Sentences with phrase «generalized claims»

After all, no one is interested in mere generalized claims that have nothing to support them.
Ultimately, the Court of Appeal's decision establishes that bald, generalized claims against directors for the alleged wrongful acts of agents or employees in foreign jurisdictions are insufficient to sustain a cause of action against them.
Two articles are not proof of these amazingly generalized claims that are simply untrue (not to say criminals do not also choose these breeds — many, many people do across social and economic lines).
Please, do elaborate with evidence and specific examples that prove your as0yet unbased and wildly generalized claim.
It is difficult, if not impossible, to imagine how we could consistently generalize the claim that nonsentient beings have rights.
Should have said: I was making a generalized claim concerning children in the womb's brain activity.

Not exact matches

Kaspersky additionally claims that some of the allegations against it are generalized issues that impact most antivirus software.
But making wild claims like these (which seems completely unfounded or based on one or two bizarre stories that really have no relevance to the discussion) and generalizing it to an entire group of people shows an ignorance and bias which makes it hard to take you seriously.
In response to the first claim, Pelikan quotes Lionel Trilling: «It is probably true that when the dogmatic principle in religion is slighted, religion goes along for a while on generalized emotion and ethical intention — «morality touched by emotion,»» but it «then loses the force of its impulse and even the essence of Its being.»
Yet the danger of this sense of tragedy is that it will be generalized into a sweeping claim about all of human experience, and applied mechanically and indiscriminately to every moral problem.
And for all its claim to fashionable multiculturalism («Women from the dominant culture, class, and ethnic group — especially in the United States — need to be careful not to generalize our experience as that of all women,» writes Ringe), the book is laughably parochial, designed strictly for Americans.
However, even if Craighead's generalization involved no fallacy, it would be in error concerning that from which he claims to be generalizing.
So canned and promiscuous a characterization does precisely what progressives such as Mrs. Clinton claim the bigots do: generalize and demonize others to the point of dehumanization.
A rationalized, generalized, predictable legal system will foster social interaction and thus societal complexity.4 The claim here is more than this, however; it is that, while a rationalized legal system may facilitate societal complexity in any situation, it may be even more helpful for people who are otherwise religiously different.
What followed was a deluge of commenters claiming they read every single day and how dare NPR generalize in that way.
Hence, while authors» findings were presented as hard fact, given the 17 % fact, their (exaggerated) conclusions did not at all generalize across teachers given the sample limitations, and despite what they claimed.
I don't want to generalize from such a small sample, but there definitely seems to be a gap between the reality I see and the numbers Amazon is claiming.
The claim that self - published books are «poorly edited and written books» is overly generalized.
But to generalize all xbox owner hating the game as Tejastv has is a BS claim.
Instead of analyzing the notion of proof, it might be more fruitful to generalize BillP's claim: in principle, the empirical sciences never reaches definitive conclusions.
Merely because Emmy Noether has made a profound connection between symmetry and conservation principles, one that I have enormous respect for myself, is no reason to generalize to the claim that she has reduced physics to mathematics.
Apparently you generalize a lot and make false assertions such as your claim that industry and government are doing zero.
# 463 — «Apparently you generalize a lot and make false assertions such as your claim that industry and government are doing zero.
While that seems like a victory for consumers, an article in Forbes makes the case that the court's ruling was actually quite narrow and still permits companies to make a whole range of generalized and dubious health claims.
Opponents of the plan claim the National Head Start Impact Study (NHSIS), released in December 2012, shows that government investment in early childhood development is ineffective — a generalized conclusion that is neither...
And if you plan to generalize about women's brains, you would be well - advised to attribute such wild claims to scientific sources, seeing as you don't have any medical training of your own and are therefore unqualified to make any such claim.
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