Sentences with phrase «generally accepted standards»

2d 651) holding that no cause of action exists under the Property Condition Disclosure Act; court finds buyer entitled to $ 500.00 credit under RPL § 465 (1) where seller delivered an incomplete Property Condition Disclosure Statement; seller failed to perform the duty to deliver a Disclosure Statement pursuant to the PCDA when the statement was incomplete; cause of action exists under RPL § 462 (2) for willful failure to perform the requirements of the PCDA where (i) a deliberate misstatement or misstatements in a fully completed and timely delivered PCDS regarding the defective condition complained of (ii) that would tend to assure a reasonably prudent buyer that no such condition existed, and (iii) which a professional inspector might not discover upon an inspection of the premises that would meet generally accepted standards in the trade; definition of «willful failure to perform» acknowledges legislative intent not to alter the respective burdens of the buyer and seller in the transactions; statutory cause of action replaces buyer's burden of having to plead and prove the seller's active physical concealment of the condition with proof that the misstatement about the condition on the PCDS was deliberate
NAR follows generally accepted standards to protect the information it collects and makes available via its Web sites.
Some clinicians have claimed Bowlby's theory as a basis for controversial interventions popularly known as attachment therapy, but such claims have not had wide confirmation from theoreticians and the interventions themselves have been criticized as not meeting generally accepted standards of research or practice by professionals.
According to published, generally accepted standards, they may be defined as follows:
We follow generally accepted standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.
According to these comments, the standard for covered entities to meet for de-identification of protected health information should be generally accepted standards in the scientific and statistical community, rather than focusing on a specified list of identifiers that must be removed.
This service reviews and scrutinizes legal bills against any billing guidelines, service level agreements, applicable laws, and other generally accepted standards that address client key pain points.
One internal analysis in 2011 is said to have found that close to 36 % of the devices would likely failed within five years - way below generally accepted standards that say that no more than 5 % of patients should undergo revision hip replacement surgery during this timeframe.
Its objectives must be to: - protect under 18s; - apply generally accepted standards to the contents of TV services; and - provide adequate protection to the public against the inclusion of offensive and harmful material.
If such negligence results in injury to the patient, a case could arise against a doctor if his or her actions deviated from generally accepted standards of practice; against a hospital for providing improper care protocols, including problems with medications, sanitation or nursing staff levels; or against local, state or federal agencies and entities that operate hospital facilities.
In New York, medical malpractice occurs when a health care professional, physician, medical institution, or any other health care - associated establishment fails to provide care for a patient in accordance with the generally accepted standards, and the individual is injured or their condition or illness worsens as a result.
Thus the panel found that only 0.37 % of the studies met generally accepted standards for scientific research.
If the procedure is performed, it shall be done in accordance with generally accepted standards of veterinary practice.
Our system is designed to see if charities are meeting generally accepted standards for financial management and governance in the sector, based on information from the charities» tax filings and a questionnaire sent out by MoneySense.
Our examination is designed to determine if charities are meeting generally accepted standards for financial management and governance in their sector, based on information from the charities» tax filings and a questionnaire sent out by MoneySense.
Your result may end up being right, but your analysis does not track the case law on this point, the statute itself, or generally accepted standards of reasoning.
There is a compilation of generally accepted standards of review of scientific or other work.
In order to be considered for ACFW's Qualified Independently Published status, an author certifies that their books are written from a Christian worldview in any Christian fiction genre, specifically, the book should not contain profanity, graphic sex, gratuitous violence or other objectionable material, and must otherwise conform to generally accepted standards of the CBA.
The state board finds that a school has failed to adhere to terms of its charter, has failed to comply with generally accepted standards of fiscal management, or has violated applicable laws, or finds evidence that the continued operation of the school would be contrary to the best interests of the students or the community.
If CEP's research adhered to the generally accepted standards of empirical science, the mere fact that CEP also has policy preferences would not be a legitimate reason to doubt its findings.
Deloitte LLP Canada («Deloitte «-RRB- has in place generally accepted standards of technological security for the purpose of protecting information provided by visitors from misuse, loss, or corruption.
In the U.S. there is a generally accepted standard stair size of 7 - 11, which means a 7 - inch rise and an 11 - inch run.
A current ratio of 2:1 is the generally accepted standard.
FICO credit score is a generally accepted standard.
In the home video game market, sales of more than one million units is the generally accepted standard for a major hit.
Even the most advanced whaling methods can not guarantee an instantaneous death or ensure that struck animals are rendered insensible to pain and distress before they die, as is the generally accepted standard for domestic food animals.
Generally, to win a medical malpractice lawsuit, the plaintiff would have to show that the medical professional was negligent and that his or her conduct fell below generally accepted standard of medical care.
New York law mandates that every patient within its borders is entitled to medical care that falls within the generally accepted standard of care developed by medical professionals.
Experts can also offer their opinions about whether the care provided by a defendant doctor fell below the generally accepted standard of care.
The generally accepted standard for U.S. legal citations is the BlueBook, and in this case Rule 14... but this excerpt might get you going in the right direction.
Receiving six network confirmations, the generally accepted standard for confirming a Bitcoin transaction, can take up to an hour — or potentially longer, as there are no guarantees.
These are just some generally accept standards when writing your resume you need to take note of.

