Sentences with phrase «generated by burning coal»

«Coal is more polluting than gasoline, and nearly 60 percent of U.S. electricity is generated by burning coal
So, imagine this — the world now has a ship that can claim to be zero emissions even though it is powered by electricity generated by burning coal, one of the dirtiest of fossil fuels in terms of carbon emissions, and is used to transport coal more cheaply.
At the end of May, Amazon Web Services announced construction of three new data centers near Columbus, Ohio, in a region where between 70 % and 85 % of electricity is still generated by burning coal.
Yes, the Passive House in the Woods home is powered by electricity; and yes, electricity is predominantly a dirty fuel in this country — mostly generated by burning coal.
Nearly 70 percent of U.S. electricity is generated by burning coal and natural gas, which releases greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere and causes climate change.
is generated by burning coal — one of the main causes of greenhouse gas production.
If that electricity was generated by burning coal or natural gas the text message has a carbon footprint.
The amount of electricity generated by burning coal is shrinking and being replaced by renewables and natural gas.
Although in and of itself, as Revkin points out, this won't really reduce greenhouse gas emissions as long as so much of our electricity is generated by burning coal, it is at least a doable step in the right direction that reduces our reliance on oil from antagonistic regimes.
See, electric relies on energy generated by burning coal and nuclear energy in most parts of the world.

Not exact matches

Base load power, the residual power that has to be generated day - in, day - out, came primarily from burning coal, typically in a plant located right at a mine site owned by the power company.
RESOLVED: That Berkshire Hathaway Inc. («Berkshire») establish reasonable, quantitative goals for reduction of greenhouse gas and other air emissions at its energy - generating holdings; and that Berkshire publish a report to shareholders by January 31, 2015 (at reasonable cost and omitting proprietary information) on how it will achieve these goals — including possible plans to retrofit or retire existing coal - burning plants at Berkshire - held companies.
In Black Mesa, Arizona, the proposal to construct six large, coal - burning electric plants and three strip mines meant that the health risks of air and water pollution would be suffered by a predominantly native American population, but the power generated would be distributed to distant urban areas.
The installation at the site of the former Town of Ulster landfill is expected to generate 2,360 MWh of clean electricity each year, roughly equivalent to the electricity generated by burning 2 million pounds of coal or 4,000 barrels of oil.
Most of that coal is being burned to generate electricity, which replaces oil as the primary carrier of the world's energy by 2050 in the report's low - emissions scenario.
The company would then accrue credits for the difference between the «baseline» emissions that would have been released had the Chinese burned coal to generate electricity and the essentially zero emissions discharged by the wind farm.
Clean power, already flowing, should be a godsend to a nation that still generates most of its electricity by burning coal.
Environmentally speaking, the Model S is classed as a zero - emissions vehicle, but as most of the UK's domestic electricity is generated by fossil fuel - burning power stations (as of 2014, about 30 per cent gas and 29 per cent coal), every mile you drive still has a CO2 consequence.
And the sort of FF burned during the first half of the 20th century was produced by the fuel most likely to generate sulfate aerosols: coal.
Even though the gas system is almost certainly leakier than previously thought, generating electricity by burning gas rather than coal still reduces the total greenhouse effect over 100 years, the new analysis shows.
# 56: As an addition to your list of the non-positives of nuclear energy, it is my understanding that the CO2 generated through the enrichment processes of uranium (and mining and transportation) is roughly equivalent to the CO2 released by burning coal.
(By comparison, the average coal - burning power plant has a capacity of about 800 megawatts, but generates electricity day or night.)
So if the world moves toward a system for tracking emissions, who is responsible for a particular batch of carbon dioxide — the company that mined and sold the coal, the power plant that burned it, the consumer who buys the exported widget made with the electricity generated by that combustion, or...?
Warming caused by burning coal in a power plant can be felt in the atmosphere within 95 days — the time it takes for the emissions released from the plant to trap enough heat to exceed the amount generated from the plant itself, according to the study.
The main difference with this was that it was often (especially in Australia) generated by burning another fossil fuel: coal rather than oil.
An article published in The Lancet in 2007 put numbers on the deaths caused by the burning of coal in Europe to generate electricity.
Power generators are turning away from coal for a host of reasons: In some instances natural gas is cheaper; many states are requiring utilities to generate a certain portion of electricity from renewable resources; individual cities (and even an entire Canadian province) have decided to stop purchasing electricity created by burning coal; and new Environmental Protection Agency regulations are making it more expensive and less economical to use coal plants.
At the time only 12 % of the state's electricity was from renewable sources and most of Victoria's electricity was being generated by burning highly polluting brown coal.
Coal combustion products (CCPs) are the by - products generated from burning coal in coal - fired power plaCoal combustion products (CCPs) are the by - products generated from burning coal in coal - fired power placoal in coal - fired power placoal - fired power plants.
Primarily this means carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide generated by driving motor vehicles and burning coal, oil and gas to generate electricity,...
And for those concerned about carbon footprint, all that water is pumped electrically — and the biggest proportion of US electricity, nearly half of the total, is generated by the most carbon intensive method — burning coal.
Imagine a utility that generates 100 % of the electricity it sells by burning coal.
«[A] n electric car running on power generated by dirty coal or gas actually creates more emissions than a car that burns petrol,» Dr. Dénes Csala, an engineer at Lancaster University, wrote in The Conversation.
Weather conditions in Beijing and the surrounding regions often compound the particulates generated by coal burning, cars and industry, with cold winter air trapping the pollution.
The consumption of fossil fuels is really by means such as burning coal or oil to generate electricity, or using oil products as automotive fuels.
If the propaganda and articles generated by the industry are any indication there is serious concern by fossil fuel users over any attempts to impose limits on mercury emissions from coal burning sources.
China is heavily reliant on coal burning thermal power plants, but reportedly has set a generating target of 20 million kilowatts from renewable energy sources such as hydropower, solar power and wind power by 2020.
The researchers found that wood pellets burned in European and UK power plants, such as the Drax facility in North Yorkshire — which has transitioned some of its coal power generation capacity to wood pellets with the support of UK government subsidies — actually emit more CO2 per kilowatt hour than that generated by coal.
The rise of shale gas has had an environmental benefit as well — greatly reduced carbon dioxide emissions, because generating electricity by burning natural gas emits less than half as much carbon dioxide as burning coal.
My Clean Break column today takes a closer look at efforts by Ontario Power Generation to convert some of its coal - fired generating assets into biomass - burning power plants, including potentially several units at its Nanticoke Generating Station — North America's largest coal plant.
He shows no indication of caring about the ocean acidification that the burning of fossil fuels is causing, nor the many deaths and serious diseases caused by the air pollution from burning coal to generate power.
If the external costs of burning coal were recovered by a coal tax, coal would be the most expensive of all energy - generating fuels.
The study, which was published in the prestigious journal the American Economic Review, caused quite a stir in green circles, and for good reason — the authors found that mining and burning coal actually imposes more costs on the economy than the value it creates by generating power.
As a result, the business - as - usual burning of coal for the production of electricity without CO2 capture and sequestration is going to come to a halt, and thanks to the first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy) CCS is going to add a very considerable cost to generating electricity by burning coal.
Electricity was originally generated at remote hydroelectric dams or by burning coal in the city centers, delivering electricity to nearby buildings and recycling the waste heat to make steam to heat the same buildings.
These rising temperatures — caused primarily by an increase of heat - trapping emissions in the atmosphere created when we burn coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity, drive our cars, and fuel our businesses — are what we refer to as global warming.
We make solar energy available to homeowners, businesses, schools, and government organizations at a lower cost than they pay for energy generated by burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.
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