Sentences with phrase «general weight gain»

Besides general weight gain, insulin resistance is associated with abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and low HDL («good cholesterol»).

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Because sleep allows your body and mind to rest, restore, and repair, while poor sleep can lead to fatigue, weight gain, depression, anxiety, poor concentration, increased body pain, and a general feeling of being unwell.
Little J's baby book had a place for what we were doing when I went into labor, how long I was in labor for, how much weight I gained, pretty much general birth things, and then it also had a place for things like headlines from the day, most popular songs, popular actors and athletes, world leaders, and average prices.
There is not a general agreement on what normal weight gain for a baby is.
The impact of the forcing food, can be so severe that it carries through adulthood and affects the way we view food in general which can lead to bad nutrition, wrong portion sizes and weight gain.
Whether it's weight gain in general or problem areas, it's hard to lose the weight after we've had kids.
From the swollen ankles to the puffy face to the weight gain and the general feeling of exhaustion, pregnancy is challenging and not always easy to wear.
It is completely normal for breastfed babies to lose about 5 - 7 % of their birthweight in these first few days (here is more about that and about weight loss / gain in general).
The deficiency of these elements sets the risk of constipation, anemia, obesity or poor weight gain, depending on their general diet.
The muscle movements general become meaningful and stronger as the baby grows and gains more weight.
This pregnancy weight gain calculator takes into account your height, weight and age to give you a general idea of how much weight you are expected to gain during pregnancy.
Topics covered included general health assessment, lactation physiology, feeding position and latch on assessment, management of common lactation problems (nipple pain, nipple cracks, sore nipples, mastitis, and maternal concern regarding low milk supply), management of infant problems (insufficient weight gain, breastfeeding jaundice, diarrhoea and dehydration), maternal medication use while breastfeeding and sources of support.
He suggests that because people in the west tend to gain weight as they get older, they have come to equate thinness with youth and attractiveness, and competitive advantages in general.
«Some news reaches the general public about the long - term consequences of sleep deprivation, such as the links between less sleep and weight gain,» said Orzech.
«We've known for some time that sleep deprivation is associated with weight gain and obesity in the general population, but this study shows that getting enough sleep — even just two hours more — may be as important as a healthy diet and exercise for new mothers to return to their prepregnancy weight,» says Erica Gunderson, an investigator at Kaiser Permanente Divison of Research in Oakland, Calif., and lead author of the study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
But in general, notes Tara Collingwood, RDN, coauthor of Flat Belly Cookbook for Dummies ($ 23; when people gain weight, it often increases their amount of visceral fat.
While the notion that French women never gain weight isn't entirely true, one of the reasons they are less likely to (even with a diet that regularly involves bread, cheese, and cream) is because they eat less food in general.
Worry lines, weight gain, and general tension in the body all show up when you're stressed.
«By eating complex, whole food meals instead of focusing on low - kilojoule foods you'll have increased and sustained energy, increased nutrient intake, increased appetite control, decreased chances of weight gain and increased general wellbeing.»
«What I would tell the general public, or anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer, is that preventing weight gain as we age or trying to promote weight loss if you're overweight is one of the most important things you can do,» says Irwin.
Weight loss, muscle gain and improving general fitness are not things that happen overnight.
While a properly working metabolism is important for preventing unwanted weight gain, boosting your metabolism is also critical for many other bodily functions related to maintaining general health.
This article is mostly about fat loss, but the same principles are just as important for muscle gain, weight maintenance, and general health.
Intermediate and advanced trainees (as well as beginners) will learn through experience that for the greatest and fastest general muscle mass gains free - weights are superior anyway.
Ben coaches and trains individuals for general health, longevity, weight loss, lean muscle gain, holistic wellness, and sports performance — using a real food protocol.
The truth is that I have no problem at all gaining weight when I overeat on junk foods, grain - based foods, or eat large amounts of processed foods in general.
A Low - Fat Diet is a general weight loss plan that claims eating foods low in fats can reduce weight gain.
