Sentences with phrase «generate huge amounts of waste»

As we transition from industrial to digital culture, civilization continues to generate huge amounts of waste.

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«These cases have been repeatedly lost in court after court and have wasted an enormous amount of time just as they have generated a huge amount of unnecessarily divisive feeling amongst the public.
Huge amounts of organic waste are generated each year in the United States, according to a recent report from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Growing, processing, shipping, and preparing food — particularly the kind Americans typically eat (and schools typically serve)-- requires huge amounts of energy and produces tons of waste: Animal agriculture contributes nearly one - fifth of the greenhouse - gas emissions responsible for climate change — 1 pound of beef generates the equivalent of 36 pounds of carbon dioxide, according to researchers.
1) Nudge a 1 - mi diameter nickel - iron asteroid into near - Earth orbit, and it will (rather readily) yield as much precious metal as has been mined from the Earth's crust in all history, plus huge amounts of base metals (useful mostly for large - scale orbital construction, etc.) 2) Plasma torches from either self - generated Syngas or from prospective fusion plants will enable nearly complete recycling of all waste, including landfills and equipment graveyards, etc., by reducing it to pure elemental form.
Both farming and food processing yield huge amounts of waste matter like food peels, oil and animal matter that can be biologically processed to produce gas that can be used for heating homes, for generating electricity as well as in a refined form used to power cars.
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