Sentences with phrase «generational stereotypes»

Many of these articles paint Millennials in a negative light, and although some generational stereotypes may prove true, many positive attributes can be found amongst the Millennials...
It is up to companies to foster corporate cultures that fight generational stereotypes by providing opportunities for workers of all generations to work together and learn from each other.
Poll admits being a «lawyer of a «certain age»,» and says «I tend to ignore generational stereotypes
And yet, Saulnier manages to let some mischievous humor seep out, mainly by playing on generational stereotypes.
While not reaching the heights of the (now classic) first film, skirting close to generational stereotypes (the youth these days take photos of their food!)
Littered with pop songs, a tendency towards cultural and generational stereotypes initially threatens to undermine the authenticity of The Young Offenders.
While it's vital to remember that generational stereotypes don't apply to every member of a particular population, it is true that many millennials are motivated by different things than their older colleagues were as they entered the world of work.
While certain generational stereotypes are broadly true — for instance, most boomers prefer face - to - face meetings while most millennials are happy to rely on e-mail or social media — experts agree it's dangerous for any young manager to assume anyone over 50 is a Luddite.

Not exact matches

Surprisingly, they found that generational differences have more to do with stages of development in employees rather than their generational makeup — those commonly - held beliefs and stereotypes about each generation.
I relate somewhat to generational framing, but for every stereotype there is an exception.
They challenge stereotypes and generational assumptions, while remaining grounded in the values she holds close.
It prompted a nice discussion on the drive home about the generational gaps between these two couples, the hipster stereotype, the push back couples face when they choose not to have a child, social media, making unethical choices to advance your career, and the idea that we live in a world where we expect to have everything at our finger tips.
The family settings are used to investigate an array of contemporary issues, including the impact of war and financial hardship (dealt with by Yasser Aggour and Mitch Epstein, for example), the power of gender and ethnic stereotypes (Gillian Wearing, Sanford Biggers, Jennifer Zacklin), and changing marital and generational roles (Janine Antoni, Malerie Marder).
While there can be wide variation within generational groupings — and we shouldn't fall into the trap of believing in rigid stereotypes — there is, however, enough of a pattern to generate some useful guidelines:
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