Sentences with phrase «general revelation in»

He insists on a general revelation in nature (and that therefore its character must be evolutionary) and that the Church's unity with the world be thought out.
I tend to think of general revelation in its own little world, but perhaps that's a wrong way to think about it.
These three elements gain the support of other forms of general revelation in the following order: faith concludes (1) that the «wholly other» is also the Creator, (2) that the sense of moral unworthiness means that God is Judge, and (3) that the longing for forgiveness after judgment implies the tentative assurance that God is also Redeemer.
But although Qoheleth can not know God's saving ways, nevertheless he asserts from God's general revelation in his creation that our happiness and joy in our play is a gift from God.

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The major issue, in the Auditor General's Spring Report, which captured media and public attention, was the revelation that only $ 9.8 billion of the $ 12.9 billion earmarked for the Public Security and Anti-Terrorism Initiative (PSAT) could be accounted for, leaving an unexplained shortfall of $ 3.1 billion.
This general revelation, which makes itself manifest in certain universal moral principles, is one that is most immediately accessible to human reason.
Dreams, for example, were given a high place as media of divine revelation; (Genesis 20:3; 26:24 - 25; 28:10 - 16; 31:24; 37:5; 41:1; 46:1 - 4; Judges 7:13 - 15; I Kings 3:5 - 15 etc.) omens were trusted, such as the first word to be uttered at an expected meeting, (I Samuel 14:8 - 15) or a chance action regarded as a sign, (Genesis 24:12 - 14) or wind in the mulberry - trees taken as Yahweh's command to join battle; (II Samuel 5:22 - 24) and, in general, dealing with the superhuman world suggested nothing so simple and spiritual as private communion in prayer, but rather a whole array of magical techniques and, from the modern point of view, incredible superstitions.
While it is of course true that those who belong to this school are perhaps most vocal in their assertion that in our Lord alone may God be seen at work, and while it is they who denounce the concept of «general» revelation as a vain fancy of sub-Christian speculation, a considerable number of other Christian thinkers take what in effect is the same position when they make central to their teaching a kind of uniqueness in the coming and the person of Christ which effectively removes him from the context of the total sell - expressive operation of the Eternal Word.
«Special revelation» means that God does not make himself known primarily in the general experiences of mankind, but in particular critical historical happenings of unusually great significance.
Nevertheless, in order to understand the genuine sources from which theology legitimizes its irreplaceable intuition, and in order to preserve the revelation - theological relevance of process - theological theory, we may contrast the main position of process theology by identifying the counter question: Can there be found any genuine place for a revealed theology within Whitehead's work so that theology does not have to be subordinated to general metaphysics but, rather, finds its connection to metaphysics in mutual influence?
In fact, it is just as likely that God's call of Abram was a response to Abram's response to what he learned about God through general revelation.
Ogden himself has approved Hartshorne's distinction «between a philosophical theology developed from «the standpoint of the minimal common faith or experience of men in general» and a theology grounded in «revelation» and thus developed from «the standpoint of the faith or religious experience of a person or group.»
In order to interpret this core - principle of revelation, we must understand its essential presupposition; namely, that events are present «in» other events - present not just abstractly (through «eternal objects»), i.e., mediated by the «general,» but as singular events that effect their further history by their unique concreteness (PR 338).12 Whitehead recognizes precisely this constellation when he says:» [T] he truism that we can only conceive in terms of universals has been stretched to mean that we can only feel in terms of universalIn order to interpret this core - principle of revelation, we must understand its essential presupposition; namely, that events are present «in» other events - present not just abstractly (through «eternal objects»), i.e., mediated by the «general,» but as singular events that effect their further history by their unique concreteness (PR 338).12 Whitehead recognizes precisely this constellation when he says:» [T] he truism that we can only conceive in terms of universals has been stretched to mean that we can only feel in terms of universalin» other events - present not just abstractly (through «eternal objects»), i.e., mediated by the «general,» but as singular events that effect their further history by their unique concreteness (PR 338).12 Whitehead recognizes precisely this constellation when he says:» [T] he truism that we can only conceive in terms of universals has been stretched to mean that we can only feel in terms of universalin terms of universals has been stretched to mean that we can only feel in terms of universalin terms of universals.
