Sentences with phrase «generalized notions»

From James in particular, Whitehead borrowed the generalized notion of «experience» as pervasive and as constitutive of all entities, characterized chiefly by vague and preconscious feelings of causal connectedness and mutual influence among the neutral entities.
This generalized notion of organism does not preclude real differences of functioning at different levels.
Those who consider this language to have been unfortunate may be encouraged by the Dialogues to go behind it and look again at the generalized notion of «organism» which seemed to be emerging in the earlier books.
There is this way, and there is the way of reiterative patterns in the passage of nature, which Margaret wants, and there is the way of the generalized notion of organism, which I may say I want.
Her own sympathies, at least with respect to causation, focus upon Whitehead's early philosophy of nature: «I now find myself distanced from his later writings, but increasingly sympathetic to the middle ones [e.g. SMW], especially as he was working towards a generalized notion of «organism,» and when his «passage of nature» could be seen not as one datum after another, but as a pattern - forming and pattern - sustaining process which could support a dynamic view of a causation underlying more restricted kinds» (CE vii).
With online community and dating web sites, Click2Asia separates itself by breaking down the generalized notion of one Asian group into allowing users to associate and search for other asians based on if they are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese or any of the other different 17 Asian groups.
However, it is incorrect, as instead of providing your own position, you will generalize these notions and sink in the information you have to mention.
It must be recognized that a generalized notion of joint custody and two parents cooperatively planning for their children's future is impossible for many separated parents.

Not exact matches

Somewhat redundant» and with perhaps unavoidable generalizing about «the Catholic imagination,» «a Protestant landscape,» «working - class aesthetics,» and «middle - class notions of taste»» this study argues persuasively that «distinct categories of sacred and profane are inadequate to capture the complexity of Christian practice» in the corporeal world.
But it is an effort to sort out the central features of experiences of various sorts, to generalize their descriptions, and to develop in that way a generic notion of experience intended to be applicable to all the various kinds of experience.
This is a result of the history [210] of substance metaphysics, with its multiplicity of historical approaches.4 The notion of a uniform, simple concept of substance must itself be viewed as the product of a critique of substance that began with Locke and was generalized in the nineteenth century.
In «Time,» I generalize McTaggart's notions of A-series and B - series, and contrast four theories of temporal order, one of which is illustrated by Whitehead's conception of the temporal order of actual occasions.
Although pure mathematics and impure practice thus combine to suggest that living things, human selves and societies, should not be pictured on the model of Chepstow Castle — as though they were ping - pong balls, single shells that either insulate or shatter — our generalized common - sense notions of inside and outside by and large remain early Norman in their simplicity.
More significantly, it is impossible to credit the notion that a minority objecting to the flag salute on the basis of a generalized intellectual disagreement with the propositions in the pledge, as opposed to a religious objection, would have won.
But I do hope you realize you're putting the cart before the horses in making generalized statements about atheists as if they are facts when you haven't presented anything as evidence for your notions.
In developing the notion of a generalized other, George Herbert Mead hinted at the notion of a higher reference group.
So as you can see, the notion of a generalized «ideal» calcium - to - phosphorus ratio does not make much sense.
Rather than attempting to provide a generalized, lay - of - the - land exhibition — which is a fraught notion — Right Here, Right Now: San Antonio instead looks to the rich dialogues that are possible when extraordinary artworks are brought together in constellation.
Instead of analyzing the notion of proof, it might be more fruitful to generalize BillP's claim: in principle, the empirical sciences never reaches definitive conclusions.
But it would seem more arbitrary / tricky than using the established notion of generalized entropy.
Abstract This article describes a generalized approach to measuring subjective notions of quality.
The effects of the intervention also generalized to positively influence parent and child behaviours during a shared book reading activity, even though this activity was not a specific focus of the intervention.23 The intervention worked equally well with children who were or were not at high biological risk.13, 22 This supports the notion that responsiveness facilitates learning through parental sensitivity and willingness to meet young children's individual needs.
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