Sentences with phrase «generalization of»

However, successful generalization of skills remains a substantial challenge.
In addition, generalization of the learned skills outside the treatment setting may be enhanced by including parents (Bögels et al. 2008).
Scores stay low during early adolescence and increase linearly from 14 years of age to reach adult levels at 18 years of age; this pattern is consistent across ethnic groups, reflecting the reliability and generalization of the measure (Steinberg and Monahan, 2007).
Attachment development in middle childhood is also marked by a shift toward integrated representations of different attachment relationships within the family (Bretherton and Munholland 2016), while expanded social interactions outside the family call for further generalization of these representations (Bowlby 1980), to allow children to explore these new situations with the guarantee that their parents will provide safety but also support.
In light of an increasing emphasis on effectiveness and dissemination trials, the broader treatment fidelity framework as applied in this review focuses needed attention on areas often overlooked in fidelity practices, such as training providers and generalization of treatment skills.
Additionally, when matching procedures are properly applied in quasi-experimental studies, reasonable control groups can be formed so that generalization of results is quite feasible and realistic.
Randomized, controlled trial of behavioral family systems therapy for diabetes: Maintenance and generalization of effects on parent - adolescent communication
A final limitation was the lack of data on children's behavior at school to measure generalization of treatment effects.
For generalization of the learned skills to the school environment in may be crucial to actively inform teachers on mindfulness and how to support the child in application of learned skills to the school environment.
The development and generalization of new self narratives through the use of metaphor and play, the therapeutic relationship, and other relationships and the role of this in reducing / managing risk is discussed.
These include: a) development of treatment selection guidelines; b) continued emphasis on identification and elaboration of the processes of family engagement and change in PMT; 48 c) examination of strategies for enhancing outcome and generalization of effects, especially with respect to underserved groups; d) the role of PMT as a preventive intervention; and e) greater attention to the conceptual, empirical, and pragmatic issues that are involved in large - scale dissemination.49 Incorporating innovative technologies in the design, delivery, and enhancement of PMT (e.g., via the internet and smartphone apps) is particularly promising.50
Limitations include generalization of parenting effects to nonstudy foster children and lack of follow - up.
Summary: (To include comparison groups, outcomes, measures, notable limitations) The purpose of the present study was to examine the generalization of treatment effects from treated to untreated behaviors in the Hanf Parent Training Program [now called Helping the Noncompliant Child (HNC)-RSB-.
It is recommended that personalized homework assignments be assigned in order to promote the generalization of newly acquired client behaviors to more diverse contexts encountered in their everyday lives.
Limitations include generalization of parenting effects to nonstudy foster children, reliability on a self - reported measure, and lack of follow - up.
Parents are assigned weekly individualized homework assignments to use coping skills and parenting skills to help facilitate the acquisition of and generalization of skills to the home.
Limitations include generalization of results which is limited to a sample of a Latino families residing in a southwestern U.S. metropolitan area, small sample size, no - treatment control group, and lack of follow - up.
To encourage generalization of skills to everyday situations, adolescents are given homework assignments that are reviewed at the beginning of the subsequent session.
Long - term outcomes and generalization of acquired skills are hoped to be enhanced by this strength - based, ecological approach in which caregivers are supported in managing youth behaviors across the systemic elements of their ecology (e.g., school, community, peer relationships).
Limited number of sample and undergraduate qualification of the participants may threat the generalization of the results.
Parents were explained that their participation was needed for three reasons: (1) generalization of skills (homework monitoring, sharing of practice experiences, and role modeling), (2) to help bring calm in their families, as children with externalizing disorders enhance parenting and family stress, and (3) parents may have similar attention or impulsivity problems because of genetic similarities, and they might find the skills useful for their own life.
Liz strongly believes in incorporating curriculum - based materials, helpful strategies, and a bit of humor to bolster students» motivation and generalization of skills.
The design of field observation is to aid in the generalization of skills learned in the therapy room.
The neurobiology and psychophysiology of human anxiety, classical and operant conditioning markers of clinical anxiety, generalization of conditioned fear, the neural antecedents of avoidance and other fear - related decisions
In phase 2, the generalization of avoidance beyond specific trauma memories and reminders to avoidance of emotions and other internal states (ie, experiential avoidance), and its role in maintaining both PTSD and relationship problems, are taught.
Generalization of our results is limited to parents with similar socio - demographic background as the sample of this study (parents of children with cerebral palsy, aged in their mid-thirties, living in an urban environment, of post-secondary education).
It can be described as a structured and direct teaching approach that facilitates the acquisition, production, and generalization of personal and social behavior.
The present sample was also limited to college students, relatively homogeneous in age and ethnicity, and future studies should evaluate the problem of generalization of the current results, by including diverse treatment - seeking clinical samples.
The first one is a generalization of the position, but doesn't say much else.
For starters, it is not really valid to make a sweeping generalization of all identity - based blockchains and distributed ledgers, as each is architected around specific use - cases and requirements.
State channels a generalization of the Lightning Network concept in Bitcoin would permit conduct of most transactions off - chain, between parties directly, using the blockchain only as a kind of final arbiter in case of disputes.
In particular, state channels — a generalization of the lightning network concept in Bitcoin — would permit conducting most transactions off - chain between parties directly, using the blockchain only as a kind of final arbiter in case of disputes.
If the information you are looking to retrieve is more geared toward the generalization of the California Court system, then you will find what you need on the California Superior Court Website.
Jordan is quite right on a few points which I may have characterized as nonsense in my generalization of his recommendations.
I know research exists on the way newer graduates — or a younger generation (an unfortunate generalization of the demographics of law students)-- access information on the Internet, but I can't point to any results at the time of this writing.
Or consider the duty (reflected in, for example, the Ontario AG's Crown Policy Manual) not to pursue a charge in the absence of a REASONABLE prospect of a convction (which is really just a generalization of my first example).
(This is inspired by and a generalization of the firearms ownership question).
To be able to see a complete generalization of the lukewarm gambit would certainly be great.
However, your generalization of his comment as the foundational methodology of all of science is completely misguided.
What we are talking is a minor generalization of classical nucleation theory in cases where CNT breaks down.
I may take up the issues of LTP and wandering sets in dynamical theory elsewhere, as I think it is an interesting and relevant generalization of the GHG questions at issue.
As for the generalization of classical nucleation theory — about which he has not the slightest clue.
The intention was more to point out that your generalization of RC was just as wrong as your generalization of this blog.
Stereotypes come from the aggregation and generalization of the daily experiences of millions of people, so they can not possibly fail to be true.
Because you just did included him by making yet another sweeping generalization of malfeasance by your colleagues.
(Keep in mind that any generalization of «men» and «women» is ridiculous)
It is a generalization of the ARIMA (autoregressive integrative moving average) model, itself an extension of the familiar ARMA (autoregressive moving average) model.
John, my perception (and forgive me for stepping in here) is that your generalization of this site is quite different from mine.
Would that be a fair generalization of where the consensus is at?»
Magnusdottir, G. and W. H. Schubert, 1990: The generalization of semigeostrophic theory to the beta - plane.
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