A change in the dominant media of mass communication in the culture creates a radically new situation for communication in general and, in particular, for the transmission and interpretation of the Bible and of God's revelation.
Whereas the general history of revelation relates to the «subjective aims» of all events (and God's presence in it), the special history of revelation is connected with the universality of certain events.
Christ is the only revelation, and the task of theology in general and of Christology in particular is to witness only to him.
Moreover, the unique events relevant to theology, the genuine intuition of religious experience, and revelation - theological reflection can not reach into the metaphysical core anymore and at all.2 David Pailin appropriately summarizes this process - theological confession for the dissolution of revealed theology into general metaphysics in saying:
This revelation is natural, in the sense that it is part and parcel of both the creation and human nature, and it is general, inasmuch as it is a functional component in all human perception and cognition.
Black theology has never been fundamentalist, but there are some theologians who have argued that at least some black theologians tend to be overly Barthian in their exclusive focus upon the «special revelation» of Christ to the neglect of other «general revelations» about God.
They have failed in general to see the progressive development of religion and religions as a unified and deliberate series of God's revelations of reason designed specifically to lead us gradually toward the most adequate and profound understanding and appreciation of God which is humanly possible.
The implication is that like revelation in general, evolution's meaning consists not only of its achievements (which are in themselves often ambiguous), but even more of its promise.
In other words, there is a general revelation of God in the world which provides the basic, indeed the cosmic, context for whatever may be said about the particular event with which we as Christians are concerneIn other words, there is a general revelation of God in the world which provides the basic, indeed the cosmic, context for whatever may be said about the particular event with which we as Christians are concernein the world which provides the basic, indeed the cosmic, context for whatever may be said about the particular event with which we as Christians are concerned.
Several readers also accuse me of denying the doctrine of general revelation contained in the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans.
However, biblical faith has influenced theologians to speak also of «revelation in history,» «historical revelation,» or «special revelation» in addition to God's universal or «general» self - revelation.
Although he did not use the term in the traditional sense, he said that the first way that God reveals himself can be called a form of general revelation.
Without special interpretation, the general revelation involved in conscience becomes falsified.
In general, the Meccan Suras incline to be shorter since they represent for the most part merely the reported revelation of some aspects of religious truth.
If we substitute «Jesus Christ» for «neighbor» Christians in general will accept that statement; but there is danger in that substitution as well as the possibility of enlightenment, since the relation of Jesus Christ to our other neighbors is often obscured in theology; his revelation of what it means to be a man is often forgotten in favor of exclusive attention to his disclosure of what it means that God is, and is Good.
In order to convince the Thessalonians of the livingness and reality of God he must have passed beyond philosophy, beyond general revelation, to tell them of the God of the Old Testament, the God who had created the world, who directed human history, who worked in human historIn order to convince the Thessalonians of the livingness and reality of God he must have passed beyond philosophy, beyond general revelation, to tell them of the God of the Old Testament, the God who had created the world, who directed human history, who worked in human historin human history.
Just as little as there can be a belief in omnipotence in general, can there be a belief in miracles in general; that is, events which were for Jesus revelations of the will of God can not be presented universally as miracles on the basis of which a man should believe.
To put it in traditional theological terms, special revelation is necessary if general revelation is properly to be grasped and its significance known.
The constant presence of this mystery to the world and to human existence is equivalent to what the Christian theological tradition has variously called original, universal, natural or general revelation, which it distinguishes from the special or decisive revelation given in Christ.
And since any religious revelation apparently presupposes a mysterious domain of the unknown, there is little wonder that so many scientific thinkers have serious difficulties with religion in general and especially with the idea of a special religious revelation.
We bracket everything that we hear in General Conference, because, well, we're so committed to prophetic revelation that, hey, it could change tomorrow.
