Sentences with phrase «generalized idea»

Despite some throwaway jokes about celebrity, the whole thing quickly begins to feel like a gimmick, trading on pre-established personalities and generalized ideas of Hollywood excess, when most of these discussions and problems could pertain to any group of thirtysomething males faced with the imminent end of the world.
The exhibition reinforces a teleological conception of the future and posits futurity as a placeholder for generalized ideas about the extinction of species (including Homo sapiens), scientific advancements, changes in human relationality,
The current research generalizes this idea by presenting a systematic approach to optimizing reflector shapes for enabling a more developed set of signal distributions.
Mitchell's tale is worth pausing over in order to head off from the very beginning one of the great hazards of talking about Tocqueville: so generalizing his ideas that they collapse into commonplaces no one could possibly disagree with.
Generalizing an idea due to Dirac, he assigned to each particle not just space coordinates but also its own time coordinate and called the formulation «super-many-time theory.»
To any of the reviewers trying to over generalize the idea that this movie rips off others movies I wan na say this.
Schumacher's style is too slick, his sense of the macabre too watered - down, and his concentration on the thematic implications of the story too distracted by more generalized ideas to really get at the dark heart of the material.
Similarly Hartshorne writes: «By metaphysical system, I mean one in which the attempt is made to generalize all ideas to the fullest possible extent» (LP 219).
Atwater's team has generalized this idea to show that cramming in more optical states can make many thin - film light absorbers take up more light than usual.
A long debate has existed in psychology whether concepts, such as a dog, are represented in the mind as a collection of specific dogs that people have encountered or whether individuals can abstract the key characteristics across specific examples to form a generalized idea, or prototype, of a dog.
We all seem to be programmed by the media to fit in to a generalized idea of what is sexually attractive.
Dating also contains certain types of Dating Myths that may pass on from generation to generation as a generalized idea, but most probably they are never true.
Of course, everyone has their own set of favorite games and whatnot, so I'm just going to highlight a few favorites, as well as some generalized ideas you can try out.
Of course, on a first interview call, they probably won't have too much personal information about you, but an experienced coach should be able to provide a generalized idea of how they would tailor their program to your needs.
And it is up to the candidate to avail this opportunity by writing a cover letter that is not just informative but provides a generalized idea about the candidate's personal standing as well.
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