Sentences with phrase «general tax revenues»

Those measures are covered through general tax revenues, meaning that workers today pay taxes to raise the incomes of poorer seniors.
Two programs administered by the federal government and financed out of general tax revenues comprise the first pillar: Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS).
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes):
However, he warned those who may be counting on nothing but government programs that Canada's Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement are funded from general tax revenues.
What's happening is that Congress is now having to use general tax revenues to repay this debt to itself.
For this reason, in 2008, a means - tested pillar called Sistema de Pensiones Solidarias, financed out of general tax revenue was introduced.
Whatever your opinion of (and tolerance for) local taxation, gazillions of dollars of tax - free bonds from all over America are backed by general tax revenues.
Most Australians also receive a government pension financed from general tax revenue.
This is a substantial amount of «general tax revenues» that will go to a small group of high - income taxpayers.
First and foremost level One is the Old Age Security program including the Guaranteed Income Supplement — a means tested program financed out of general tax revenues.
To solve this issue they did the following: they set aside a portion of general tax revenues (Manufacturer's sales tax which later became the GST) for OAS, increased corporate tax rates and introduced a small tax on individuals (Old Age Pension Tax).
A federal supplemental income program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes).
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