Sentences with phrase «generally accepted conclusions»

Not exact matches

But in its defense he cited Alasdair MacIntyre's conclusion in After Virtue (University of Notre Dame Press, 1984) that no generally accepted concept of justice is available therefore, «even justice can only be provisional this side of the eschatological fullness of the kingdom of God.»
I have tried, fortified by the most generally accepted and solid conclusions of science, to take the reader above this scene of turmoil; and as we have risen higher so has the prospect acquired a more ordered shape.
That conclusion may come about not simply by the Tories being generally accepted by voters as the English party.
The fact that many quantative estimates for variables in the generally accepted theory are and will be subject to substantial margins of uncertainty qualifies conclusions to be drawn from the theory.
In my various articles to date I have generally accepted in principle that a warming effect would occur but formed the conclusion and expressed the view that any such increase would take many centuries to be noticeable by which time humanity will have solved it's energy problems or have destroyed itself by other means.
These scientists generally do not participate in the accepted process of publishing research in refereed journals in order to test hypotheses and conclusions.
What they are really saying is this: In their humble opinion, the Mann hockey stick will not be deposed from its status as the generally - accepted temperature record for the last 2,000 years unless some major new study, one conducted by people with recognized stature in the climate science community, comes to a different conclusion.
The conclusion is clear: Every firm that has a site should test it for compatibility with multiple browsers, and every firm that is developing a site should ensure it comports with generally accepted Web standards.
New York utilizes what is known as the «Frye» test for the admissibility of scientific expert testimony, which requires that experts rely on methodologies that are generally accepted within the scientific community in reaching their conclusions.
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