Sentences with phrase «generalized form»

They carry out a vast number of job functions and unlike other managers who work in specific roles, operations managers generally conduct a generalized form of work.
With the generalized form, bacterial cultures from the skin may be needed to determine the most effective antibiotic.
Chronic and untreated cases of Dog Scabies may develop into a generalized form.
For chronic or severe cases, the generalized form of disease leads to seborrhea (secretions mixed with dirt & ruptured blister), thickening of skin and fold formation and severe lymphadenopathy.
It is highly recommended that when ever the generalized form of red mange is diagnosed in adult dogs, complete medical evaluation or screening should be carried out for other diseases such as heartworm disease, hypothyroidism etc..
Chronic scabies may represent themselves in a generalized form, where scar formation, hardened skin and seborrhea, systemic illness & severe lymphadenopathy are primary signs of a chronic condition along with signs of secondary bacterial infection i.e. fever, emaciation & loss of conditions.
If your dog has the common or generalized form of the condition, associated problems are secondary microbial infection from itching the skin.
The generalized form requires more aggressive treatment using special shampoos and dips, along with oral medication.
called the Integumentary system) or it evolves into a generalized form (involves other systems of body other then integumentary system, such as the lymphatic system — related to lymph & immunity & thermo regulatory system — related to inflammatory response center in the brain).
The generalized form of mange in puppies is identified by a severe and diffused mite infestation.
Dogs which have the generalized form should not be bred.
The treatment plan involves aggressive care, isolation from other cats and pets, lime — sulfur dips and a systemic treatment in case of generalized form.
This disease can turn into a generalized form eventually, which means that it can spread over your cat's body.
Many cases resolve spontaneously with little or no treatment, though in some dogs it progresses to the generalized form.
The generalized form the condition usually presents symptoms on the legs and abdomen in addition to the face and head.
What's more is that these covered her entire body, a generalized form of Demodectic mange.
A generalized form of context - dependent psychophysiological interactions (gPPI): A comparison to standard approaches.
This is a generalized form of the checklists that you're talking about.»
It is important to distinguish between the localized and the generalized forms of the disease, as generalized demodectic mange may be related to an immune system condition like feline immunodeficiency virus or feline leukemia.
Generalized forms on the other hand need attention and should be treated specifically.
Total or generalized forms of retinal dysplasia have been described as an inherited trait in several breeds, including the Bedlington terrier [78], Sealyham terrier [79], Labrador retriever [80] and the Yorkshire terrier [81] and are associated with complete detachment of the abnormal neuroretina from the retinal pigment epithelium that results in blindness of affected eyes.
On the other hand diffused localized red mange should be handled with care, as this form converts to generalize form.
More over the diffused form develops to generalize form, due to secondary bacterial infection and suppressed immune system.

Not exact matches

To counter it, «hold onto your truth and resist generalizing statements by realizing that they are in fact forms of black and white illogical thinking.»
the problem can be generalized into a form where you can make an agent do anything merely by promising a spectacularly high reward; if the reward is high enough, it will overrule any concerns the agent has about your inability to deliver it.
This denial comes most often in the form of a blindness to the particularity of creation, the same kind of blindness that has burdened so many of our Sunday - school classroom walls with a generalized, handsome, and Teutonic Jesus when in fact our Lord was and is no doubt far more Semitic in his actual appearance.
Most of the cosmologies in the ancient world began with a cosmic ocean, darkness and a generalized formlessness — just as Genesis does: «And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep» (1:2).
Whitehead's is by far the most brilliant attempt to generalize what is common to all three forms of the psychical by his concepts of feeling of feeling, or physical prehension, and mentality, all included in what he calls creativity.
He then generalizes that all occasions pass through at least a rudimentary form of each phase.
And Dave, Hitler used the Jewish people (conveniently organized in the form of Judaism) as a scapegoat for Germany's loss in WWI, at least that was the initial delusion before people just started generalizing Jewish people as being sub-human.
By memory we can generalize about the nature of our own experience, and then by analogy form some conception of the nature of ape, canine, or porpoise experience.
In principle, life (in a generalized sense) and mind were there all along, but in primitive forms, much more primitive even than in a single plant cell.
If we do not see the analogical bond between the other forms of religious discourse and prophetic discourse we generalize in univocal fashion the concept of inspiration derived from the prophetic genre and assume that God spoke to the redactors of the sacred books just as he spoke to the prophets.
Still other forms of culture are created by the Christian churches (hospitals, service of the poor, generalized education).9
Being now called upon by biology to consider the effects of synthesis, it is beginning to perceive that, parallel with the phenomenon of corpuscular disintegration, the Universe historically displays a second process as generalized and fundamental as the first: I mean that of the gradual concentration of its physico - chemical elements in nuclei of increasing complexity, each succeeding stage of material concentration and differentiation being accompanied by a more advanced form of spontaneity and spiritual energy.
Her own sympathies, at least with respect to causation, focus upon Whitehead's early philosophy of nature: «I now find myself distanced from his later writings, but increasingly sympathetic to the middle ones [e.g. SMW], especially as he was working towards a generalized notion of «organism,» and when his «passage of nature» could be seen not as one datum after another, but as a pattern - forming and pattern - sustaining process which could support a dynamic view of a causation underlying more restricted kinds» (CE vii).
Somehow they tend to serve as «tribes,» forms of more - than - familial life that keep people from being overwhelmed by the blur of generalized religion yet challenge them to look at more than their own backyards and neighborhoods.
Although some forms of the movement seem to call for a generalized trust, others are rightly concerned to direct trust toward that which is trustworthy, recognizing that many of the most powerful forces within us are dangerous.
Not from a program that generalizes and forms opinions based on a single day in a family's home.
A long debate has existed in psychology whether concepts, such as a dog, are represented in the mind as a collection of specific dogs that people have encountered or whether individuals can abstract the key characteristics across specific examples to form a generalized idea, or prototype, of a dog.
How does Campbell justify generalizing the effects of casein to all forms of animal protein?
The effects of casein — particularly isolated casein, separated from other components of dairy that often work synergistically — can't be generalized to all forms of milk protein, much less all forms of animal protein.
I think we should generalize the holiday to just celebrate love in general and it's many forms because it singles people out, literally, and turns a nice holiday into something rather loathsome to some.
Here the student demonstrates the ability to identify the main idea, generalize new material, translate verbal content into a visual form, transform abstract concepts into everyday terms, or make predictions.
In November, at the Build 2011 conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland, a publisher - designer named Craig Mod told the crowd, «We're trying to bring order and form and boundaries to what is otherwise a boundless space» and went on to describe the «generalized marginalization of the cover that's happening in digital books.»
As always, we're giving generalized opinions based on common interpretations of standard policy forms.
To be frank I haven't given thought to the horizon even though my name means horizon (Kshitiz) Please suggest generalized funds from each category.I have today submitted CAN form at MU POS.I will be investing thru them.
In fact, 30 - 50 % of dogs under a year old may recover spontaneously from generalized demodicosis without any form of treatment.
Muscular dystrophy: a congenital and often inherited form of generalized muscle dysfunction which causes signs such as poor growth, weakness, abnormal gait, dificulty eating and swallowing, and muscle atrophy.
GENERALIZED (GRAND MAL) SEIZURES This is the most common form of seizure in small animals.
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