Sentences with phrase «generalizations from»

Reflections on a research career: Generalizations from 25 years of research on assessment and instructional decision making.
Of course, the antidote to mistaken generalizations from our limited and potentially distorted set of immediate experiences is the reliance on systematic data.
Making generalizations from DC experiences or newspaper articles is like saying that Seattle is a sunny place if you happen to arrive there on a day when the sun was shining.
It often comes from essentially pooling together data from a series of small studies, none of which on their own might have had the statistical power to make broad generalizations from their findings.
The process of logical inference is used to generate theoretical generalizations from the analysis of a sample that is not statistically representative, thereby producing theoretically rigorous conclusions, not statistically generalizable ones (Sharp, 1998).
These differences reflect, in turn, the basic divergence of the two philosophers in epistemological and metaphysical matters — Mill is a thoroughgoing empiricist who holds that even mathematical propositions are generalizations from experience (SL 147 - 69) while Hartshorne defends a rationalistic metaphysics including a priori proofs for the existence of God (CSPM 43 - 56).
In spite of this reciprocal influence, however, it is clear that Whitehead's fundamental categories are generalizations from human experience (PR 172).
The prophet does not draw abstractions from the concrete, generalizations from the specific.
On Hesse's view theories are not to be conceived as arranged in layers such that higher levels are generalizations from lower ones and allow predictions on the lower levels to be deduced.
My point is not that this suggests the possibility of positive support for Whitehead's notion of a variety of cosmic epochs (on his own theory of perception, it must be impossible for us to make observations of another epoch); my point is the negative one that generalizations from available astronomical data to uniformity throughout the universe may be precarious.
Based on your generalizations from your «years of experience,» I would say you need more years to broaden your perspective.
Have you read any mean - spirited generalizations from me on this website?
Could you really make such sweeping generalizations from such a limited experiment, they asked.
To that assessment this essay will contribute modestly by arguing (1) that an account of experience must be compatible with the fact that there is no one thing which is what experience is or is the essence of experience, (2) that no philosophically adequate account of what experience is can be established merely by appeal to direct, personal, intuitive experience of one's own experience, (3) that generalization from features found in human experience is not sufficient to justify the claim that temporality is essential to experience, but (4) that dialectical argument rather than intuition or generalization is necessary to support the claim that experience is essentially temporal.
In a way, as Professor A.H. Johnson has suggested, it is nothing other than a generalization from that event, a generalization applied to the rest of experience and to the world where we live.
As Whitehead states:» «prehensions» are a generalization from Descartes» mental «cogitations»» (PR 29).
This suggests that he arrived at his position through a generalization from human experience.
There is no questionable generalization from evidence to theory.
(d) Whitehead's positive basis for the doctrine of flow of feeling is generalization from single instances.
This sweeping generalization from Ms. Smith's prehension of her past experience is based on the speculation that the relations that constitute all atomic events can also be understood as prehensions.
Second, the induction to the new set of laws is not a generalization from particulars; the role of prior theory in guiding observation (of data or selection of uniformities) is accounted for.
«With the purpose of obtaining a one - substance cosmology, «prehensions» are a generalization from Descartes» mental «cogitations», and from Locke's «ideas», to express the most concrete mode of analysis applicable to every grade of individual actuality» (PR 19/29).
In fact he was pretty much injured prior signing his contract so this is just a generalization from your part.
'' It is the spread that provides the plethora of clinical problems that arise, just as no two individuals are exactly the same way; although, we can make some broad generalization from clinical experience».
It is a generalization from us being abroad.
i hear a lot of whining and generalization from the male posters.
*** «Perhaps concern over «uncertainty» in complex, adaptive, open systems should be investigated by inductive generalization from observations of the dynamics of a wide range of such systems: ecosystems, social systems, computer systems, immune systems, economic systems... It is curious that the following things are never admitted as «facts about the world,» but here goes: the observer would note of all of these systems that they undergo oscillations within apparent parameters and occasionally flip into new regimes; they often demonstrate novel emergence; and that increased forcing, whether of native elements or exotic ones, increases the rates of oscillation and catastrophic shifts, sometimes after a quieter period of sub-threshold build - up.
That is an incorrect generalization from a specific case.
Along with that is the faulty generalization from 3 countries in North - West Africa (4.4 million km ²) to the African continent (30.2 million km ²)
These latter findings suggest a generalization from relationship skills and principles of adolescent friendships to relationships with parents.
(3) In the same manner, the significant influence from relationships with friends to relationships with parents validated a friend effect model, suggesting a generalization from relationship skills and principles of adolescent friendships to relationships with parents.

