Sentences with phrase «generations people used»

For thousands of generations people used gelatin along with meat and saturated fat to satisfy their hunger and keep themselves healthy.

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«I hope that someday all of you on the advisory committee can tell your families for generations that you were part of the process that ended the use of toxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation as standard treatment, and turned blood cancers into a treatable disease that even after relapse most people survive.»
People can say what they want, but she was the first to use technology to get people interested especially our generPeople can say what they want, but she was the first to use technology to get people interested especially our generpeople interested especially our generation.
Still, it didn't take much prodding to get dozens of people of all generations to email me and let me know what speaking habits they think Millennials need to stop using now — at least at work.
Joe Christiansen, owner of Blaze Streaming Media, also of Portland, thinks of himself as a virtual event coordinator, staging a client's live stream, testing Internet access at a meeting space and capturing e-mail addresses from people who watch the live stream for the client to use for lead generation afterward.
When clients see we use every piece of real estate, and it's full of ideas and idea - generation, they know what they're paying for,» he says, adding, «and, they get to see the value of our firm in the front door, which is our people
The one opportunity here is that 34 percent of Millennials do care about whether brands use social media; only 16 percent of people in older generations care.
«You see cars using the same name for decades and generations because it is critical to make it clear to people where the car came from,» Visnic said.
As a generation of people that grew up in the digital age, 40 % of Millennials would stop using cash altogether if cards could be used for all transactions.
The company's U.S. CEO Cathy Englebert recently sat down with us to discuss how Deloitte uses its «next generation workplace» to bring five generations of employees together and boost in - person collaboration.
That is why TRON wants to provide TRX to the Ethereum community, so people have a chance to experience our high TPS development platform and use TRX to vote, becoming part of our new generation decentralized network and the TRON democracy.»
RELIGION - there has always been this invisible magical man with no explanation, got bored and thought hey i want some company and * POOF * created everything from nothing besides man that he used dirt to make and women that he used a rib to create then for the next generation a lot of incest happened and now we are at 6 billion people in only 6,000 years were the majority of people will suffer for eternity to do not believe in him, even though he could easily save them...
In all of the other places in the Gospels where Jesus used the term «this generation,» he was referring to people living at that time.
The problem that people have had is the use of the word «this generation».
To bolster the argument, in all of the other places in the Gospels where Jesus used the term «this generation,» he was referring to people living at that time.
He is a rare soul who had many interests, a rare being who came to grips with theology, and the kind of person who would die for his convictions in an often used word of this generation we could say that Bonhoeffer had charisma.
«We're not negating the ways God used Exodus to positively affect thousands of people, but a new generation of Christians is looking for change - and they want to be heard,» Tony Moore, an Exodus board member, said Wednesday.
Each is a mythic expression: that is, first, an attempt by a people to explain the unexplainable by using the legends handed down from generation to generation; and second, a rationalization of the status quo.
The plan is to use education to produce a generation of informed people capable of penetrating the distortions and lies of indoctrination.
It's possible that someone in the past said «well, a day is 24 hours, so let's just use that word for it» and generations of people got confused...
Dr. Gary North, a major figure among the Dominionists, clarifies their goal and tactics: «We must use the doctrine of religious liberty... until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government.
The part of the dream that stood out to me most, though, was the fact that the person who was heading up the ministry never prayed for people alone; she used the time to empower and encourage the younger generation to pray for others in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We the peoples of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind... to ensure... that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.
God has addressed his messages to generations through chosen one's to remind and warn those evil doers and the ones who are astray to come back to the truth but when messanger gives up on his people God would bring upon them heavy natural disasters, losses and grieves... there among any religions or branches of religions you will find people worship and do good deeds for the sake of God and would do all could to raise his name and belief... there are others who careless for it as a religion or faith but taking advantage of the posts for their own personal vast interest or the gangs interests as named by you... «Those are as a Walves using the Sheeps Skins in Disguise for hunting and feeding its greeds».
Genea is used as a Generation, a Tribe or People Group IE the Jews, which according to the scriptures would reject the Messiah and be scattered to the world and then be gathered n the last days.
One can not but regret that later generations in his homeland did not avail themselves of the precious heritage which Humboldt bequeathed to his nation and did not use the bridges which this philosopher of freedom had constructed over the gulfs that separate the peoples of the civilized world.
