Sentences with phrase «generation stars containing»

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Some meteorites have been known for decades to contain a record of the original building blocks of the Solar System, including stardust grains that formed in prior generations of stars.
They were surprised to find that this youthful galaxy contained an abundance of interstellar dust — dust formed by the deaths of an earlier generation of stars.
This tiny impurity suggests that it contains the ashes of some of the very first generation of stars.
In contrast, younger generations of stars consumed the corpses of their predecessors containing heavy elements, which stunted their growth.
As a result, their stars contain fewer of the heavy elements needed to construct planets, since those elements (like iron and silicon) must be created in earlier generations of stars.
Furthermore, stars in the most distant galaxies contain heavy chemical elements.53 Therefore, according to the big bang theory, several generations of stars must have preceded those stars.
Because its stars contain heavy elements, it must have formed after generations of other stars somehow evolved, lived through their life cycle, and exploded.
The second process relies on the fact that stars also contain smaller amounts of carbon produced in previous generations of stars that exploded as supernovas.
c. Recollect, somehow, enough of that exploded debris — presumably containing heavy elements — to form second generation stars.
This stellar generation contains many, little, low - mass stars that have very long life times.
This site also contains Princeling, a fantasy novel set in a world where war has lasted for generations, From Hell to the Stars, a loose translation of a medieval science fiction classic, and Main Stream, a sampling of suspenseful historical fantasy stories.
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