Sentences with phrase «genes involved in»

The research team found that compared to bony fishes, the four species of sharks and ray examined not only had a much higher proportion of genes involved in antibody - mediated immunity, but also that several of the infection immunity - related genes were expressed only in the sharks and rays.
NF - κB is transcription factor that, among other functions, turns on genes involved in inflammation and immune response, and can be activated in the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
«The catalogue of genes involved in immune defence responses is well conserved among different bee species regardless of their level of social organisation,» explained Dr. Robert Waterhouse from the University of Geneva and the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, «but it is much smaller than in solitary insects such as flies and mosquitoes that often live in more pathogen - rich environments.»
Two Abscisic Acid Responsive Plastid Lipase Genes Involved in Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Contact: 508-685-3525; [email protected] Woods Hole, Mass. — Many of the genes involved in natural repair of the injured spinal cord of the lamprey are also active in the repair of the peripheral nervous system in mammals, according to a study by a collaborative group of scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and other institutions.
Other results from the experiment conducted on Medaka and recently published in a PLOS ONE paper identified 11 genes involved in changes in other tissues, including the brain and intestines.
The team identified eight new genes involved in this type of epilepsy thanks to their use of whole - genome sequencing, which had never been done before in an epileptic study of this scope.
Their results turned up an unexpected commonality: Early on in each of the diseases, genes involved in the same specific pathway of cell death appeared to be activated.
Her work - published in December 2007 - revealed genes involved in drug resistance and in evading the immune system, giving researchers potential targets for new therapies and vaccines.
Notably, the brains of treated fish showed increased expression of genes involved in making ferritin, a protein that stores and transports iron inside cells.
The virus, code - named JX - 954, targets two genes involved in cancer cell growth and blood supply, which show increased activity in tumours.
The team of Luis Lopez - Molina, professor at the Department of Botany and Plant Biology of UNIGE's Faculty of Science, Switzerland, has been interested for a long time in the mechanisms controlling germination, arguably the most critical decision in the life of a plant: «We have discovered that the genes involved in the synthesis of cutin, a waterproof substance, are important for the maintenance of dormancy in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana, a small plant widely used as a model organism to study plant biology.
Comparative genomics reveals that Cryptococcus species contain the meiotic genes involved in homologous recombination and synaptonemal complex formation [46], [58].
Whilst such studies provide a reservoir of genes involved in bacterial recognition and degradation in vitro the situation in vivo where hemocytes can interact with other immune cells to optimize immune responses is likely to be more complex.
Not only were levels of metabolic compounds different, but the expression of certain genes involved in metabolism was turned up, and the epigenome of the cells — molecular markers on DNA that change gene expression on a broader scale — was altered.
In general, when virus infection frenzied the genes involved in promoting blood vessel inflammation and cell death, serious or fatal disease followed.
The researchers determined that the virus did indeed activate many genes involved in the immune response.
Scientists got some of their first clues about the genes involved in the development of the serpentine body form in 1999.
Almost none of the genes involved in light detection in the hogfish's eyes were activated in the skin.
They found two genes involved in blood vessel growth and calcium regulation that were turned on near the living bones but not near the dead ones.
The researchers also found that these copy number variants occurred more frequently in genes involved in the function of synapses, the connections between brain cells that transmit chemical messages.
Myc is a critical gene in governing cell proliferation and survival, activities that it carries out by regulating the expression of other genes involved in cell metabolism.
But a comparison of its DNA to that of another human has revealed several mutations in genes involved in bone disorders — and confirmed once and for all that this being is definitely from our world.
Moffitt researchers want to develop a fast, cost - effective blood test that can accurately differentiate low - risk IPMNs that can be monitored from high - risk IPMNs that need to be surgically removed by studying microRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small molecules that regulate key genes involved in the development and progression of cancer.
NPAS1 and NPAS3 control genes involved in brain and spinal cord development.
The cells, which also expressed lower levels of genes involved in normal cellular metabolism, were evenly distributed throughout the liver's lobules.
The cells, or clones, that multiplied in these CGD patients had gene insertions in three locations near genes involved in cell proliferation.
They found that genes involved in this process become poised for expression but remain inactive until the correct combination of molecules is provided.
Their analysis revealed the existence of change points as well as periods of persistent gene community structure, including a dynamic community of genes involved in neural projection guidance that was highly active during the mid to late fetal period.
In worms, mice and flies, for instance, researchers have radically extended lifespan by suppressing genes involved in growth - factor signalling, or by restricting food.
Mao's study examined mitochondria - associated gene expression in the mouse eye tissue and found significant changes in several genes involved in oxidative stress response.
Another surprising finding was the direct link between Notch and genes involved in other B cell signaling pathways.
TSC will be collecting random data, he explains, while half of the government - funded investigators will be focusing on specific genes involved in disease.
The virus essentially acts like a «sponge», preventing MSI1 from working correctly and altering the expression of many genes involved in neuronal development.
Frommer's team analyzed maize genes involved in sugar - related processes to find ones that were «turned on» during seed development.
«Pigeon study takes on sexism in science: Big differences in genes involved in reproductive control.»
«This higher proportion of genes involved in adaptive (antibody) immunity function could be a key reason behind the infection fighting and fast wound - healing abilities of sharks and rays,» said Professor Stanhope.
One thing Martin didn't find is genes involved in making amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.
«Evidence indicates that the fatty and inflamed liver expresses several pro-inflammatory and procoagulant factors, as well as genes involved in accelerated atherogenesis,» explained lead investigator Raluca Pais, MD, PhD, of the Pierre and Marie Curie University, INSERM, and the CDR Saint Antoine, Institute of Cardiometabolism and Nutrition (ICAN), Paris, France.
Instead, a chromosomal region containing genes involved in neuronal development explained most of the male behavioral response.
To determine whether shifts in the balance of anterior and posterior field occurred during fin - to - limb evolution, Onimaru, postdoctoral researcher currently at Sharpe's lab (CRG), and his colleagues carefully compared the expression, function and regulation of genes involved in anterior - posterior patterning in pectoral fins of catsharks, with those of mice.
A new genetic analysis reveals that our brawny cousins had a number of distinct genes involved in the buildup of certain types of fat in their brains and other tissues — a trait shared by today's Europeans, but not Asians.
Inga Peter of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and her team looked for genes involved in the disorder by studying DNA from Ashkenazi Jews — an ethnic group in which Crohn's disease is up to three times more common.
Other characteristic patterns of variants included genes involved in immune system activity and the fat content of breast milk.
That would be a way to influence the expression of many genes involved in the proliferation of cancer cells.»
They found that BET proteins regulate the growth of heart muscle cells and activate a broad set of genes involved in heart failure.
In 2003, Sun and colleagues had discovered a so - called transcription factor, which turns on genes involved in making starch.
This approach has contributed to the successful mapping of genes involved in numerous human diseases such as Huntington's disease and cystic fibrosis, an important first step in understanding these conditions.
High on the suspect list are genes involved in transferring information between neurons.
A year ago we started thinking, why don't we select a single family with an interesting disease and see whether studying a smaller group of related individuals makes it possible to identify the genes involved in that disease.
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