Sentences with phrase «generation students benefitting»

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First - generation college students and underrepresented minorities benefit from Global EIR mentors providing an introduction to entrepreneurship with up - to - date experience to prepare them for a future career ever more focused on innovation and creativity.
«It is my desire and my purpose to further the education of the people of Texas and elsewhere in wildlife conservation, in the knowledge of the breeding and living habits of our wild creatures and in the relationship of wildlife to domesticated livestock on our ranches and farms; to afford students and others interested in wildlife betterment and propagation and in the raising of wildlife along with domesticated animals a place for research and an opportunity for the study thereof; and to develop scientifically methods of increasing the wildlife population of the state and nation for the benefit of future generations... who may not have the opportunity to know and appreciate our wildlife, as I have, unless methods of increasing and conserving our wildlife are scientifically developed.
Any funding model should move away from increasing fees and debt and towards a model of entitlement for students and contributions from graduates in order to ensure that the next generation can also benefit from higher education provision.»
Those with high net worth may have benefited from transfers of wealth from their parent (s) and / or across generations and subsequently, may be in a better position to pay down their student loans quicker.
It's creating the best opportunity in a generation to create racially and socioeconomically integrated public schools, which research shows can benefit rich and poor, white and minority students alike.
Even more distinct is the specific project that students in the program are involved in: They work with the state's transportation engineers and top auto designers on the next generation of fuel cell vehicles, benefiting from resources and advice from the California Fuel Cell Partnership.
«One benefit of tying debate to the Word Generation curriculum is that it gives the students the platform for integrating these academic language vocabulary words.»
Going forward, though, how a more robust federal partnership might yield the next generation of benefits, especially to raise students» capacity to read and reason, is the pressing question.
Utilizing hologram technology, Holocaust survivors are being recorded and saved so that generations of students will be able to benefit from hearing...
By opening their doors to wider communities they can support, not only their students, but local people of all generations who can reap the benefits.
Now is the time to begin systematically planning, implementing and testing new approaches and new designs for schools, for the benefit of future generations of students.
Ensuring hands - on, tech - centric experience early on has a dual benefit of helping students prepare for independent life, and fuel success for a new generation of employers.
Evidence shows that students and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds benefit most from programmes of this nature, and the Generation UK internships will be focussed on young people from these backgrounds.
The digital classroom has many benefits, and can increase educational opportunities for the new generation of students.
According to Harper, 40,000 teachers have benefited from technology training offered by Generation YES students since 1995 (Cruickshank, 2008).
This study explores the heterogeneous effects of ESL compared to developmental English on first generation, second generation, and generation 1.5 students as well as other language minority subgroups in order to illuminate which language minority students benefit the most (and the least) from ESL.
Many of the white students who benefit from having a black male teacher will grow up to influence policy, police neighborhoods, and raise a new generation. students also benefit from the financial support of other prestigious organizations such as the Next Generation Learning Challenges - supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.
GradGuard, a service of Next Generation Insurance Group LLC, is a leading provider of student protection programs at more than 200 colleges and universities and an authority at designing and implementing student benefit programs that help schools to attract and retain students.
Sessions will also include panels devoted to intercultural competencies, language learning, curriculum development, private - sector needs, students with disabilities, preparation of a global workforce, first - generation college students, and the career benefits of studying abroad.
«We greatly appreciate all of our supporters who are helping to benefit the next generation of fashion design students at Pratt,» he added.
GradGuard, a service of Next Generation Insurance Group LLC, is a leading provider of student protection programs at more than 200 colleges and universities and an authority at designing and implementing student benefit programs that help schools to attract and retain students.
Capshaw and Spielberg called the students «an inspiration to us all» and applauded their efforts «to take a stand for the benefit of this and future generations
While today's college students may think having multiple partners is unique to their generation with their use of terms like «hooking up» and «friends with benefits,» just as many college students 20 years ago were having multiple partners, but back then it was called «casual sex.»
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