Not exact matches

We discussed with PricewaterhouseCoopers matters that independent registered public accounting firms must discuss with audit committees under generally accepted auditing standards and standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board («PCAOB»), including, among other things, matters related to the conduct of the audit of the Company's consolidated financial statements and the matters required to be discussed by PCAOB AU 380 (Communications with Audit Committees).
They also generally followed widely accepted journalistic standards.
The independent auditors are responsible for performing an independent audit of Goldman Sachs» financial statements and of its internal control over financial reporting in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)(United States) and expressing an opinion as to the conformity of Goldman Sachs» financial statements with generally accepted accounting principles and the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting.
And the reality is, they're the No. 4 network, generally, on most of the accepted standards.
This included a discussion of the independent registered public accounting firm's judgments as to the quality, not just the acceptability, of AMD's accounting principles and such other matters that generally accepted auditing standards require to be discussed with the Audit and Finance Committee.
Are these laws the standard, peer reviewed, and generally accepted views of the majority of scientists?
This is, in effect, a commentary on the material generally ascribed to Q. By today's standards the author accepts material as authentic far too readily, and he conspicuously fails to take notice of form criticism, but this is nonetheless a great book.
Where laws and / or regulations do not exist or are in conflict with generally accepted best practice, suppliers should adopt the highest standard applicable to their situation by reference to leading safety standards such as the Global Food Safety Initiative and Global G.A.P. McCormick expects that all agricultural suppliers will take steps to ensure that agricultural products can be traced back to their source of origin regardless of whether or not this is legally required.
«Although sleep scientists have generally accepted that the average sleep duration of Americans has been declining in parallel with our transformation to a frenetic 24 - hour society,» Quan wrote, «most sleep clinicians would consider those values indicative of sleep deprivation even by current standards
Anecdotal evidence is the lowest standard for evidence and is generally not accepted in the scientific community.
Experience working with information security laws and standards generally accepted information security principles, and accepted industry best practices
The Board has written that the game was refused classification as one that depicts «matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified.»
There are a number of possibilities and options for using BB93 (or a suitable replacement document) to strengthen the School Premises Regulations, although it is generally accepted that mandatory controls are required to maintain minimum acoustic design standards (the industry having witnessed an improvement in standards as a result of mandatory controls, including pre-completion acoustic testing, in recent years).
Did the author follow the generally accepted writing standards?
Finally, consider the statement, «The trouble with being too open - minded is that your brains may fall out:» Such a proposition, startling and incongruous as it may seem, fits this assignment; it implies a causal relationship as part of an argument against the generally accepted positive standard of open - mindedness and tolerance.
These requirements help to ensure that audited financial statements are filed on a timely basis and the financials follow generally accepted accounting standards.
In other words, certain TAM Portfolio companies can be acquired at, say, 25 cents to 75 cents for each $ 1.00 of corporate net assets most of which are accounted for under International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), while comparable DJIA assets cost $ 2.79 for each $ 1.00 of corporate net assets most of which are accounted for under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
This Black Earth interest came about when I began i) seeking agricultural plays on the increasing global demand for protein as living standards improve around the world, which evolved into ii) identifying the most fertile farmland, generally accepted to be the Black Earth region of Ukraine & Russia and the Pampas of Argentina (followed by the Canadian Prairies), and iii) finding the cheapest (but acceptably fertile) farmland globally.
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