, that the faithfully married are morally superior to rapists.
«a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.
for God to have my believing, it can not be necessary for him to believe as I do, merely by virtue of some general proposition about part and whole... So your insistence that human believing within God must mean human believing by God, must rest on some special law of mind as a whole, not on a general law of wholes.
The fact that Moses followed the advice of Jethro (18:13 - 27) lends support to the general proposition of Israelite Yahwism's ultimate (if unmeasurable and indefinite) indebtedness to the faith and cultus of Jethro.13
A few of the general propositions, unmentioned in press accounts, cut against the conclusion that a moral agenda is irrelevant to most Americans: «having faith in God,» «being married to the same person for life,» and «following a strict moral code» ranked 10th, 12th, and 13th, respectively.
That there is a case to be made for selective increases in federal spending we do not doubt, but the general proposition lurking behind those specific instances needs careful evaluation.
Malliotakis did not provide a cost estimate for the wide range of expanded services, offering only the general proposition that keeping mentally ill persons out of prison will be a cost - saver.
«The general proposition is highly desirable.»
, but as a general proposition it should remind us that «car [ing] about this stuff» is a necessary but not sufficient qualification for New York City schools chancellor.
The president claimed that the means - tested voucher programs in Milwaukee and D.C, «didn't actually make that much of a difference,» and added, «As a general proposition, vouchers have not significantly improved the performance of kids that are in these poorest communities.»
Mr. Obama said that the means - tested voucher programs in Milwaukee and Washington, D.C, «didn't actually make that much of a difference,» and added, «As a general proposition, vouchers have not significantly improved the performance of kids that are in these poorest communities.»
And while, as a general proposition, I do not condone vigilantism, my view of Marc is affected by the context of the murder.
A paper that examines hedge fund motives behind the targeting provides more backing for this general proposition in figure 15.
No one would argue against this general proposition.
For this reason, the «cap and trade» approach seems most well suited to the problem, as a general proposition.
It was a math doctorate and required a new theorem defined as a general proposition not self - evident, but proved by a chain of reasoning.
Before Robock started on his portion of the debate, Wattenberg asks Michaels «I'm working under the general proposition, Pat, that your answer to the question, must we act now to avert a climate catastrophe is no.»
The areas of doubt are there — how fast will the West Antarctica Ice Sheet melt — but these are doubts in the particulars not in the general proposition.
In Mulholland v Mitchell [1971] AC 666, [1971] 1 All ER 307, Lord Hodson [at 674] stated the general proposition of English law, that the maxim interest rei publicae ut sit finis litium [the public interest is that there be an end to litigation] is, in the usual case, strictly followed.
I think as a general proposition, the federal Crown has a healthy culture,» said Lamer, now a lawyer at an Ottawa law firm.»
Yet beyond this general proposition, Canadian administrative law history «reveals... that little work has been done to pinpoint exactly what the concept of expertise means...»: Laverne Jacobs and Thomas Kuttner: «The Expert Tribunal.»
The Judge cited cases such as Re G - Tech Construction Ltd [2007] BPIR 1275 which allowed for such a possibility, but emphasised that the judgment in G - Tech was an incomplete draft which had not been approved by the author before he died, and in any event did not refer to previous authorities which supported the general proposition that retrospective orders should only be made if the underlying legislation contained «very strong and explicit words» permitting them.
However, when it comes to federal district court cases, Ed says the general proposition falls apart.
Just as the scientist takes his instances and from them builds up his general propositions, so the lawyer should take his precedents and from them build up his general principles...
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