Sentences with phrase «generally occurs in dogs»

It generally occurs in dogs that are used for working purposes, and is very commonly seen in the Midwest where there are distinct «hunting seasons».

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Unfortunately, this does not necessarily result in the development of overt, clinically observable symptoms - Thornburg and his colleagues (1985) reported that overt clinical signs of liver disease do not generally occur until the dog is several years old.
In dogs, heat generally occurs two times a year.
However, inhalant allergies in dogs and cats are much more likely to cause generalized itching and food allergies, when they occur, generally cause diarrhea.
Intervertebral disc disease occurs when the shock - absorbing discs in a dog's spinal column start degenerating, generally a result of age.
A simple autosomal recessive means that the condition can occur in either sex and that it is generally transmitted by what appear to be normal animals though the late onset of the condition can result in «affected» dogs producing the defect because they were used prior to their «affected» state being known.
It generally occurs when the animal is between 4 and 8 months of age, though it can show up in older dogs.
Although the cause of motion sickness is not fully understood, it is generally thought that it occurs when the inner ear is disturbed from repeated motion, such as the movement of a car, plane, or boat.4 Motion sickness is most commonly reported in puppies and young dogs, many of which outgrow it.5 Unfortunately, many more do not outgrow it, and it becomes a lifelong problem.
«Pyometra» is the life - threatening infection of the uterus which generally occurs in middle - aged to older female dogs in the six weeks following heat.
«It is generally accepted that dogs go through a sensitive period, the socialisation period, during which social experiences and stimuli have a greater effect on the development of their temperament and behaviour than if they occur in later life,» write the authors.
Generally speaking, most Greyhounds» first estrus cycle occurs later in life than non-Greyhound dogs, occurring near or after 12 months of age.
Generally, clinical signs appear within six days of a dog eating an infected fish with death occurring in 14 days.
It generally takes several weeks before paralysis occurs, and generally occurs in large breeds of dogs, especially German shepherd dogs.
Skin tags generally occur in older dogs are usually only removed if they become irritated or bleed.
It generally occurs in small to medium size dogs rather than big dogs.
Heatstroke generally occurs in hot summer weather when dogs are left with inadequate ventilation in hot vehicles.
This condition results in bumps filled with pus that generally occur on the dog's back.
Sold as Interceptor, the advantage of this product over ivermectin is that it generally does not cause the dangerous side effects that can occur in some dogs that receive ivermectin or related compounds.
Generally, a dog with canine bladder cancer symptoms shows signs of hematuria (blood cells in the Urine), Dysuria (Difficult urination) occurs due to obstruction.
In circumstances where this generally occurs, it is not feasible to subject the «sniffer dog's» sniff to prior judicial authorization.
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