«People tend to gain weight steadily, on average — not everybody — and get more fat and tend to lose lean mass up to about age 65, and then what happens is that there's a downward trend: Now people start to kind of slowly lose weight — again, not everybody, but the trend is that as you get older — the general population I see is in the 70s and 80s — they tend to lose weight,» says Michi Yukawa, MD, MPH, acting instructor in the department of medicine and the division of gerontology and geriatric medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle.
by «gain weight / muscle» do you mean to have your muscles more defined and visible (the general «muscular look») or do you want to be bodybuilder huge?
In general, it seems that snacking on calorie - dense, low - nutrient foods may promote weight gain.
HIT benefits those who intend to have better general fitness and lose weight, but does not work for someone intent on muscle gain.
Since I became vegan, my belly is bigger, I seem to be wider and have gained weight in general.
For the last several decades, fat has been demonized and the idea that «eating fat will make you fat» has been so engrained in our heads (and our refrigerators), that we've been led to eat fat - free, low - fat, and high - in - crap - ingredients food for so long, yet we continue to gain weight, be diagnosed with an endless number of diseases, and, in general, feel overall crummy.
For me, the worst thing was weight gain, struggling to lose weight, having absolutely no energy and just feeling unhappy in general.
Then, you used that information to adjust your estimated calorie maintenance level and figure out exactly how many calories you need to eat per day to build muscle (or just gain weight in general).
You may just want to gain weight in general, but the «weight» you typically want to gain is muscle.
If you are suffering with unexplained weight gain, constipation, bloating, gas, poor skin condition, sluggish digestion, allergy flare - ups, or just general feelings of low energy, fatigue, and illness...
Ultimate strength and mass gains will surely not match those of a high - weight regimen, but I would argue that for the vast majority of people looking to lose weight, build tone, and obtain some general fitness with less risk of injury, that this is far preferable.
We mentioned this briefly above, but portion control is KEY to weight loss, weight gain, and even general health!
Bray also discusses the fact that sweetened beverages in general, as compared to sweeteners added to solid foods, have a greater tendency to cause weight gain, citing a randomized, double - blind European study by Rabin and others, which found that drinking calorically sweetened beverages resulted in greater weight gain over the ten - week study than did drinking diet drinks.8 Since the beverages in this study were sweetened with sucrose, Bray called for a second randomized controlled study to compare sucrose - and HFCS - sweetened beverages.
Filed Under: General Nutrition, Hormone Health, Lifestyle, Mindset Tagged With: blood sugar, diet, disease, enjoy, enjoy life, exercise, fat, food, fun, heal, healing, Healthy for the Holidays, Healthy Tips, hirsutism, Holiday Season, holistic health, holistic nutrition, hormone balance, hormones, natural health, nutrition, PCOS, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, real food, recovery, stress, Thanksgiving, tips, weigh gain, weight, women, women's health
Filed Under: Birth Control, General Nutrition, Hormone Health, Lifestyle, PCOS, Stress, Uncategorized Tagged With: blood sugar, diet, exercise, fat, food, heal, healing, holistic health, holistic nutrition, hormones, nutrition, PCOS, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, real food, recovery, weigh gain, weight, women's health
(p. 30) «In general, whole, plant - based foods won't make you gain weight as long as you are eating an average calorie density of 550 (or fewer) calories per pound.»
Endocrine Glands: Pancreas (diabetes) and thyroid glands (overactive and underactive) thyroid function, that results in fatigue, weight gain or loss, anxiety, general feeling of illness, hyperactivity.
In general, a healthy pregnancy weight gain is two to four pounds total during the first trimester, and then about one pound a week during the second and third trimesters.
Whole grain intake in general is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain.
My general recommendations for those who are training and the beat up is to see how much they can eat and not gain weight as well as see how much they can sleep.
Before the test, I felt good in general but I am gaining weight and really I just knew that in reality I was eating too many refined carbs and wanted to see how my body would handle the test.
A general guideline for a starting point for gaining weight is to add approximately 300 - 500 calories per day onto your TDEE.
So what are some tests that you do feel like are probably warranted for people either pursuing weight loss or muscle gain or just general health?
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