Scholars such as John B. Cobb and David R. Griffin have developed the Christological implications of Whiteheadian process - relational thought in a number of widely read works in recent years.1 «Evangelical» Christians, holding the Christian scriptures to be the uniquely inspired and authoritative charter documents of their faith, and finding in these scriptures a Christ whose divine humanity defies explanation in terms of any general metaphysical scheme, have had for the most part little interest in or even contact with these process - relational Christologies.2 That revelation presents to us this Christ is sufficient warrant for believing him; his being is, at any rate, incommensurate with ours.
Altizer argues that Catholic theology has always recognized a general revelation (besides the special revelation of Scripture), that it has never separated God the creator from God the redeemer, and that it has always grounded itself in philosophy and natural theology.
When extended to all the other forms of biblical discourse we are going to consider, this concept of revelation, taken as a synonym for revelation in general, leads to the idea of scripture as dictated, as something whispered in someone's ear.
That is, instead of taking up the question of the autonomy of consciousness in its most general sense, I will attempt to focus the debate on a central concept of self - awareness which is capable of corresponding to one of the major traits of the idea of revelation brought to light by our analysis of biblical discourse.
We may add here, therefore, parenthetically, that whatever else we may mean when we speak of inspiration and revelation in the Old Testament, we certainly do not mean any radical or miraculous emancipation from the general mores, perspectives and knowledge of the age.
The position taken in this book and in process theology in general is that there is no distinction to be made between general and special revelation.
But based upon a plethora of New Testament passages, Christians have also recognized that there IS indeed also a technical usage of the term «the gospel» that came into effect after Christ's resurrection that refers not to good news in general, nor to the general revelation of God given through the Old and New testaments, but to the specific message that must be preached to the lost and must be believed by the lost to receive eternal life.
Living prophets once again walk the earth to bring us the light of revelation and scripture and you can see and hear them Saturday and Sunday in General Conference!
The Koran, by way of contrast, is the product of one single mind; not so the New Testament, which has all the variety of the Old, and is a «social» product, a «traditional» book — that is, a book enshrining traditions, letters, anecdotes, revelations, sayings, stories — and its unity is found only in its central affirmations, convictions, loyalties, and the general way of life which it reflects.
Even the title of Zane Hodges book, «The Gospel Under Siege» refers to this very thing — not NT revelation in general — but to the specific message that must be given to the lost and received by the lost for salvation.
I have tried to show that Barth's theology, in both its early and mature forms, is non-foundational in the sense that the grace made real in revelation can not simply be read off of events, nor can it be reduced to something that is a straightforward «given,» either within the human situation in general or within the situation of the church in particular.
You see, when you say «the gospel» is all of God's revelation in general, not a specific message we need to believe to be saved, and yet the Bible says those who do not believe «the gospel» are going to HELL, then the necessary conclusion is that you must be faithful to believe everything God says in order to go to heaven.
One may say that the trait here suggested indicates a genius for improvisation — or a somewhat stupid dependence on «muddling through» — or a tenacious belief in general revelation — but recognized it must be.
Unite's joint general secretary, Derek Simpson, said: «These revelations expose the rot that exists in the construction business.
The issues around state power and surveillance raised by Edward Snowden's revelations should be an important theme in the upcoming general election, while the symbolic double anniversary of Magna Carta (aged 800) and the web (aged 25) offers an opportunity for critical reflection on how to upgrade fundamental liberties in response to new threats and re-imagine how technology can serve the common good.
In addition to weighing on other topics, including gay marriage (Schneiderman is for, Donovan is against) and defending a woman's right to choose (Schneiderman is pro choice, Donovan is not), the two were asked whether they have any skeletons in their closets — specifically, if voters should expect any November surprises along the lines of the revelations in 2008 that former attorney general and ex-GoIn addition to weighing on other topics, including gay marriage (Schneiderman is for, Donovan is against) and defending a woman's right to choose (Schneiderman is pro choice, Donovan is not), the two were asked whether they have any skeletons in their closets — specifically, if voters should expect any November surprises along the lines of the revelations in 2008 that former attorney general and ex-Goin their closets — specifically, if voters should expect any November surprises along the lines of the revelations in 2008 that former attorney general and ex-Goin 2008 that former attorney general and ex-Gov.
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