Sentences with phrase «general teaching pedagogy»

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The second is also unsurprising: teachers must have a general knowledge of pedagogy, including the nature of teaching and learning, educational aims, and strategies for assessing student learning.
When reviewing the documents, whenever there was only a vague description using the word technology or the phrase technology integration, these items were placed under a general categorization of «Use of technology for pedagogy purposes,» due to the definition of that category («Technology Assists With Teaching»), as no clear intention for use can be inferred from either the single word or phrase.
Candidates for a first - time Minnesota classroom teaching license must pass the MTLE Basic Skills Test, a test of general pedagogy, and a test of content knowledge for the specific licensure field.
The next exam is the MTLE general pedagogy test, which measures skills in the principles of teaching and learning.
This course provides a general introduction to curriculum and instruction (pedagogy) affecting teaching and learning across disciplines, grade levels and different social contexts of schooling.
The Report's central conclusion is that, although traditional legal pedagogy is very effective in certain aspects, it overemphasizes legal theory and underemphasizes practical skills and professional development.5 By focusing on theory in the abstract setting of the classroom, the Report argues, traditional legal education undermines the ethical foundations of law students and fails to prepare them adequately for actual practice.6 Traditional legal education is effective in teaching students to «think like lawyers,» but needs significant improvement in teaching them to function as ethical and responsible professionals after law school.7 As I will discuss in greater detail below, in general, the Report recommends «contextualizing» and «humanizing» legal education by integrating clinical and professional responsibility courses into the traditional core curriculum.8 In this way, students will learn to think like lawyers in the concrete setting of actual cases and clients.9 The Report refers to pedagogical theories developed in other educational settings and argues that these theories show that teaching legal theory in the context of practice will not only better prepare students to be lawyers, it will also foster development of a greater and more deeply felt sense of ethical and professional identity.10
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