Sentences with phrase «generated by inflammation»

Free radicals generate and are generated by inflammation, stress, illness, and aging.
By having a toddler suck on herbal throat lozenges or hard candy will help in reducing pain an wash away waste material generated by inflammation.

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«Recently, we became aware that some of the inflammation in CRS with nasal polyps is generated by the nasal lining itself, when a particular protein pump (P - glycoprotein) is overexpressed and leads to the hyper - secretion of inflammatory cytokines,» said senior author Benjamin S. Bleier, M.D., a sinus surgeon at Mass..
If he is correct, the inflammation generated by the intervention could be at fault.
Although the scientists can't assume hospitalization is directly causing suicide, they say their work backs up a hot theory that inflammation — one of the body's main defenses against infection — influences depression by generating a chemical that interferes with brain signaling.
Only nontoxic nanoparticles can be screened, and researchers must control for potential inflammation generated by the inserted DNA.
The data generated from this group revealed that the reduced hepatic inflammation by antibiotics was accompanied by decreased free and conjugated secondary bile acids in a gender - dependent manner.
«This does not prove that it would be an effective treatment, but it generates a hypothesis that in the future we might be able to slow down the development of cancer or inflammation by using these medicines in combination with other treatments,» says Bratlie.
By decreasing risk factors and harnessing the power of the human immune system, inflammation can be decreased, new cells can be generated and the body can function better.
It can reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines generated by human skin cells, and accomplish this in deeper skin cells where inflammation begins.
By following these rules, you will reduce the underlying inflammation generating metabolic imbalance we now know are the underlying reasons for most chronic medical problems including diabetes, depression, cancer, food allergies, chronic pain, and more.
By generating low - grade inflammation and insulin resistance.
Abdominal fat, in particular, contains proinflammatory cytokines — the chemicals released by immune cells — and hormones secreted by fat tissue, which can generate and perpetuate chronic inflammation.
Stopping Inflammation: Relieving the Cause of Degenerative Diseases by Nancy Appleton, PhD shows how the body's immune system is supposed to work and how it caves in under the pressure of the wrong foods, generating abnormal quantities of inflammatory compounds.
According to the Integrative Veterinary Care Journal «the spring of the retractable leash causes a continuous pull that generates a degree of stress in the cervical region... And, when the dog gets to the end of the retractable leash, the sudden stop and jerk causes additional force... This causes spasms and inflammation in the inter-scapular region and nerve and energy meridian pathways are affected or impinged by tight muscles.»
Other causes of irritation, infection and inflammation in an animal's intestinal tract that generate bleeding may have a genetic basis, be caused by parasites, a tumor, an ulceration or toxins.
Previcox works by inhibiting the COX - 2 (cyclooxygenase - 2) enzyme which generates chemicals that are responsible for pain, inflammation and even fever in the body.
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