Sentences with phrase «general similarities»

It is important to keep in mind that life insurance policies are made to fit the individual, and while there are always general similarities between rates and coverage terms, what works for one Allstate customer may not necessarily work for you.
We can find, therefore, very general similarities between the use and interpretation of sentences at the linguistic level and primitive natural signs as characterized in Whitehead's first version of symbolic reference.
In any case, if we recall the close general similarity of the keyigma as derived from the Pauline epistles to the keygma as derived from Acts, as well as Paul's emphatic assertion of the identity of his Gospel with the general Christian tradition, we shall not find it altogether incredible that the speech at Pisidian Antioch may represent in a general way one form of Paul's preaching, that form, perhaps, which he adopted in synagogues when he had the opportunity of speaking there.
Such general similarities, however, would not indicate any necessary dependence of Hebrew ethics on the preceding Egyptian development were it not for specific evidence.
For the CFA model, we specified two latent variables, relationship - general support - seeking and relationship quality, to account for the relationship - general similarities across the three types of relationships.
There were general similarities between Lesson 1 (L1) and Lesson 2 (L2).
The ethical materials in gospels and epistles alike have a general similarity of form and content, but in the epistles they are related to theological doctrine, while in the gospels they are related to a narrative of events.
He wrote a book about the experience and one of his conclusions was the general similarity between the students at the Christian institution and the students at secular schools.
As an outsider, I can see some general similarities between politics in South Africa and Eastern Europe.
Finally, there's a general similarity between the two in personality and physical appearance that further muffles any strong sense of contrast.
Though there are always differences in individuals, there are some general similarities in fiber types in muscle groups from person to person.
After doing an informal poll with members on the service, there are some general similarities and requests regarding your photos that I'd like to share with you.
The installation of the 4 - foot - high Abstract, White & Black, 1960, near the entrance makes that clear, and the general similarity the small pieces share with such larger canvases is indisputable.
On the general similarities between the two designs the Court stated «To the extent there are any similarities, they are as a consequence of the mimic architecture required by Acadia and the Town of Wolfville.
You should however note that despite their general similarities to typical home inspections, they entail several unique aspects that are particularly important.
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