Sentences with phrase «to generate extra cash»

Hopefully I can generate some extra cash flow from my blog when I go to college, that about an extra $ 200 or more a month.
A coupon deal can actually generate some extra cash by getting more bodies into the facility.
Saving money isn't easy in this climate, so here are six ideas if you're wondering how you can generate some extra cash for your deposit.
If you plan to generate extra cash from your credit card rewards, take time to think how it could benefit you in the smartest way possible.
If your main vehicle for making money isn't in itself all that creative, find at least one way to generate some extra cash using your own unique creative gifts.
Remember that the revenue used to repay this debt only comes from American tobacco use, so an increase in trends like SE Asia smoking habits or U.S. E-cigarettes does not generate extra cash flow for the tobacco settlement bonds.
Sears» reported discussions to sell up to 300 of its best performing stores to a REIT (real estate investment trust) to generate extra cash reinforces that the company is failing.
Even without a raise, you can generate extra cash by taking on extra projects, adding part - time work, or selling unneeded possessions online.
The thing is, PocketBook — the company — doesn't have the benefit of selling zillions of ebooks to generate extra cash flow like Amazon, Sony, and B&N, who all can afford to sell their ereaders for cheaper because they can make up the difference by selling ebooks.
Often the players would take mundane jobs in the off season to generate extra cash.
A fan of rocks and crystals since he was a kid, Bienenfeld started selling some of his prized collection in front of a health - food store in Northern California as a way to generate extra cash.
People in this century have created and discovered numerous ways to make money that they can utilize to generate extra cash.
Here are some comments and warnings for you if you are planning a similar strategy to generate some extra cash.
Utilizing assets by renting your spare room or offering a lift to a neighbor for a fee is another good idea to generate extra cash.
Also, look for different ways to generate extra cash.
Because I recently released my «8 % Monthly Payer Portfolio,» which I've painstakingly crafted to let you live on dividends alone — without selling a single stock to generate extra cash — on a nest egg of $ 500,000.
I know lots of people are using this promotion to not only save on holiday shopping but to generate some extra cash by allowing friends / family members to use their their card to generate extra spend.
I'm not sure how strong it is in your market, but Airbnb is probably the quickest way to generate extra cash flow, if you have any extra space where you are living that you can rent out.
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