Sentences with phrase «general strategy»

This report illustrates 1 element of a more general strategy for improving health and human services.
To develop a more general strategy of cell targeting, the researchers coupled nanoparticles to antibodies that target other highly expressed proteins in neurons.
«Everyone applies some of the same general strategies in learning a second language,» she says.
Generally, it's difficult to find English versions of cases, but here are some standard tools for locating them by country and topic, as well as general strategies to use.
There's zero point in counting calories if you can achieve the desired results just the same with a simpler and easier more general strategy.
They also suggest general strategies for strengthening the weak sections.
Ask the writer what general strategy she'll use to deal with your specific problems.
We will also discuss general strategy for raising your credit score.
There are several general strategies for dealing with existing infrastructure, broadly defined.
Your child will find different general strategies that work best for different age and grade levels.
Explore how general strategies for teaching can be employed alongside specific strategies to enhance teaching, enrich learning and literacy development, and improve the classroom environment.
But let's make a few assumptions and look at a few general strategies.
Your consultant will not provide legal or therapeutic advice about your case, but rather general strategies and approaches that often work well in high - conflict disputes.
Perhaps if you gave us more information on what you are requesting we could suggest general strategies to request information.
If you can achieve it just the same with a simpler and more general strategy, then I don't see why you shouldn't do just that.
The new report recommends «innovative budgeting» and suggests several general strategies to help states and school districts pay for new technologies.
Of course a few tidbits about Windows Phone 7 came up as well, plus Nokia's general strategy going forward.
«This work included assisting my Speaker campaign with general strategy and preparing for and attending weekly «kitchen cabinet» meetings,» she states in the settlement made public Wednesday.
And for more general strategies on landing, building and shooting like a pro, be sure to also check out our general Fortnite guide.
The first excerpt from our book reviewed the Common Core Writing Standards and offered general strategies for teachers of English - language learners.
Being the Executive Board Secretary of Unilever Francophone Africa and the corporate counsel of the group, he advised the company officers on several corporate and tax matters and participated in the company general strategy.
A good general strategy is to start off with a few of the Ten Laws, whatever you're handily comfortably with, then keep adding the next one in, one by one, until you start making optimal progress.
«Kimberly's book initially comprises of theory, outlining language development and milestones, onto general strategies and tips for encouraging language development.
While the students played, parents or caregivers took 2 - hour - long weekly classes on parenting that included general strategies for reducing family stress, such as creating consistent home routines, as well as activities specifically directed at boosting attention similar to those used in class that they could play with their children — one activity, for example, was to match words such as «happy» or «sad» to pictures of different facial expressions.
Four Parts: Writing Help Getting Started Writing Drafts General Strategies for Effective Writing Community Q&A.
Part 1 of this series describes the Common Core Writing Standards and shares general strategies that ELL teachers can use to meet them.
In general this strategy below is best applied for those who have significant savings and income high enough to disqualify them from any financial aid, and with parent's whose income is high enough to disqualify them from the American Opportunity Credit (that is, household income over $ 180,000).
For more on Lamia, readers can check out Yohosie's videos showing the character's moves and general strategy after the jump.
So what general strategy would you recommend for dating sites that do business in the USA?
We continue to discuss general strategies for Urgent Quest monsters.
A good general strategy is to follow an account first and then retweet something from them.
Our results have given us insights into new bacteriotherapies for C. difficile infection and inflammatory bowel disease, and moreover suggest general strategies for developing these therapies for many other diseases,» said Vanni Bucci, PhD, first author of the study and an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth.
«Our discovery of a second protein indicates that drugging the system that regulates gene expression may be a more general strategy to treat heart failure,» explained Haldar.
Three Methods: General Strategies for Dressing an Apple ShapeWear a Flattering TopWear the Right BottomsCommunity Q&A
In fact, the general strategy was to get the men in, and then the women would follow.
As a general strategy, abstracting from price fluctuations, the «oil fund» approach seems to make the most sense when the resource will be exhausted within, say, a period of a couple of decades.
«It's no secret that the general strategy here is for the allied air campaign to degrade ISIL's capabilities, their infrastructure, their weaponry, their weapons stocks, basically to put them on the defensive so at some point when Iraqi security forces are able to launch a counter-offensive,» he said.
Now, I didn't get to see Tony Hsieh when he spoke at the Reno PRSA back in January, and i haven't read his book «Delivering Happiness: A path to profits, passion, and purpose,» but i am aware of their general strategy.
The general strategy, then, is to take one «behind the scenes» to lay bare the mechanism by which the effect was produced.
When one is dealing with basic, metaphysical questions, like the nature of the self, there are two general strategies to follow.
The Hawk's fanbase was all for it, the Rams are no different in the general strategy this off - season.
Without quarreling with this general strategy, we are not inclined to recommend it on this North holding.
Here are some general strategies to help your baby to self - sooth.
Also, the general strategy for outreach on all of these socnets is essentially the same (keep your message visible, correct opposition message and recruit supporters).
A source on the Lammy campaign told TP that the Tottenham MP had brought in Delroy Corinaldi to «advise on communications and general strategy».
The Green Party makes a point of never endorsing the candidacies of members of other parties, as is permitted by New York's unusual electoral rules, preferring to run «independent candidates» rather than make a living off of fusion voting, the general strategy of Working Families Party.

Phrases with «general strategy»

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