Sentences with phrase «generally focus their discussions»

This result is expected in consensus situations where scientists `... generally focus their discussions on questions that are still disputed or unanswered rather than on matters about which everyone agrees» (Oreskes 2007, p 72).»
''... generally focus their discussions on questions that are still disputed or unanswered rather than on matters about which everyone agrees»
This result is expected in consensus situations where scientists»... generally focus their discussions on questions that are still disputed or unanswered rather than on matters about which everyone agrees»

Not exact matches

Professional market researchers generally divide their work into qualitative studies (interviews and focus groups, with free - flowing and open - ended discussions) and quantitative studies (usually surveys).
Off topic questions focused mostly on the Eric Garner case, and especially the role of the Rev. Al Sharpton generally and in the mayoral round table discussion yesterday.
Scholars focused on higher education generally post low scores, and seem to be quoted much less frequently than K - 12 scholars — though it's not clear whether that's because there's less interest in and opportunity for public discussion of higher education, or a choice that these scholars are making.
With Trump's focus on walling off the U.S. - Mexican border, banning Muslim immigration, repealing the Affordable Care Act and generally erasing all Obama administration policies, discussion on education had been few and far between on the campaign trail.
These discussions generally benefit from a moderator, someone not on the planning team, who helps focus the discussion on important issues and keeps the conversation grounded in data.
In discussions about providing research databases for the public, many librarians in our focus groups said that patrons are not generally aware of the databases that are available or how these databases differ from the resources available through a public search engine such as Google.
Then you can focus discussion on what needs to be discussed — the things you find under - supported in some scientific case or another (or the things you find to have merit in the contrarian case that are not generally accepted in mainstream science), vs. seemingly pointless discussions of policy that are based on fundamentally different assessments of physical reality.
In eDiscovery, discussions about «artificial intelligence» generally focus on predictive coding — the machine learning process that reduces the time human reviewers must spend reading non-relevant information — by teaching the software to analyse periodic human feedback, learn for itself what information reviewers are actually interested in, and then locate that information.
These supportive therapy techniques focus more on discussions of reality and generally involve the use of medications to relieve depression and delusions.
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