Sentences with phrase «generation of believers»

They willingly suffered for their witness and passed on the gospel message to the next generation of believers who did the same.
Their intent is that there will be an ongoing confession of generations of believers, an ongoing proclamation of the good news.
When the pastor's preaching started to draw hippies into his hitherto traditional church, he saw the opportunity of embracing a new generation of believers by accommodating their musical preferences, long hair and hippy attire.
It is a simple suggestion: if the faithful devote themselves to the same things the first generation of believers did, good and wonderful things will result.
The what of Christian belief is an attempt to state all that is implied in the whom of Christian belief; and the history of the Christian Church may be read, at least in part, as the constant effort of succeeding generations of believers in Christ to think out and think through the full implications of the new relationship to God established in Christ and enjoyed in the fellowship of Christian believers in Him.
This confidence is the cultural patrimony bequeathed them by generations of believers.
The game is meant to inspire a new generation of believers who dedicate themselves to christ while molesting boys to bring them closer to god.
There are reasons, formidable reasons, why generations of believers over thousands of years have identified with Churchian teaching about sin and guilt.
In any event, back on topic, it amuses me that so many generations of believers have decided to edit God.
Any such realignment presupposes the process by which the content of Revelation is passed on: how is the unique reality of what God shows us of Himself in Jesus Christ made incarnate in the hearts and minds of each new generation of believers given the inescapable background of a shifting culture and worldview?
The first he believes is Christianity, the second hypocrisy.41 Therefore, «if the contemporary generation of believers found no time to triumph, neither will any later generation, for the task is always the same and faith is always militant.
It does not animate our common life in the way that it did for past generations of believers.
Instead, they are known as «new martyrs,» Christians who have suffered for their faith not necessarily as individuals but rather in whole groups, whole communities, whole generations of believers.
But in airing our grievances, even with the best of intentions, has the next generation of believers forgotten about the beautiful gifts God has given to us in Christian community?
Religious leaders across practically every belief structure and faith can expound on the woes of trying to reach new generations of believers as the societies we live in change at rapid - fire pace.
About Blog To introduce a new generation to the truth behind what is happening in the world today as preparation for the forthcoming Antichrist rule and the Tribulation, while keeping updated the older generation of believers who followed Barry Smith and other «End Times» prophetic figures.
Now many wonder whether some other arrangement might have been more humane, even if it included tolerance of polygamy in at least the first generation of believers.
We're joining together with the voices of generations of believers in this practice of singing to God.»
One of the functions of the Church is to protect the Christian story so as to ensure its faithful and undiluted transmission to the next generation of believers.
But there's certainly a larger point within the Pope's words that we need to consider: Is this generation of believers so focused on selecting the life we want — and, of course, the most Instagrammable — that marriage itself has become just another lifestyle choice, similar to grad school, city living or chasing that dream job?
Generations of believers have found hope in the notion that someone (or something) is coming to relieve them of their burden.
The Anglican church stands squarely in the Reformed tradition, yet embraces Church tradition as that which connects all generations of believers together and gives us a starting point for our interpretation of Scripture.
(In order then for revelation to remain truly alive it must always be a source of new surprises for each generation of believers.
In the case of religions, doctrinal, ritualistic, and scriptural limits are necessary to protect the information about ultimate questions that they each consider important enough to pass on to the next generation of believers.
If we can respectfully acknowledge that a majority of todays» generation of believers are taught into the faith by their parents, we reluctantly must conclude that the theology base of * a lot * of these believers is not upon careful reflection and personal choice upon the fervent divulgence of the Scriptures, but rather a hodge - podge compilation of «feel good» thoughts that have no biblical or moral grounding other than vague references.
Here we have a phenomenon not without parallel in the history of other religions, as Lohmeyer notes — for example in Islam and in Mormonism — namely a shift from a first center to a second within the first generation of believers; and it is all the more striking that the evidence is preserved in Acts, whose whole interest and orientation centers in Jerusalem, not in Galilee, and whose earliest traditions are almost exclusively those of the capital city.
The Christian mission, then, both in the first generation of believers and now at the end of the second millenium, is to witness to Christ.
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