This European neologism was used in a way that would have struck previous generations as a plain category mistake, designating not actions, but people — and so also with its counterpart and foil «heterosexual.»
Colin, stop making people aware of God, Lucifer and Religious BOGUS stories to used by those with over active imaginations to make the stories «stick» over generations along with abuse, torture and indoctrinations of helpless minds.
The younger generation is more comfortable with the principles of economic development we're using at Hill Tribers than many of the older people in my church.
Mr. Olsteen will have to answer to The Lord when he passes, no doubt, but trying to teach a generation of people about the word of God by using the reality tv method that seemingly appeals to that type of person I think is a good idea.
Vic, Marriage is a word that has been used by generations of people to describe a vast number of arrangements.
It was very useful.Some people add milk to make it more soft and sweet.Some people use Yogurt too.When keeping the dough to rest for 1/2 hour my mom use to cover the vessel with a damp (not very wet) cloth.I think it will prevent moisture from escaping.Applying a small amount of ghee at the end (after removing from stove) will make it taste better.In my home town old generation do a trick to make the puffed.They take a cup of very clean sand put that in a piece of cloth (at the center).
«If they take it seriously and really do a long - term, focused campaign that uses the celebrity power they have to change the way young people, especially young athletes, view masculinity and violence, it will be life - changing for generations.
By this point, most everyone is aware that breastfeeding is better, but that has somewhat created a defensiveness in people who do / did NOT breastfeed, especially older women from the generation whose doctors told them to use formula.
You should take a lesson from passed generations about respecting ones elders or take a cue from modern social justice campaigns about not using a persons demographic status to degenerate them.
This paradox has raised a pressing question for a new generation of researchers: Is the teaching paradigm the right one to use when it comes to helping young people develop noncognitive capacities?
Many people, mostly from my generation, will look at babywearing as a «fad» or something that helicopter parent's use; I find that the older generations look more fondly at babywearing and see its importance.
Use just a few generations for young children, highlighting people the child knows.
People just like you want to experience that sense of nostalgia from being around the fun playground toys they used to love, and many of these people are parents and caregivers who want to pass on the fun of the Playplace to another generPeople just like you want to experience that sense of nostalgia from being around the fun playground toys they used to love, and many of these people are parents and caregivers who want to pass on the fun of the Playplace to another generpeople are parents and caregivers who want to pass on the fun of the Playplace to another generation.
Context Using the General Election 2017 as an example, YouGov believe that Young people voted for Labour whereas the older generation voted for The Conservative party.
It therefore means that what belongs to almost 4 million people including children, infants and generations yet unborn will be used to service less * 70,000 100 % adults who constitute the public service.
Using the General Election 2017 as an example, YouGov believe that Young people voted for Labour whereas the older generation voted for The Conservative party.
The tie emotional of the Aranes with their language and, at the same time, the tenacity to use it, they have allowed, generation after generation, transmission to the present, and have made it one of the most precious and valuable elements Exceptional of the cultural heritage of Aran, which the people and institutions of Catalonia also recognize and they value as their own.
Brought up in a council house in North Kensington by his mother, Bailey is a co-founder of My Generation, a charity that encourages young people to take greater responsibility in tackling drug use and antisocial behaviour.
Altering DNA in germline cells — embryos, eggs, and sperm, or cells that give rise to them — may be used to cure genetic diseases for future generations, provided it is done only to correct disease or disability, not to enhance people's health or abilities, a report issued February 14 by the National Academies of Sciences and Medicine recommends.
In the above 6,000 person family tree cleaned and organized using graph theory, individuals spanning seven generations are represented in green, with their marital links in red.
Many people have concerns about the possible use of genome editing in humans, for example, about the risks of unintended effects due to off target DNA alterations, and the implications of making irreversible changes that will be passed on to future generations.
Using next - generation sequencing (NGS) technology, researchers were able to pinpoint specific areas of a person's DNA to more effectively diagnose genetic forms of high - cholesterol, which markedly increase risk for heart attack and stroke.
In the 1950s, nuclear power began to be used for commercial electricity generation as well as to drive submarines, navy ships and icebreakers, and people spoke glowingly of future nuclear - powered trains and aircraft.
Known as germline modification, edits to embryos, eggs or sperm are of particular concern because a person created using such cells would have had their genetic make - up changed without consent, and would permanently pass down that change to future generations.
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