Sentences with phrase «generalizations regarding»

Sadly, some employers make broad - based generalizations regarding employment gaps and may use that to screen out candidates.
When expounding on the results to NPR, the study's lead researcher said: «Implicit biases are a natural process by which we take information, and we judge people on the basis of generalizations regarding that information.
This makes generalizations regarding their character and quality difficult.
It is your judgemental stand, unfair branding and overall negative generalizations regarding an entire belief system stretching out several thousand years that I stand against.
While it is still too early to make any generalizations regarding the bitcoin futures market, some interesting trends emerge from an in - depth analysis of the futures» first quarter in trading.

Not exact matches

And I agree with you regarding broad, sweeping generalizations.
In that case, the generalization began with the accepted scientific view regarding the electromagnetic field of activity pervading space and time, and rose beyond the limits of that physical theory to posit the ontological framework which the theory itself presupposes.
This I regard as the most powerful metaphysical generalization ever accomplished» (CSPM 107).
In this regard, we may observe that the Categoral Scheme of Process and Reality is an axiomatic matrix of tentative generalization derived from our experience.
-- I think we are in agreement about some of our opinions especially regarding the negative consequences of making sweeping generalizations.
As regards the method of descriptive generalization, Whitehead compared it to the flight of an airplane.
The Messi - Anelka comments are the reason qualitative data is regarded as incapable of generalization.
Perhaps Polis» most important contribution was assembling a list of cannibalism - related generalizations under which most examples of invertebrate cannibalism could be placed: 1) Immature animals get eaten more often than adults; 2) Many animals, particularly invertebrates, do not recognize individuals of their own kind, especially eggs and immature stages, which are simply regarded as a food source; 3) Females are more often cannibalistic than males; 4) Cannibalism increases with hunger and a concurrent decrease in alternative forms of nutrition; and 5) Cannibalism is often directly related to the degree of overcrowding in a given population.
In the past I know there have been some «generalizations» regarding how much would make it worthwhile to buy the ETFs vs the TD e-series, but it seems like a very cut and dry calculation now could resolve that.
While each situation is unique, some generalizations can be made in regards to UVB requirements.
That said, some generalizations can be made regarding the manner in which the heat is provided.
I'm not sure one can «lose their shirt» when collecting thousands of dollars of free travel... Clearly you're right that it's hard to make sweeping generalizations in this, or any, regard in life.
First, participants were 5th and 6th graders, which restrict range and generalization, both regarding age and students» emotional relationship to mathematics.
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