Sentences with phrase «generic email blast»

No one wants to receive a generic email blast sent to every Sir, Madame, or Whom it May Concern in the business.
This way, you can draft a template that targets one specific group instead of coming across as a generic email blast.
We looked at both the median and average click - through rate (CTR) and unsubscribe rate, and found that in both cases, lead nurturing emails have a significantly higher CTR than more generic email blasts.

Not exact matches

Users are quickly tuning out brands that blast them with generic emails a few times every week and we're seeing that mass emailing does more harm than good.
Before you blast a generic email to all of the contacts you collected at the career fair, contact the students with the most potential first.
«After all, blasting off a generic email isn't going to help your prospects.»
It seems like a good plan to create a generic resume, and then email blast it to every employer on the planet.
I don't believe in the «batch and blast» approach that often entails sending one generic, impersonalized email to your entire database.
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