Not exact matches

While it is still too early to make any generalizations regarding the bitcoin futures market, some interesting trends emerge from an in - depth analysis of the futures» first quarter in trading.
Stay strong though, voice your opinion, and identify and stand strong against the generalizations and labelling from those supporting the extreme left.
But apart from the biological differences they are at best statistical and as soon as you start to subscribe to these broad generalizations you lose some of your ability to see and treat each man and each woman as an individual.
From the selection of memory as a paradigm of experience, and from the generalization of the paradigmatic intuition of the past, temporal ordering and structure are built into the very conceptual bone and muscle of the theory of experience which Hartshorne constructs and propoFrom the selection of memory as a paradigm of experience, and from the generalization of the paradigmatic intuition of the past, temporal ordering and structure are built into the very conceptual bone and muscle of the theory of experience which Hartshorne constructs and propofrom the generalization of the paradigmatic intuition of the past, temporal ordering and structure are built into the very conceptual bone and muscle of the theory of experience which Hartshorne constructs and proposes.
If I have accepted the variety of usage and am looking to find or create a use to support metaphysical generalization, I can rely on the uniquely intimate and immediate revelation of my own experience — intuitively grasped from within — to authorize an insider's judgment about what reality is like at its heart.
Take out the term Calvinist and replace it with whatever you call yourself and you will be rather annoyed by the mean spirited generalizations that seem to flow so easily from your keyboard.
In Britain, too, the shying away from grand metanarratives and generalizations risks discouraging the sort of thinking and conversing that can do justice to the global scale and dynamic complexity of the situation.
I am speaking in gross generalizations here, but in my experience, going from evangelicalism to the mainline can feel a bit like jumping from one extreme to the other:
This seems fair enough: the applications of the principle that are offered, however, are generalizations that strangely resemble the «lessons» drawn from Scripture by an old - fashioned Sunday school teacher.
Especially in his sketch of the general development of European metaphysics within «three steps» (cf. AI 166 - 167), Whitehead realizes two transitions: first, from the primordial «intellectual discovery» of Plato to the «exemplification» of its contents in Jesus» life; then, secondly, from the Christ - event to its «metaphysical interpretation» within the generalizations of the Alexandrian theology (AI 166).
With their gross generalizations about nuclear weaponry, the churches seem to have contracted a severe case of nuclear «theology» which conveniently shields them from the ambiguities and complexities of the nuclear weapons debate.
To risk a generalization even more reckless than those I have already made: from the time of the pre-Socratics, all the great speculative and moral systems of the pagan world were, in varying degrees, confined to this totality, to either its innermost mechanisms or outermost boundaries; rarely did any of them catch even a glimpse of what might lie beyond such a world; and none could conceive of reality except as a kind of strife between order and disorder, within which a sacrificial economy held all forces in tension.
Early men weren't really very good at generalization, and since everything seemed to work independently from everything else, several gods were needed to explain the «stuff» that affected early man so profoundly.
Men have taken great care to properly translate from Hebrew to English, but it's not an easy job, and occassionally you get «generalizations» like this that require context to fully understand what is meant.
Whitehead's lecture on «Immortality» is seen as an example of the kind of cosmic view that comes from the generalization provided by a realistic system of education.
5A reading of Bacon's New Organon reveals a more nuanced and less empiricist approach to induction than Whitehead (and other twentieth - century philosophers) usually give him credit, One text in particular refers to the ascent and descent characteristic of imaginative generalizations:»... from the new light of axioms, which have been educed from those particulars by a certain method and rule, shall in their turn point out the way again to new particulars, greater things shall be looked for.
The passage in question is worth quoting, because it presents a good framework from which to approach imaginative generalization, which constitutes Whitehead's own version of «abstractive induction.»
It starts from the ground of particular observation; it takes a flight in the thin air of imaginative generalization; and again lands for renewed observation rendered acute by rational interpretation» (PR 5/7).
Moreover, a supplementary condition is required for the success of an imaginative generalization, insofar as the generalization should always take its point of departure from within some particular branch of human learning.
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