Sentences with phrase «generalise what»

Parents were trained in fortnightly sessions to monitor their child's behaviour, positively reinforce prosocial behaviour, punish effectively without being abusive, manage family crises and to generalise what they learnt.
The courts approach each case in a nuanced and focused way, so it is hard to generalise what the outcome might be.

Not exact matches

What wasn't well - understood, though, was that the layering structure could result in substantial losses, even to the senior tranches, in the event of a generalised downturn in the market, which is what subsequently occurWhat wasn't well - understood, though, was that the layering structure could result in substantial losses, even to the senior tranches, in the event of a generalised downturn in the market, which is what subsequently occurwhat subsequently occurred.
You must have a very good reason for thinking what you do about SOME Christians but please avoid generalising this to ALL Christians because it's actually insulting to the majority of christians.
Conflicting ideas of what a pastor is, then (and I'm not suggesting you are doing this steve, more a generalised observation) various people trying to impose these conflicting ideas on the position known as «the pastor» while simultaneously ignoring that there is a real person who works in the role.
we all get what we deserve, if you do good ul get good and if you do bad ull get bad, so stop hating and generalising on muslims and islam.
It is not definitive, they're sites for further research and support (research thoroughly, especially when it comes to health matters, and I would recommend taking a generalised view), whether for their good information, or as examples of what is out there to peruse.
«When a baby comes into a home - I'm generalising - but often the whole family falls around a baby rather than the baby fitting into home life, which is what used to happen,» Waddilove said.
Then generalise it to a Parliament, and see what happens.
It is difficult to generalise, who knows what was going through the heads of those cheering his name at Glastonbury?
But when their robot got stuck — because a necessary part was missing, say — the machines were unable to explain the specifics of what was needed, and instead could only ask for generalised «help».
I won't make generalised statements as to what these changes might be.
The criteria are so generalised that they tell you little about what works and doesn't work within a given curriculum or approach.
I was hoping to get an answer from someone who knows what they are talking about... not someone generalising me and making assumptions on my past actions with no proof whatsoever.
It is too diverse, too much a collection of competing voices to be pinned down precisely, in terms of what it could be said to stand for; however, by generalising wildly, it might be possible to say that it represents a point around which certain attitudes towards abstraction have coalesced: one being, that the attempt to build on the discoveries of Modernism is still worth making; and another, that any such attempt can not be reductive, only expansive, ruling nothing out in terms of form, colour and material.
Calvin's paintings depict young people and the California landscape in what he himself describes as «generalised» glimpses of the California coast.
As generalised as this concept is, to what extent do you consider your own work as being digitally minded?
So what are the factors that shape the ways in which we collectively define a great artwork, and could one generalise to suggest that women and men make different kinds of work?
I doubt that many are familiar with this approach which doesn't generalise anyway so I don't use it and recommend not to use a term when one doesn't know what it means.
I asked for details of what variance was used to adjust the mean (I assume generalised least squares is being used in some way, I am curious as to how).
My point was the physicality of the «generalised» entropy (what was not your issue as you dealt only with mathematical properties of Phi) where an attempt at physical description of thermodynamical systems must be made.
If the constraint was on a «generalised» mean of a variable more complicated than only x or x ² what is not forbiden à priori and what is f.ex the case in the Kolmogorov turbulence theory, the maximisation of Sq would NOT yield a power law.
Yes, generalising across Antractica is difficult but it's more than that - it's foolish to claim that you know what land based temperatures are when there's no observations there.
QUESTION: What effect do personality disorders have on time to remission in people with generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder or social phobia?
As this Chapter highlights, it is unhelpful to generalise about understandings of what constitutes «Indigenous land».
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