Sentences with phrase «generalizations based»

Judges typically consider a lot of evidence from multiple sources to get a sense of what would be best in a given situation for a specific child, rather than drawing generalizations based on what things should look like from an idealized perspective.
Don't you hate it when people make sweeping generalizations based on their own limited experience.
[Disclaimer: My statements are generalizations based off my observations and those of both foreigners and Koreans I met on my trip.
«This strongly suggests that ravens make generalizations based on their experience and do not merely interpret and respond to behavioral cues from other birds,» Bugnyar told the Guardian.
However, we can make a couple of generalizations based on theory.
«Making generalizations based on country can lead people to draw very inaccurate conclusions that may influence both individual and organizational business and management relationships.
I wouldn't go making any generalizations based on 1 campaign either.
It's always difficult to make broad generalizations based on a limited sample size, but I wanted to determine how often our ticket percentages matched up with our money percentages during the 2016 - 17 college basketball season.
because unlike you, I don't make sweeping generalizations based on a stranger's internet comment.
As generalizations based on empirical data, these laws were, for Marx, scientific laws, on the basis of which he predicted the course of social development.
Your post above is just more of your usual broad - brush generalizations based on ignorant assumptions.
But they have usually not cared about the validity of metaphysical generalizations based on their expertise.
Our armed forces represent a microcosm of society, so don't make generalizations based upon your own personal beliefs.
But he makes these generalizations based on what a liberal, secular world has fed him, and what he has blindly accepted
We make a lot of assumptions and bad generalizations based on who someone voted for, and that has to change.
And if my becoming defensive proved your point then I have to say that you have a very low threshold of proof which I suppose explains why you are so comfortable making such sweeping generalizations based on no more evidence than your percieved experience.
Although U.S. Millennials are hardly a homogeneous population, we believe that generalizations based on our research illustrate the profound impact this generation is having on marketing — and are useful in understanding the reciprocity principle in terms of reach, relevance, reputation, relation, and referral.5
But the correction need not have damned her as «a minor celebrity,» nor did it deserve such a sweeping generalization based upon a single sentence.
This is a bit of a generalization based on children I've known over the past few years, but it seems that children who are over the age of 15 — 18 months or so when the milk dries up have such an emotional attachment to nursing that they want to continue to do it even though there's no more milk for them.
For me, I wasn't super impressed, but I'm not making a sweeping generalization based upon my one experience.
Compose a generalization based on several examples of similar situations.
Different breeds have different requirements, however below is a generalization based off weight classes.

Not exact matches

We also tend to make generalizations about a person's individual contribution to a project based on how we feel about a group the person belongs to: a team, a company, or — even if we don't realize it — their ethnicity, religion or disability.
Rather, our beliefs are based on generalizations we make about our past.
I can't find any respect for atheists — I hate to make sweeping generalizations but based on the comments in this blog, I would call them them most hateful, self - centered & self - absorbed people I have ever encountered.
Less obviously, transmuted feelings are the physical and perceptual basis for the descriptive generalization by which Whitehead arrives at the conception of the consequent nature of God.
To the question of whether Jews are smarter, I expect most people — Jews and non-Jews, philo - Semites and anti-Semites — would likely say it is true as a generalization, although all but the anti-Semites would quickly add that people must be judged on an individual basis.
Descriptive generalization proceeds on the basis of important physical relations discerned in a limited area of experience and conceptually extended as a hypothetical illumination of other areas of life.
Based on your generalizations from your «years of experience,» I would say you need more years to broaden your perspective.
So, from reading this message board, the repeated theme I infer is that it's okay to generalize groups of people just as long as the generalizations are not based on race.
Let's set aside for the moment that the above article is based on a mind - numbingly sweeping generalization (one that invalidates any «conclusions» it may draw).
Based on an analysis of human experience, he makes broad generalizations about all other experiences in the world.
However, out of even so brief a survey of the record of Christianity as the past chapters have contained, certain generalizations emerge which provide a basis for confidence in some important predictions.
While this is doubtless an overstatement based on too hasty generalization, every «bad» Christian who can be set over against a «good» non-Christian is a barrier to the gospel.
Another generalizationbased on your experience I suppose.
The calculations employed in the experiment were based on Synge's generalization of Whitehead's original work.
(d) Whitehead's positive basis for the doctrine of flow of feeling is generalization from single instances.
On the contrary, I should claim, what I have been saying is metaphysical in the second sense of the word which I proposed in an earlier chapter; it is the making of wide generalizations on the basis of experience, with a reference back to verify or «check» the generalizations, a reference which includes not only the specific experience from which it started but also other experiences, both human and more general, by which its validity may be tested — and the result is not some grand scheme which claims to encompass everything in its sweep, but a vision of reality which to the one who sees in this way appears a satisfactory, but by no means complete, picture of how things actually and concretely go in the world.
Perhaps sufficient will have been said if I point out that process thought is based upon wide generalizations made from those experiences of fact, and those facts of experience, which demonstrate to us the dynamic, active, on - going «creative advance» of the world; and which, in recognizing and accepting the patent reality of such a world, sees man as part of it sharing in that movement, and a principle of ordering and direction, which may properly be called God, explaining why and how the advance goes on as it does.
This sweeping generalization from Ms. Smith's prehension of her past experience is based on the speculation that the relations that constitute all atomic events can also be understood as prehensions.
It is too simple, consequently, to see empirical theology as simply another theology, basing thought on experiences rather than on schemes or reasons, proposing that generalization proceed by induction rather than by deduction, advancing a pluralism in place of a monism, or a naturalism in place of a transcendentalism.
First, the American religious empiricists defend religion by placing it on a purely descriptive basis, using for this a radically empirical sensibility together with inductive generalization; but soon, as I have attempted to indicate, any circumspect reader can see the extent to which this description is loaded with temperamental and, possibly, contextual bias — and, further, by the specificity peculiar to Christianity and American turn - of - the - century neonaturalism.
On the other hand, if by metaphysics one means exactly what I suggested earlier — the making of wide generalizations on the basis of particular experiences, the constant reference back of those generalizations to further areas of experience, and the resultant «vision» of how things «are» and how «they go» — then metaphysics is by no means finished.
A completely novel, unpredictable or unique occurrence would not constitute the basis for such a generalization, and so it would not fall within the purview of critical methods of inquiry.
Whitehead agrees with the traditional principle that philosophical «generalization must be based upon the primary elements in actual experience as starting points» (PR 240).
The method of metaphysics is to begin with factors based upon one topic of human interest, such as physics or psychology, imaginatively to generalize those factors in such a way that they might apply to all fields of interest, and then to test these generalizations by trying to apply them to the facts in these other fields (PR 7f.
Stop making such wild generalization about things based on such limited personal experience.
Then a distinction in kind between laws and biological and accidental generalizations can not be based on systematic import.
Based on generalization and discrimination, he said, it will not help American security in any way.
We abandon biological and accidental generalizations more easily because of the special - ness of the environment presumed; our reluctance to abandon laws is based on their usefulness in an implicit wider environment.
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