Sentences with phrase «generated by the learners»

The data for this exercise is generated by the learners (their hobbies) which enables each learner to be involved in the data and provides a sense of «ownership».
Big Data, in terms of eLearning industry, is the data that is generated by learners while they are taking a training module or an eLearning course.

Not exact matches

By leveraging huge investments in cutting - edge learning technologies, organizations are taking eLearning to new learners, generating more revenues, and extending the company's brand.
In addition, other online learners in your eLearning course will be able to expand their understanding of the topic by viewing their peer - generated feedback.
Helping learners analyze their areas of improvement and values generated by different learning activities.
Generate excitement for learning by fostering it in both learners and teachers.
Speaking from more than 40 years of experience in the field — and speaking for all learners who hope to succeed, the teachers who want them to succeed, and the local school leaders whose aspirations for success have been thwarted by assessment traditions — Stiggins maps out the adjustments in practice and culture necessary to generate both accurate accountability data and the specific evidence of individual mastery that will support sound instructional decision making and better learning in the classroom.
In her most recent post, Cassie Erkens wrote about how we can build efficacy through our assessment practices and how, as she wrote, «The evidence that is generated from classroom assessments must be used to help learners believe that they can produce desired effects by their own actions and beliefs.»
Brown said the policies he had promoted were addressing those issues: Passage of Prop. 30, the initiative approved by voters two years ago that is generating billions of dollars of extra tax revenues for schools, and the Local Control Funding Formula that is targeting billions of state education funds to low - income students and English learners.
The PfP programme offers a variety of benefits for the School Principals, learners, teachers, and the school community: • Improves leadership skills of School Principals • Strengthens communities by building relationships with teachers, learners, parents, Principals and other people and organisations involved at the school • Increases self - esteem of Principals as they re-discover their gifts and capacity to lead the school community • Engages parents as active partners in education so that children are more supported and have a better chance to do well at school • Generates a strong sense of community and connection to the school, which leads to improved safety and improved opportunity for the children of the community.
Here are three steps for generating excitement for your training programme by using personalisation to speak to learners as individuals!
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