Sentences with phrase «generally accepted form»

Currency: A generally accepted form of money, which is issued by a government and circulated within an economy.
Old - Earth Creationists: Somewhere between 10,000 and 20 billion years It's hard to pin these folks down, but they generally accept some form of day - age interpretation for the creation days of Genesis 1.

Not exact matches

A good business plan follows generally accepted guidelines for both form and content.
One form of measurement is U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, which have their purposes, one of which is to be included in publicly released financial statements.
This is, in effect, a commentary on the material generally ascribed to Q. By today's standards the author accepts material as authentic far too readily, and he conspicuously fails to take notice of form criticism, but this is nonetheless a great book.
For the sake of simplicity the generally accepted Arabic spelling of names and technical terms has been followed, although in a few cases it seemed to do less violence to follow a form which has gained wide acceptance in a particular Muslim country.
It is possible that they used Mark in a rather different form to that in which we possess it, or even in two different forms, but the simplest explanation, that they both used substantially our gospel of Mark, is by far the most probable, and is now generally accepted.
They were departures from the generally accepted Christianity too radical to be tolerated within the existing Church, and, although they strove to reproduce New Testament Christianity, they did not correspond fully, either in organization, ritual, or doctrine, to any of the forms which Christianity heretofore had developed.
We will, however, follow the generally accepted usage and refer to them as «form - critical» views.
I don't think plural voting would be considered a less democratic system, if we were able to come up with a balanced (or at least apparently balanced) and (mostly) frictionless way of determining who gets the extra votes, similarly to how forms of weighted voting are not generally considered undemocratic and are practised and widely accepted in several democratic countries and institutions.
It is now generally accepted that an imbalance between energy consumed in the form of calories and energy used causes weight gain or loss.
«Our data show that shaking a young child is generally accepted by physicians to be a dangerous form of abuse,» says Narang.
There is no generally accepted medical definition of such a condition, although some forms of stress, impulse control disorder, obsessive - compulsive personality disorder and obsessive - compulsive disorder can be work - related.
This study radically changes the generally accepted scenario, according to which the Tharsis dome was thought to have mainly formed before 3.7 billion years ago and to have existed before the rivers, since it controlled their flow direction.
Until now, it has been generally accepted that a meteor constitutes a time capsule — a relic of the early creation of the solar system that has fallen to Earth, allowing us to delve into the distant past by looking at the composition of the essentially unchanged material that formed the basis of planetary formation.
In this first paper we try to build the most complete and unbiased spectroscopically confirmed census of the population of Collinder 69, the central cluster of the Lambda Orionis star forming region, a... ▽ More Whilst there is a generally accepted evolutionary scheme for the formation of low - mass stars, the analogous processes when moving down in mass to the brown dwarfs regime are not yet well understood.
It is not fully understood why cholesterol gallstones form, but it is generally accepted that they stem from any of the following: too much cholesterol, too much bilirubin (a breakdown product of old red blood cells), insufficient bile salts, a lack of emptying of the gallbladder, or the gallbladder not emptying enough.
Intermittent fasting is generally accepted as an effective form of calorie restriction and is mentioned specifically in many of the studies on the subject.
Hypothyroidism is generally treated with synthetic T4 (Levothyroxine), products such as Synthroid and Levoxyl being the most widely accepted forms of thyroid replacement.
Another reliable form of humor, which might be called irony's cousin, is incongruity, the pairing of two generally accepted incompatibles; one of my favorite examples of this comes (again) from the Freddy books: it's found in the character of Leo the Lion, who has a penchant for getting permanent waves to keep his mane looking spiffy («And I ought to have another permanent; there isn't hardly a crinkle left in the darn thing»).
GAAP is the abbreviated form of generally accepted accounting principles followed by the US accounting system.
The auditors stated in a Form 8 - K filed by the Company on July 2, 2007 that they found «a number of serious issues and encountered significant difficulties in the performance of the audit that... called into question the commitment of Fiberxon's management to maintain reliable financial reporting systems, including accounting books and records, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. and China.»
Despite the generally accepted adage that «copying is the sincerest form of flattery» and notwithstanding Joel Greenblatt's endorsement of borrowing (I hate to use the word «stealing») ideas from those in the investment community that you respect, I feel kind of «skanky» every time I do it.
Generally and broadly speaking, in order for someone to accept a settlement of a claim from an insurance company, they are giving up their rights to further pursue the claim, in one form or another.
In this Quarterly Report on Form 10 - Q, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the meanings assigned to them as set forth below: «we», «our», and the «Company» refer to Forward Industries, Inc., a New York corporation, together with its consolidated subsidiaries; «Forward» or «Forward Industries» refers to Forward Industries, Inc.; «common stock» refers to the common stock, $.01 par value per share, of Forward Industries, Inc.; «Koszegi» refers to Forward Industries» wholly owned subsidiary Koszegi Industries, Inc., an Indiana corporation; «Forward HK» refers to Forward Industries» wholly owned subsidiary Forward Industries HK, Ltd., a Hong Kong corporation; «Forward Innovations» refers to Forward Industries» wholly owned subsidiary Forward Innovations GmbH, a Swiss corporation; «Forward APAC» refers to Forward Industries» wholly owned subsidiary Forward Asia Pacific Limited, a Hong Kong corporation; «GAAP» refers to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States; «Commission» refers to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission; «Exchange Act» refers to the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended;
The eREIT's calculated current and accumulated earnings and profits is the result of a tax calculation, which often differs from the eREIT's profits calculated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and presented to you in such eREIT's Annual Report on Form 1 - K each year.
It seems to be generally accepted that most dogs will, on occasions, experience «health problems» the resolution of which may require some form of veterinary intervention / treatment.
While it is generally accepted that no living breed of dog can be traced back to its wild form, and that what is known about dogs of any sort prior to a century or two ago is so little, these dogs are believed to have migrated into Europe from Asia Minor, moving westward and leaving kin in all the prominent mountain valleys of Europe.
Chip & pin credit cards will be generally accepted by all vendors that accept cards as form of payment.
In my various articles to date I have generally accepted in principle that a warming effect would occur but formed the conclusion and expressed the view that any such increase would take many centuries to be noticeable by which time humanity will have solved it's energy problems or have destroyed itself by other means.
First, if one accepts that the obligation to acknowledge one's duty to «promote equality, diversity and inclusion generally» is a form of compelled speech, then it's hard to see how such an obligation can be justified under section 1, given that no such obligation actually exists — hard to see how an obligation to acknowledge a non-existent obligation is a reasonable limitation that can be justified in a free and democratic society.
It is generally accepted, however, that after the UK leaves the EU, UK laws will nevertheless track the GDPR (e.g. via some form of implementing legislation or a new UK law which effectively mirrors the GDPR).
It was also generally accepted that it would be possible to have some form of transitional agreement so as to prevent all of the UK's rights and obligations coming to an abrupt end before any agreement covering future UK - EU relations could be agreed.
When you enter sensitive personally identifiable information on our application form, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL) and follow generally accepted industry standards to protect information submitted to us, both during the transmission and once received.
Generally and broadly speaking, in order for someone to accept a settlement of a claim from an insurance company, they are giving up their rights to further pursue the claim, in one form or another.
But if we accept the Bloomberg report — and it's from reporter Mark Gurman's sources, which are generally excellent — it's time to shift from speculating about whether or not Apple would do this and start to analyze why the company would make this move, and what form the transition might take.
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